Legend Lore
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Class: Scholarly Skills
Attribute: Intellect Pedagogy: Intellectual Practitioner Term: Scholar of Legend Lore
The knowledge of the legends of Lost Souls, from the from the popular stories and myths to obscure tales of ancient days. This skill is often very useful in identifying items that make an appearance in legend.
Development Information: The legend lore skill was created by Chaos and is maintained by Lost Souls; the source code was last updated Thu Jan 10 01:01:05 2013.
See Also: Arcane Lore, History, Elder Lore
Avalon: Bercilak At'lordrith's Cave: At'lordrith Camelot: Taliessin Corna: Theralyne Darkhold: Helborg Imptropolis: Implicated *May Only Train Imps* Jhan: Hardrad Losthaven: Hester Muspelheim: Logi Quetlatl : Itozuma Wanders Shadowmyrk: Aged Recollection Shatterspire: Catharion Sseraka: Sscantha Temple of Aeda: Phyrra Wanders: Nashik Wanders: Pierce Wanders Libraries: Armitage Association required: Brotherhood of Wine and Song: Danilo Thann Losthaven Guard: Berek Haruspices: Jylarl Guild required: Aligned: Taiji Coven: Halea Coven: Lynda Xenetha Elflords: Celeborn Ordo Ignis Aeternis: Flizera Verynvelyrae: Sirinil Quest required