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Hokey Pokey go left foot in, left foot out, left foot in, shake it all about; for hokey pokey do turn yourself around; say That's what it's all about!

Brantiss's form shimmers oddly, then for the barest moment the space where
he was contains a terrible nothingness that gnaws at your mind like some kind
of infection that spreads through the eyes.  It is a great relief when
Brantiss reappears in the shape of an ordinary garou, displacing the awful
    You have been stunned.
    A silvery male garou warrior has been stunned.
    The black male garou warrior has been stunned.
    You are no longer keeping your chocolate peanut butter cup because it has been destroyed.
go in, 2ne, e, 4ne, 4sw, 4se, 4sw, 4ne, e, 2ne, 2nw, w, 4sw, w, 2nw, out

Temple of Discordia Lucanius 100001
Ivory Tower Constantia 1500
Halfmoon Bay Frederick 1500
Camille Elias 14602
Silver Keep Seibolt 1200
Jhan Danilo Thann 1100
Losthaven Baldwin 1000
Devonshire Shalush 1000
Vargan Skarn 1000
Vargan Lokina 1000
Fort Shantaari Fflera 925
Hanoma Gekin 900
Sanctuary Bourne 800
Camelot Dagonet 750
Liathyr Andae 1000
Liathyr Kranthas 1000
Liathyr Dande  ?
Togrek Veddish  ?
Darkhold Selthan 400
Corna Estar 700
Sinbyen black-skinned female human (True Ice) >=1305

1 - only magic stuff?

2 - only metal armor? buys for more than my appraisal