Chosen of Vashanka

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The Chosen of Vashanka, the God of War

Molin asks, <| So, you believe yourself worthy to join the Chosen of Vashanka? |> 
Molin looks you over.
Molin says, <| Well, I am not sure you are fit, but if you have enough money, perhaps.  An initiation tithe of fifteen thousand gold should suffice. |> 
Molin says, <| But he does not allow any of his flock to wield ordinary, unenchanted weapons, or weapons which do not pierce or cut. |> 
Molin says, <| You can leave at any time, but none of the gods of Sanctuary will accept you after that. |> 
Molin exclaims, <| You may worship here and become one of the Chosen of Vashanka! |> 
Molin exclaims, <| Vashanka treats his worshippers well! |> 
Molin says, <| Welcome to the Temple of Vashanka the Storm God. |> 
Vashanka grants each of his worshippers an amulet as a token of
their devotion and strength, through which his worshippers may call upon
his favor according to their stature.  Those who wear the amulet also
gain resistance to some forms of attack.

Vashanka is always seen in magical black and red armour, wielding
very formidable swords in either hand, exuding strength and power.  Vashanka
is known to be the eldest brother amongst the gods of Sanctuary.  He
considers both of his brothers cowards, and discourages association with
their followers.



Visit Molin in Vashanka's Temple off Temple Street in Sanctuary. Say "I wish to devote myself to Vashanka".

In order to join the Chosen of Vashanka, you require a high amount of strength relative to your racial maximum (i.e., at least 1 point greater than the average of the min & max value for your race). You also need a tithe of 15000 gold.


 1 courage         [WIL]
 1 piety           [WIL]
 1 discipline      [WIL]

Abilities and Favour

The favor of Vashanka manifests as specialty access to weapon skills he favors in sword, spear, dagger, axe, and shield. The buff improves gradually by performing anointment and by offering of weapons at Vashanka's altar.

The "perform anointment" finisher, which only works with blood-drawing weapons favored by Vashanka.

The rate at which your favour increases can be improved by training piety

Specialty Access

Disguise             Wipes All Access
Stealth              Wipes All Access
Antagonism           +1
Armour Lore          +1
Armour Use           +1
Athleticism          +1
Axe                  +2
Brawling             +1
Carousing            +1
Cold Tolerance       +1
Combat Reflexes      +1
Courage              +5
Crushing Resistance  +1
Cutting Resistance   +1
Dagger               +2
Demolition           +1
Dirty Fighting       +1
Discipline           +6
Dodge                +1
Find Weakness        +1
Force Resistance     +1
Hardiness            +1
Heat Tolerance       +1
Impact Absorption    +1
Intimidation         +1
Killer Instinct      +1
Lack of Weakness     +1
Massive Blow         +1
Massive Exertion     +1
Mounted Combat       +1
Pain Tolerance       +1
Piercing Resistance  +1
Piety                +5
Pole Arm             +2
Practice             +1
Precision Strike     +1
Psychokinesis        +1
Recuperation         +1
Regeneration         +1
Resilience           +1
Shield               +1
Spear                +2
Stamina              +1
Steadiness           +1
Strategy             +1
Subordination        +1
Sword                +2
Tactics              +1
Tenacity             +1
Tissue Hardening     +1
Tissue Softening     +1
Unarmed Combat       +1
Weapon Lore          +1


May be rejoined after some unknown amount of time.

Molin says, "Not quite yet.  Perhaps someday, but for today, Vashanka still bears a grudge against you for turning you back on the faith." to you.


Molin says, <| The worship of Athena does not allow the veneration of Ares, so you cannot join the Chosen of Vashanka. |> to you.

Molin says, <| You cannot join the Chosen of Vashanka because you are a healer. |> to you.

Molin says, <| You may not worship Vashanka because you are a rogue |> (Brotherhood of Wine and Song and Warbreakers)

Molin says, <|As a White Maiden of the Coven, you could not become a warrior by joining the Chosen of Vashanka.|> (guess even though Halea says the White Maidens are warriors of the Coven, that is not good enough for Vashanka.)

Molin says, <| You specialize in torture, which is forbidden to Chosen of Vashanka. |> to you.

Molin says, <| You specialize in stealth, which is forbidden to Chosen of Vashanka. |> to you. This forbids Maidens of the Spear.

Molin says, "You cannot join the Chosen of Vashanka because you are a practitioner of deception and a rogue." to you. (Hantaka)

Molin says, "As a Blade of Scyria you may not join an affiliation that venerates one of the slayers of Scyros." to you.

Molin says, "The worship of Aristes does not allow the veneration of Vashanka, so you cannot join the Chosen of Vashanka." to Sir Vetius. (Aristeia)


[OOC Fate] int query_vashanka_rating() {
[OOC Fate]   float out = 0.0
[OOC Fate]   foreach(int skill : Chosen_of_Vashanka_Rating_Skills)
[OOC Fate]     out += diminishing_returns(
[OOC Fate]              max(owner->query_skill(skill, True)-80, 0), // need 
spec investment above assoc reqs
[OOC Fate]              Chosen_of_Vashanka_Rating_Base)
[OOC Fate]   foreach(int attr : Chosen_of_Vashanka_Attributes)
[OOC Fate]     out *= 1.0 * owner->query_attribute(attr, True) / owner- 
[OOC Fate]   return round(out)
[OOC Fate] }

The buff affects Strength, Agility, & Vitality, as well as the skill related to whichever cutting weapon you are using to perform anointment. This buff scales based on Antagonism, Combat Reflexes, Courage, Killer Instinct, and Massive Blow, and the attribute buff also depends on base stats.

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