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  • Location: Obsidia
  • Occupation: Runemaster
  • Look
Varn is an older Gezuuni, but even at his age his body looks in better shape than many a trained
soldier. His body-sigils are still dark and vivid, blue and red designs over slightly wrinkled
skin.  His hands are stained, blue and red ink mixing to a rich violet on his fingertips.
  • Info
To find out what kind of weapon infusions Varn can provide, 
    Say 'Varn, what enhancements can you create?'.  
    Say 'Varn, infuse my <weapon> with <enhancement>' to request a weapon infusion.  
    Say 'Varn, rune mark my <item>' to request an ordinary rune marking.  
    Say 'Varn, remove my <type> runes' to request removal of rune tattoos.
Varn is an instructor and responds to the following verbal commands:
    Availability inquiry: Varn, what abilities can you enhance?
    Cost inquiry:         Varn, what would it cost to enhance my <subject>?
    Instruction request:  Varn, enhance my <subject(s)>.

  • Weapon Infusions
  Accuracy             Heat
  Acid                 Ice
  Alkaline             Lightning
  Deflection           Pain
  Dweomer              Plasma
  Elemental Air        Power
  Elemental Earth      Radiance
  Elemental Water      Speed
  Elemental Fire       Vampiric
  Eskara               Vibration
  • Enhancements (Rune Tattoos)
acid affinity
acid resistance
aging retardation
air affinity
air resistance
alkali affinity
alkali resistance
ash affinity
ash resistance
chaos resistance
cold tolerance
combat reflexes
crushing resistance
crystal affinity
crystal resistance
cutting resistance
darkness affinity
darkness resistance
earth affinity
earth resistance
entropy affinity
entropy resistance
eskara affinity
eskara resistance
extropy affinity
extropy resistance
fire affinity
fire resistance
force resistance
goetia resistance
heat affinity
heat tolerance
ice affinity
ice resistance
killer instinct
light affinity
light resistance
lightning affinity
lightning resistance
magick affinity
magick resistance
magma affinity
magma resistance
metal affinity
metal resistance
mist affinity
mist resistance
mud affinity
mud resistance
ooze affinity
ooze resistance
order resistance
piercing resistance
poison resistance
psychic integrity
salt affinity
salt resistance
smoke affinity
smoke resistance
supernal durability
thunder affinity
thunder resistance
tissue hardening
tissue softening
void affinity
void resistance
water affinity
water resistance
Personal tools