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Class: Social Skills
Attribute: Charisma
Pedagogy: Procedural

The ability to direct and inspire the actions of others. This skill is the primary factor determining how many followers you can keep, and affects experienced gained from followers' actions. In addition, if the leader of an adventuring company has the leadership skill, this provides a bonus to the experience members of the company gain through it while the leader is incarnate.

See Also: followers, keep, Ownership

  • Notes
Devonshire: Thalask
Wandering: Damon
Mycenae: Kyros
Shadowmyrk: Orchestrating Force
Sseraka: Sscantha
Association required:
Brotherhood of Wine and Song: Danilo Thann
Guild required:
Coven: Halea
Elflords: Celeborn
Hawkmen: Katar
Knights of the Round Table: Sir Lancelot
ring wielder: Merethus
Verynvelyrae: Sirinil
Quest required
Corna Quests: Marshall Osaka