Ordo Ignis Aeternis

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Ordo Ignis Aeternis is a Devonshire-based order of mages that wields the energies of fire, heat and smoke. At the time of this being written (21st of 2017) the guild is undergoing some revamps, courtesy of Starhound, but remains eminently and increasingly playable. The guild sports a robust selection of spells, ranging from a solid collection of offensive spells to a small handful of highly potent and multi-purposed utility and enchantment spells.

Guild Help

 Located in Devonshire, 1n and 2w of the south gate.
     You are a member of Ordo Ignis Aeternis, a cabal of magi attuned to elemental fire and 
 several of fire's amalgamal energies.
     Like all magi, you require a handful of esoteric skills that will allow you to 
 manipulate the arcane, as well as a deep reserve of spiritual energy.  In addition to 
 these skills and energies, you will use several techniques and power stores unique to an 
 initiate of Ordo Ignis Aeternis.
     Your primary aspect of spell usage is fire.  Fire has many uses and functions, and 
 with further understanding of the ways of pyraturgy, a mage can learn of the different 
 forms of fire.  Fire, and its derivatives, are the basis for all of an initiate's powers.  
 Elemental fire energy is thus of great value to any member of the order.
     While the predominant effect of fire is destruction, there are many more aspects to 
 the element.  It can be used for warmth, to shed light, to cook with, and as fuel for a 
 multitude of other processes.  Despite its many uses, fire is also dangerous, as are those 
 who wield it.  Great care must be taken when handling fire, and great respect for its 
 power is necessary to ensure your own safety.  A reckless initiate can easily be burned by 
 the power that he seeks to control or find himself the victim of an angry mob of peasants 
 who will tie him to a stake and give him a very direct access to the power he seeks to 
     The order maintains a certain hierarchy concerning guild matters.  This hierarchy is 
 treated with the same respect shown towards the flames that power the guild spells.  Many 
 initiates take on a personality that reflects the power of fire, being highly volatile, 
 highly reactive, and demanding a certain amount of respect when dealing with them.  Should 
 the members of Ordo Ignis Aeternis show open disrespect for each other, it is only a 
 matter of time until beings from outside the guild begin showing their disrespect, and the 
 only feasible result of this would be for Ordo Ignis Aeternis to burn everyone around them.
 This would not be good for the image of a guild powered by a force that easily instills 
 fear in the minds of lesser beings.  That being said, mutual respect among practitioners 
 is highly encouraged, lest we all be consumed in our own flames.
     Part of the hierarchical structure within Ordo Ignis Aeternis is the Board of 
 Spellcrafting, whose responsibility is to ensure that spell study is performed according 
 to certain standards, and that these newly researched spells are thoroughly tested to 
 ensure adequate safety measures are instilled.  Once a spell has been sufficiently 
 researched, formulated, and passed the Board, it is made available for all other members 
 of the guild to study.  This ensures that we continue our studies, and that certain spells 
 are not horded away in some dusty old library where they serve no purpose to anyone.  Any 
 member of the guild can do spell research in attempts to formulate a new spell, and such 
 spells can be submitted to the Board at any time, though the review process may be lengthy.
 The more complex the spell, the more time is needed to ensure all aspects of the spell are 
 suitable for the guild.
     As a matter of policy, the order as a whole is very wary of those who are of extreme 
 alignments.  Fire is very neutral, caring not for the whims of the so-called battle 
 between good and evil, nor of order and chaos.  No matter which side of a war you are on, 
 your corpse burns just as well on a funeral pyre.  An initiate's energies are better 
 suited towards furthering their own abilities at using fire energies than trying to 
 promote some ethical cause.  Let the others have their little wars, and when the smoke 
 clears, Ordo Ignis Aeternis will be there, controlling matters from their neutral vantage 
     Read 'help ordo ignis aeternis spells' for information on Ordo Ignis Aeternis spells and spellcasting.  
 See 'help ordo ignis aeternis spell summary' for a quick display of your spell information.

Joining Ordo Ignis Aeternis

Spoiler warning: information below includes details, such as solutions to puzzles or quest procedures, that you may prefer to discover on your own.

The requirements are unlisted due to a lack of research on them. It's very likely you'll only need a little bit of literacy to join (15-25).

Requirements and Bonus Specialties

                  Min    Bonus
 Arcane Lore      0      1
 Centering        1      1
 Enochian         1      0
 Equilibrium      1      1
 Fire Affinity    1      0
 Introspection    0      1
 Memory           0      1
 Metaphysics      0      1
 Pyraturgy        1      0
 Wyrding          0      1

NPCs and Facilities

Farachat is running a "bookstore", which is actually general purpose magick/book shop. He is apparently responsible for the research behind several of the spells available.

Mirandys is the guild portal master.

Badlokk the Butcheress is one of trainers, first found in Mordo 18, 13, 0. She is an orc, and charges rather hefty fees for her lessons.

Iklam is a yeti that wanders the Northlands. He says he has no use for the metal in your coins, and will train you for free.

Itozuma the Golden wanders around the jungles of Tenochlan spouting his own prophecies of doom. He also does not charge, and teaches a ton of skills, like leeching, diagnosis, and break fall.

Pierce wanders around Underdark. He trains some very useful skills higher as well as fire affinity.


Due to changes, this guild is no longer extremely int-heavy, but also requires heavy doses of willpower and ego making it balanced statwise if not power/spec-wise.

The skills required vary spell by spell, but the ones deserving of the heaviest investment are Pyraturgy, Evocation and Enchantment for general spell capability, Bellerophrasty, Hylophrasty, Ergiphrasty, Arcane Lore, Metaphysics, and Aisthophrasty for unlocking spell knowledge, and Fire Affinity, Typhaturgy, Smoke Affinity, Thermaturgy, Heat Affinity, and similar skills for various minutiae. In addition, Prestidigitation, Spatiophrasty, Enochian, and Vocalization will help with "Calling the Watcher" steps present in many spells, and "the opening of the way" in yet others, so a few specs may boost your overall performance.


  Ordo Ignis Aeternis Spells

  Before any spells may be cast, one must enter into the proper mental state for 
  hermetic spellcasting, forming a mental link with the magickal forces one wishes to wield.

  For members of Ordo Ignis Aeternis, this link is called an igniculus -- a mental 
  approximation of the forces of fire and heat To initiate your igniculus, visualize a spark 

  The syntax for casting spells is 'cast <spell name> [on <target> | with <component> | 
  without <spell step> | using <argument>]'.  

  Each spell has its own help file accessed by typing 'help <spell name>'.  

  The spells of Ordo Ignis Aeternis involve evocation processes of varying sorts, but 
  they all begin by incanting the spell's name, followed by the target (if any), in the 
  Enochian tongue.  Some spells have additional requirements, such as material components or 
  an environ with a specific fuel for the spell.  These will be noted in each spells help 

  You may see a summary of the spell list by typing 'help spell summary'.

  Almost all combat spells require you to aim them and can potentially be
  dodged; your attack rating with these spells is determined by your relevant
  telesmic skills skills (such as pyraturgy, evocation, and bellerophrasty) and
  their mother attributes.
  • Casting any OIA spells requires your igniculus to be on
    • Activate with 'visualize a spark igniting'
    • If it's not on, trying to cast a spell you know you should be able to cast returns something like this: You do not know how to cast any such spell as "gather flames".
    • Dying snuffs it out, respark it
  • The aiming of a combat spell usually occurs in its final step, with the final Attack Rating modified to some degree by your overall performance at casting the spell
    • Source: Marcosy

Being Interrupted

Taking damage while casting a spell, stunning, agonizing, and euphoria will interrupt the casting. This can be overcome by predominantly Concentration, with Discipline and Tenacity adding into the resist.

While not potentially interrupting a cast in progress, having less than two hands or becoming unable to speak during combat will prevent any further casting, effectively interrupting all casting thereafter.


These robes no longer passively regenerate esoteric energies for the guild, but they still look AWESOME!


List of all OIA spells

Specialty Details

			[min..]max	bonus
 Arcane Lore		10		+1	(same max as in adventurers)
 Centering		3..25		+1
 Enochian		10		+1	(to not mess up too much with casting, a skill of 78 is a good target)
 Equilibrium		3..25		+1
 Heat Tolerance		10		+1
 Introspection		10		+1
 Legerdemain		1..12			(+2 max than adventurers)
 Literacy		2..18		+2	(+8 max than adventurers)
 Memory			10		+1	(same max as in adventurers)
 Prestidigitation	1..12
 Pyraturgy		2..20		+1
 Scholarship		10		+1	(same max as in adventurers)

 Abjuration		 6
 Alchemy		 2
 Artillery		 2
 Caladan			 6
 Conjuration		15
 Divination		10
 Enchantment		 6
 Eructation        	10
 Evocation		10
 Law			 3
 Meditation		 8
 Metaphysics		10
 Qlippotic Lore		 5
 Siege Engineering	 3
 Summoning		 6
 Symbology		 6
 Tenacity		 4

 Concentration		25

 Wyrding	10

 Anatomy		6
 Anglic			8
 Animal Lore		3
 Archery		2
 Armour Lore		4
 Armour Use	        2
 Awareness		3
 Brewing		3
 Calligraphy		3
 Cartography		3
 Combat Reflexes	3
 Cooking		3
 Cosmology		3
 Courage		2
 Crossbow		8		(one of the few weapon skills)
 Dagger			8		(one of the few weapon skills)
 Demolition		5
 Desert Fieldcraft	3
 Diplomacy		2
 Discipline		8
 Dodge			8
 Eavesdropping		2
 Elude Pursuit		3
 Etiquette		2
 Fast Talk		3
 Finance		2
 Find Weakness		6
 First Aid		4
 Fletching		4
 Gambling		2
 Gem Lore		3
 Haggling		2
 History		4
 Imagination		4
 Insect Lore		3
 Intimidation		3
 Killer Instinct	5
 Leadership		3
 Legend Lore		6
 Linguistics		5
 Lockpicking		2
 Logic			5
 Logistics		2
 Manipulation		3
 Massive Blow		2
 Mathematics		5
 Metallurgy		2
 Mortuary		3
 Ownership		3
 Pain Tolerance		2
 Philosophy		5
 Physics		5
 Plant Lore		3
 Politics		5
 Precision Strike	5
 Psychology		5
 Resilience		5
 Rhetoric		3
 Rune Lore		6
 Sculpture		3
 Shield			3
 Smithing		2
 Somatesthesia		4
 Staff			8		(one of the few weapon skills)
 Stamina		3
 Steadiness		8
 Strategy		4
 Tactics		4
 Teaching		5
 Throwing		4
 Traps			4
 Unarmed Combat		5		(one of the few weap.. erm, combat skills)
 Vocalization		4
 Weapon Lore		4

Specialty access adventurers have, OIA does not

Acting, Angrak, Arctic Fieldcraft, Assarith, Axe, Balance, Blindfighting, Bludgeon, Break Fall, Breath Control, Cargo Handling, Carousing, Carpentry, Carving, Climbing, Dancing, Dethek, Digging, Disguise, Drawing, Driving, Equestrian, Farming, Fishing, Flail, Fletching, Foraging, Hammer, Heraldry, Hithal, Impact Absorption, Instant Stand, Intelligence Analysis, Jumping, Jungle Fieldcraft, Lack of Weakness, Livestock Breeding, Load Bearing, Locksmithing, Masonry, Mimicry, Mineral Lore, Mountaineering, Mounted Combat, Musical Composition, Nanomi, Navigation, Painting, Percussion Instruments, Picking Pockets, Plains Fieldcraft, Poetry, Pole Arm, Practice, Prose, Riding, Running, Sewing, Shorelands Fieldcraft, Showmanship, Singing, Sling, Spear, Spelunking, Sperethiel, Stealth, Storytelling, Streetwise, Stringed Instruments, Subordination, Swamp Fieldcraft, Swimming, Sword, Takargu, Tanning, Theology, Torture, Tracking, Training, Tumbling Aquatic Fieldcraft, Ventriloquism, Weaving, Wind Instruments, Xhax

End of spoiler information.