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Gargoyle (Talk | contribs)

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Revision as of 08:43, 19 May 2017 (edit)
Gargoyle (Talk | contribs)

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* Random Color * Random Color
-* Relates to chaos+* Relates to [[chaos]]
* Boosts all attributes * Boosts all attributes
* Favoured by followers of Eris * Favoured by followers of Eris

Revision as of 08:43, 19 May 2017

Chakras are glyphs that appear on the skin on various parts of body. They give benefits (and penalties) depending on their level of energy. When the energy level drops to zero, the chakra vanishes completely. Chakras seem to be mostly related to Attuned and Aligned, but can be acquired also by other means.

Spoiler warning: information below includes details, such as solutions to puzzles or quest procedures, that you may prefer to discover on your own.


General Information

  • Sacrifices to Eris (or equivalent effects from being the Hand of Eris)
  • Sufficient Attunement (~75) and Meditation
  • Consuming Wheel Lotuses
  • Many Empathic Bond familiars grant chakras (all of the felines, some of the snakes) and automatically charge them

A chakra first appears as a glyph of a certain color. You can gain knowledge of specific chakras by the same means you identify other things with.

Chakras can be damaged in combat by certain esoteric forms of attack, and this damage represents a loss in charge. Chakras have the same affinities you do, so being attacked by a damage type that normally harms them won't do anything if you're completely unaffected by the attack.

Charging for non-Attuned

No longer are chakras charged by meditation. Now they are merely maintained by meditation, so that they do not decay while meditating. This change does not affect Attuned meditation mechanics. The only advice received for charging a chakra, outside of being Attuned, is to sacrifice frequently. NB: Many different empathic bond familiars will open and charge one or more chakras.

Charging for Attuned

Chakras are charged by meditating; resting without knowledge of the skill of Meditation will not charge it. A chakra will slowly lose charge as you adventure, and a totally drained chakra will disappear completely. If you sit around meditating for a while, it will gain a decent amount of charge, rather than lose it over that span of time. You will see a message displayed which tells you that your chakra is receiving spiritual energy. The only way to ascertain its charge strength is to observe the traits that it is affecting. When a chakra is fully charged you will no longer see the charge message displayed to you.

Charge Maximums

Chakras can do some amazing thing at a high enough charge, but at first you'll only be able to get them up to a certain level before they no longer charge any higher. These maximums can be raised by things such as attunement and gaining karma from traveler challenges, as well as other factors specific to certain chakras, such as the Muladhara chakra's maximum being increased by your Kali favor as a Nizari. If you are an aligned, the blossom form's flower can be used to artificially maximize a specific chakra's maximum for as long as you hold it. The padme and kalila chakra's maximums are affected by how much order or chaos favour you have, and require a very significant amount to reach the maximum.

List of Chakras


          __--   ()   --__
        _-  ()  (  )  ()  -_
       -   (  )(    )(  )   -
      - () (  ( )  ( )  ) () -
     - (  ) (( _----_ )) (  ) -
    - ( )( )(_-      -_)( )( ) -
    -  (  )(-          -)(  )  -
   - () ()(-            -)() () -
   =(  ) ( =            - ) (  )=
   =(  ) ( =            = ) (  )=
   - () ()(-            -)() () -
    -  (  )(-_        _-)(  )  -
    - ( )( )( -_    _- )( )( ) -
     - (  ) ((  ----  )) (  ) -
      - () (  ( )  ( )  ) () -
       -_  (  )(    )(  )  _-
         -__()  (  )  ()__-
            --__ () __--


             __--        --__
           _-                -_
       _---                    ---_
      -  -                      -  -
     -  -________________________-  -
    -  -\                        /-  -
   -   - \                      / -   -
  -   -   \                    /   -   -
 /    =    \                  /    =    \
 \    =     \                /     =    /
  -   -      \              /      -   -
   -   -      \            /      -   -
    -  -       \          /       -  -
     -  -       \        /       -  -
      -_ -       \      /       - _-
        ---_      \    /      _---
            -__    \  /    __-
               --__ \/ __--
  • Only gives bonus to combat meditation if the incarnos has knowledge of the skill


        _  /~~\__----__/~~\  _
       / \/__--        --__\/ \
      /  _-                -_  \
    __\ -                    - /__
   /   -                      -   \
   \_ -________________________- _/
   / -\         _----_         /- \
  /  - \      _-      -_      / -  \
  \ -   \    -          -    /   - /
   \=    \  -            -  /    =/
   /=     \ =            = /     =\
  / -      \-            -/      - \
  \  -      \-_        _-/      -  /
   \_-       \ -_    _- /       -_/
    / -       \  ----  /       - \
    \__-       \      /       -__/
      / -_      \    /      _- \
      \   -__    \  /    __-   /
       \_/\  --__ \/ __--  /\_/
           \__/  ----  \__/


        / __--   /\   --__ \
       |_-      /  \      -_|
   __---       /    \       --___
   \  -       /      \       -  /
  / -\      /          \      /- \
 /  - \    /            \    / -  \
 \ -   \  /              \  /   - /
  \=    \/                \/    =/
  /=    /\                /\    =\
 / -   /  \              /  \   - \
 \  - /    \            /    \ -  /
    /-       \        /       -\
   /  -       \      /       -  \
   --__-_      \    /      _-__--
       | -__    \  /    __- |
        \   --__ \/ __--   /
         \__--  ----  --__/


         / __--        --__ \
        |_-                -_|
    _----                    ----_
   /   -                      -   \
   \  -________________________-  /
    \-\                        /-/
  _- - \                      / - -_
 -  -   \                    /   -  -
/   =    \                  /    =   \
\   =     \                /     =   /
 -_ -      \              /      - _-
   -_-      \            /      -_-
    /-       \          /       -\
   /  -       \        /       -  \
   \   -       \      /       -   /
    \___-_      \    /      _-___/
        | -__    \  /    __- |
         \   --__ \/ __--   /
          \__--  ----  --__


         __----, __----__ ,----__        
        /    __--        --__    \       
        |  _-     _----_     -_  |       
       /  -    _--      --_    -  \      
       \ -   --            --   - /      
      _--   - -            - -   --_     
     / -   - -              - -   - \    
    /  -   - -              - -   -  \   
   /  -   -  =              =  -   -  \  
  /   =   =  -              -  =   =   \ 
  \   =   =   -            -   =   =   / 
   \  -   -    -_        _-    -   -  /  
    \  -   -     --____--     -   -  /   
     \_-   -                  -   -_/    
        -   -                -   -       
       / -   --_          _--   - \      
       \  -_    --_    _--    _-  /      
        |   -__    ----    __-   |       
        \__    --__    __--    __/       
           ----'   ----   `----       


        __--__ __----__ __---__
    .---   __--        --__    ---.
   |     _-                -_     |
   |    -____________________-    |
  /    -|                    |-    \
  \   - |                    | -   /
   \ -  |   ______________   |  - /
    \-  |   \            /   |  -/
    -   |    \          /    |   -
    =   |     \        /     |   =
    =   |      \      /      |   =
    -   |       \    /       |   -
    /-  |        \  /        |  -\
   / -  |         \/         |  - \
  /   - |                    | -   \
  \    -|____________________|-    /
   |    -_                  _-    |
   |      -__            __-      |
    '___     --__    __--     ___'
        --__---  ----  ---__--

Prestige Chakras

These chakras are more dificult to obtain and maintain than normal, however they provide tremendous boons when charged.


       .-'-:`    `:-'-.
    .-/     '.  .'     \-.
   ;__|      _::_      |__;
  /`   '.  /` \/ `\  .'   `\
  |      _ \      / _      |
  \    /` '.'.  .'.' `\    /
 / '-._'.  _'./\.'_  .'_.-' \
|    '    :  |()|   :    '   |
 \ .-' .'`  .'\/'.  `'. '-. /
  /    \._.'.'  '.'._./    \
  |        /      \        |
  \.__ .'  \._/\_./  '. __./
   ;  |       ::       |  ;
    '-\     .'  '.     /-'
       '-.-:_    _:-.-'


               / \                   
              / | \                  
             / /+\ \                 
       +--      |      --+           
       |\    .-'+'-.    /|           
       ' \  / .-'-. \  / '           
    /      / + .+. + \      \        
   //     | | |   | | |     \\       
  +-+  --- + +     + + ---  +-+      
   \\     | | |   | | |     //       
    \      \ + '+' + /      /        
       . /  \ '-.-' /  \ .           
       |/    '-.+.-'    \|           
       +--      |      --+           
             \ \+/ /                 
              \ | /                  
               \ /                   

^ massive twinking with a Shogoth managed to get +15 Luck with 2300 Hodge (chaos) affinity when fully charged. Also ~+60 to the buffed skills

End of spoiler information.