Aedarene Benisons

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  • The command 'help benison list' will show you all the benisons you have learned.
  • You will start off with at least one benison: the Light of Aeda.
  • To get more benisons, you will need to develop your skills. (see the "knowledge requirement" specification for each benison)
  • To use a benison that you've learned, use the command specified for it under "process to will benison"
  • Rank 2 summoning benisons now also require 35 unmodded cosmology for the knowledge requirement. Maybe this wasn't in effect when they were created?
  • For a table view to better visualize requirements by skill tree or by capability formula

Rank 1 Aedarene Benisons

Aeda's Blessing

 Benison Type                : enchant creature
 Knowledge Requirement       : have at least 35 points in unmodified enchantment skill and have at
   least 300 points among unmodified invocation skill, unmodified piety skill, and unmodified
   theurgy skill
 Capability Formula          : 100% of unmodified enchantment skill plus 25% of unmodified
   invocation skill plus 25% of unmodified piety skill plus 25% of unmodified theurgy skill
 Capability Minimum          : 100
 Capability Maximum          : 325
 Energy Costs                : fifteen points of goetic energy
 Process to Will Benison      : will that Aeda's blessing should be bestowed upon <target>
   Although Aeda expects Her followers to persevere and do their best upon their own merits, as
 a nurturing mother She understands that all occasionally need aid and assistance.  As a token of
 Her love and care, Aeda allows Her clergy to bestow a simple blessing upon members of their flock
 which grants increased ability at most forms of action, as well as increased luck and swiftness of
  • Increases all attributes, speed, and luck by an amount proportional to the caster's proficiency. At 100% perfection, this raises all stats by 50.
  • Increases speed

Aspect of the Wild

 Benison Type                : enchant creature
 Knowledge Requirement       : have at least 35 points in unmodified heraldry skill, have at least 35 points in unmodified animal lore
   skill, have at least 75 points among unmodified heraldry skill and unmodified animal lore skill, and have at least 150 points
   among unmodified invocation skill, unmodified piety skill, and unmodified theurgy skill
 Capability Formula          : 25% of unmodified animal lore skill plus 25% of unmodified heraldry skill plus 12.5% of unmodified
   invocation skill plus 12.5% of unmodified piety skill plus 12.5% of unmodified theurgy skill
 Capability Minimum          : 25
 Capability Maximum          : 150
 Energy Costs                : fifteen points of goetic energy
 Process to Will Benison      : will the spirits of the natural world to bestow the aspect of the <animal> upon <target>
   Though the natural world may seem brutish and simplistic to those who are not initiated into its mysteries, those of Aeda's
 faithful who study the creatures of the wilderness quickly discover that many animals possess profound depths of meaning and
 sophistication, both in terms of natural ability and symbolic philosophical resonance.  Those of the Aedarene who make a concentrated
 study of both the concrete attributes and the heraldric symbolism of wild animals are gifted with knowledge of this rare benison,
 which allows the supplicant to assume or bestow upon allies aspects of an animal's abilities, whether rooted in biology or in
 symbology.  These aspects are not enchantments, but rather a focusing of one's own inner potential expressed in a particular manner --
 as such, it cannot be dispelled like many other bestowals.  Accordingly, however, the act of bestowing such an aspect requires a
 greater degree of trust between the supplicant and the target than more traditional enchantments.  Once one's inner potential has been
 focused upon a particular aspect, focusing upon a different aspect will remove the benefits of the original.
   The aspects currently known to you are those of the aethoss, the badger, the bear, the dragon, the eagle, the hare, the lion, the
 mouse, the owl, the snake, the sparrow, the toad, the trout, the unicorn, and the wolf.
Aspect Skill 1 Skill 2 Skill 3
AethossPlant LoreForagingEquilibrium
BadgerResilienceCombat ReflexesRecuperation
BearStaminaWrestlingMassive Blow
DragonArcane LoreArmour UseBlindfighting
DryadForestryJungle FieldcraftTissue Hardening
HareElude PursuitDodgeBellerophrasty
LionCourageKiller InstinctLeadership
MouseStealthDirty FightingMemory
NaiadAquatic FieldcraftShorelands FieldcraftTissue Softening
SparrowLockpickingMartial ArtsPolitics
ToadHardinessJumpingPoison Resistance
TroutSwimmingBreath ControlTenacity
UnicornLegend LoreElder LoreCentering
WolfRunningTrackingFind Weakness

Dryad & Naiad are available at 100% perfection.

Call Lunar Guardian

 Benison Type                : summon creature
 Knowledge Requirement       : have at least 35 points in unmodified conjuration skill and have at
   least 150 points among unmodified invocation skill, unmodified piety skill, and unmodified
   theurgy skill
 Capability Formula          : 100% of unmodified conjuration skill plus 5% of unmodified
   invocation skill plus 5% of unmodified piety skill plus 5% of unmodified theurgy skill plus
   50% of unmodified spirit lore skill
 Capability Minimum          : 25
 Capability Maximum          : 300
 Energy Costs                : twenty-five points of goetic energy
 Process to Will Benison     : will a lunar guardian to appear
   The path of service to Aeda can be a lonely one, and although various creatures may answer the
 call of the Aedarene from time to time, Aeda recognizes that Her clergy may have a great need for
 reliable companionship, protection, and transportation.  As a result, Aeda can provide a guardian,
 made from enchanted moonlight, to travel with and protect Her supplicant.  The guardian has two
 forms, a protector form and a steed form, which it can switch between when asked to 'transform'. 
 To dismiss one's lunar guardian, simply tell it to 'begone'.
  • Understands Anglic, Caladan, and the caster's primary and native languages
  • Skills scale with caster's proficiency
  • At around 100 astrology your spectral summon becomes star-infused. Whether this gives it other abilities is unkown.
  • At 100% ability in benison, guardian form emits theurgic ectoplasm attack

The Lunar Guardian is put into 4 tiers, each with the abilities of the previous and new ones Tier 1 is 0 perfection, Tier 2 is 25 perfection and Aedarene Rank 2 (Celebrant), Tier 3 is 50 perfection and Aedarene Rank 3 (Hierophant), and Tier 4 is 75 perfection and Aedarene Rank 4 (Elder).

 Tier 1
 *Steed form is a horse, and guardian form is a hound
 Tier 2
 *Steed form is a pegasus and guardian form is a giant eagle
 *Ability to fly
 Tier 3
 *Steed form is a hippouranos and guardian form is a yeti
 *Wingless Flight
 *Steed form gives Internal as respiration type while mounted
 Tier 4
 *Steed form is epona and guardian form is skaijotun
 *Steed form gives None as respiration type while mounted
 *Steed form provides intangibility while mounted
 *Steed form provides hyperspatiality 2 while mounted
  • If you lose it, and if it still appears in your "show companions" list, then casting this Benison again will summon it to you.

Cleansing Purification

 Benison Type               : cure
 Knowledge Requirement       : have at least 35 points in unmodified pathophrasty skill and have at
   least 300 points among unmodified invocation skill, unmodified piety skill, and unmodified
   theurgy skill
 Capability Formula          : 50% of pathophrasty skill plus 50% of evocation skill plus 25% of
   invocation skill plus 25% of piety skill plus 25% of theurgy skill
 Capability Minimum          : 75
 Capability Maximum          : 425
 Energy Costs                : fifteen points of goetic energy
 Process to Will Benison      : will the blessings of cleansing and purification to be bestowed
   upon <target>
   Among the most common afflictions that can befall the flock of an Aedarene are the
 depradations of venoms and sicknesses.  Most of these can easily be removed by a simple effort of
 will and a small expenditure of Aeda's grace, but some supernatural diseases or poisons may
 require multiple attempts.  The greater one's capability with this benison, the larger the number
 of afflictions that can be removed with a single attempt and the greater chance for each
 individual affliction to be removed.
   The spectral star-filled cerulean female yeti is abruptly bathed in a
cleansing white light which disappears after a few moments.
   The spectral star-filled cerulean female yeti vomits some star-filled
cerulean blood containing hideous globs of flesh. (iaoxling egg)

You feel that you have lessened the suffering of the spectral star-filled cerulean female yeti meaningfully. (Unknown effect)

Karth's Tranquility

Benison Type                : teleport
Knowledge Requirement       : be a Lykouros
Capability Formula          : 100% of unmodified spatiophrasty skill plus 25% of unmodified conjuration skill plus 12.5% of
  unmodified invocation skill plus 12.5% of unmodified piety skill plus 12.5% of unmodified theurgy skill
Capability Minimum          : 0
Capability Maximum          : 300
Energy Costs                : one point of goetic energy
Process to Will Benison     : will myself to be returned to the Glade of Aeda
   For those of Aeda's clergy who also worship Her in the aspect of Her chosen natural warriors, Synodia Lykouros, Aeda makes known a special
benison which allows them to return to the Glade of Aeda, even if they do not have especially significant mastery of such magicks.  However,
the supplicant's current location and circumstances must still allow normal teleportation for the benison to function.  As with similar
benisons, practitioners with sufficient skill in the magicks of spatial manipulation can achieve a high level of capability with this
benison, resulting in a much faster and smoother translocation.
  • Perfection corresponds to your chance of bypassing the conceptual navigation minigame and instantly teleporting.

Refuge of Aeda

 Benison Type                : teleport
 Knowledge Requirement       : have at least 35 points in unmodified conjuration skill, have at
   least 35 points in unmodified spatiophrasty skill, and have at least 300 points among
   unmodified invocation skill, unmodified piety skill, and unmodified theurgy skill
 Capability Formula          : 100% of unmodified spatiophrasty skill plus 25% of unmodified
   conjuration skill plus 12.5% of unmodified invocation skill plus 12.5% of unmodified piety
   skill plus 12.5% of unmodified theurgy skill
 Capability Minimum          : 75
 Capability Maximum          : 300
 Energy Costs                : one point of goetic energy
 Process to Will Benison     : will myself to be returned to the Temple of Aeda
   For many of Aeda's clergy, their travels can take them to distant and perilous places where
 life and limb may be gravely endangered by hostile creatures and environments.  To protect Her
 faithful, Aeda grants knowledge of this benison to those who become sufficiently proficient with
 spatial magicks to use it safely.  By willing it, a supplicant may return to the Temple of Aeda,
 provided their current location and circumstances do not prevent teleportation.  Practitioners
 with sufficient skill in the magicks of spatial manipulation can achieve a high level of
 capability with this benison, resulting in a much faster and smoother translocation.

Conceptual Navigation

Spoiler warning: information below includes details, such as solutions to puzzles or quest procedures, that you may prefer to discover on your own.

Successful use of this benison will prompt you with a selection: left (l) or right (r).
Selecting either will then prompt a selection of difficulty: easy (l), moderate (r), hard (up) or extreme (down).
If your first choice was left, you will be presented with a synonym matching mini game.
If your first choice was right, you will be presented with a mathematical equations mini game.
After you have successfully answered a sufficient number of questions (usually three in a row), you will be given a fifth option: in (i)
This option is the 'win' state of the mini game - select it to complete the teleportation to the Temple of Aeda.
If you answer too many questions incorrectly, the teleportaion will end by placing you at an apparently random location

There does not seem to be a time limit to answer the questions.

End of spoiler information.
  • Perfection corresponds to your chance of bypassing the conceptual navigation minigame and instantly teleporting.
  • 15 minute cooldown

Remove Curse

 Benison Type                : cure
 Knowledge Requirement       : have at least 35 points in unmodified abjuration skill and have at
   least 300 points among unmodified invocation skill, unmodified piety skill, and unmodified
   theurgy skill
 Capability Formula          : 100% of abjuration skill plus 25% of invocation skill plus 25% of
   piety skill plus 25% of theurgy skill
 Capability Minimum          : 100
 Capability Maximum          : 250
 Energy Costs                : fifty points of goetic energy
 Process to Will Benison      : will Aeda's mercy to remove curses from <target>
   The first and greatest duty of the Aedarene is that of the healer, curing and cleansing the
 ills and hurts of the innocent.  Among the more insidious afflications that can befall those of
 Aedaris is that of the curse, an incurable effect with myriad and unpleasant forms.  Some curses
 are stronger than others, and one's capability with this benison determines whether a particular
 curse can be cleansed.

Sustaining Nourishment

 Benison Type                : heal
 Knowledge Requirement       : have at least 35 points in unmodified biology skill and have at
   least 300 points among unmodified invocation skill, unmodified piety skill, and unmodified
   theurgy skill
 Capability Formula          : 90% of biology skill plus 10% of enchantment skill plus 25% of
   invocation skill plus 25% of piety skill plus 25% of theurgy skill
 Capability Minimum          : 100
 Capability Maximum          : 275
 Energy Costs                : ten points of goetic energy
 Process to Will Benison      : will sustainment and nourishment to be granted to <target>
   Even those free of wounds or sickness may still fall prey to hunger and thirst, especially the
 poor or unfortunate.  Aeda, in her mercy, provides to her clergy a spell to sustain those who lack
 food or drink for a time.  Those of Aeda's faithful with particularly high capability with this
 benison can even bestow the ability to go without food or drink for extended periods of time.

The Light of Aeda

 Benison Type                : summon effect
 Capability Formula          : 5% of ego plus 5% of willpower plus 25% of evocation skill plus
   25% of invocation skill plus 25% of piety skill plus 25% of theurgy skill plus 12.5% of
   viturgy skill
 Capability Minimum          : 0
 Capability Maximum          : 200
 Energy Costs                : one point of goetic energy
 Processes to Will Benison    : "will Aeda's Light to shine" or "Aeda's Light to shine upon <target>"
   The most basic and general-use benison that Aeda grants to her followers is the ability to
 summon the Light of Aeda, a versatile and flexible emanation of holy energy.  If directed at a
 neutral or friendly target, the light will heal; directed at a hostile target, the light will burn
 the unworthy and slow their movements for a short while.  If willed without a target, the
 originator will shed a soft light until the effect is dismissed, illuminating their surroundings;
 to dismiss this light, simply will Aeda's Light to fade away.
  • When used on a target which you are not in combat with and is not aggressive to you, the Light of Aeda will heal them. When used on a target that is in combat with you or is aggressive towards you, it will deal goetia/light damage to them. When used without a target, it will illuminate you and give you negative light sensitivity.
  • At 100% perfection, the attack portion of this Benison will do semi-random holy/light-ish damage types such as: sun-grace, glowing mercy, righteous lightfire, gracelight, grace-lightfire, sun-righteousness, etc.
  • [OOC Marcosy] fun fact, your light of aeda attack rating includes shit not in the benison list such as telesmatic weapon and lumiturgy
  • Roughly 60 Astrology will change your Light of Aeda's colouration, while also causing wisps of starlight to cling to your opponent.
  • The slow lasts 30 seconds, 60 if you have Starry, and the Starry slow is -15 speed

Treat Mental Illness

 Benison Type                : cure
 Knowledge Requirement       : have at least 35 points in unmodified psychology skill and have at
   least 150 points among unmodified invocation skill, unmodified piety skill, and unmodified
   theurgy skill
 Capability Formula          : 100% of psychology skill plus 25% of abjuration skill plus 5% of
   invocation skill plus 5% of piety skill plus 5% of theurgy skill
 Capability Minimum          : 25
 Capability Maximum          : 250
 Energy Costs                : twenty-five points of goetic energy
 Process to Will Benison      : will that all temporary impairments of proper mental functioning
   should be removed from <target>
   Although most afflictions that befall the faithful of Aeda are of the body, all too often the
 innocent are brought low by afflictions of the mind as well.  Through the grace of Aeda,
 non-permanent mental illnesses may be cleansed with a simple effort of will, although particularly
 serious illnesses may require multiple attempts.  The greater one's capability with this benison,
 more efficacious the removal attempts are and the more each individual attempt will weaken any
 remaining, non-permanent illnesses.

Rank 2 Aedarene Benisons

Aeda's Lightning

 Benison Type                : attack
 Knowledge Requirement       : have at least 35 points in unmodified aeroturgy skill and have at least 300 points among
   unmodified invocation skill, unmodified piety skill, and unmodified theurgy skill
 Capability Formula          : 20% of ego plus 20% of willpower plus 25% of aeroturgy skill plus 12.5% of evocation skill
   plus 12.5% of invocation skill plus 12.5% of piety skill plus 25% of bellerophrasty skill plus 12.5% of theurgy skill
   plus 25 points for being berserk
 Capability Minimum          : 50
 Capability Maximum          : 400
 Energy Costs                : five points of amalgamal lightning energy and five points of goetic energy
 Process to Will Benison      : will Aeda's Lightning to strike down <target>
   Although Aeda's followers generally prefer to avoid using their powers to harm directly, occasionally Aeda requires that
 her clergy take a firmer hand in their ministrations.  This benison creates a powerful bolt of divinely-empowered lightning to
 strike down those that the Aedarene deem worthy of such punishment.

Aegis of Life

 Benison Type                : heal
 Knowledge Requirement       : have at least 75 points in unmodified spatiophrasty skill, have at least 35 points in unmodified
   conjuration skill, and have at least 300 points among unmodified invocation skill, unmodified piety skill, and unmodified
   theurgy skill
 Capability Formula          : 100% of unmodified spatiophrasty skill plus 25% of unmodified conjuration skill plus 12.5% of
   unmodified invocation skill plus 12.5% of unmodified piety skill plus 12.5% of unmodified theurgy skill
 Capability Minimum          : 100
 Capability Maximum          : 350
 Energy Costs                : five points of goetic energy
 Process to Will Benison      : will a protective infusion of ablative space to form around <target>
   The vast majority of the restorative powers available to Aeda's clergy are fairly straightforward.  However, those of
 Aeda's faithful who are adept at spatial magicks can produce an unusual effect -- a shield of ablative force which absorbs the
 damage of attacks.  The shield is depleted by each successive attack, but subsequent bestowals of this benison can restore it
 to its original strength as long as it persists.  Once this power is used, however, it may not be used again on the same target
 for a short period of time.
   After a moment, the knowledge that the ablative barrier of warped
spacetime is composed of fifty percent force, twenty-five percent mana, and
twenty-five percent goetia drifts into your mind like a long-forgotten memory.

Aspect of Air

 Benison Type                : enchant creature
 Knowledge Requirement       : have at least 75 points in unmodified aeroturgy skill, have at least
   75 points in unmodified enchantment skill, and have at least 300 points among unmodified
   invocation skill, unmodified piety skill, and unmodified theurgy skill
 Capability Formula          : 100% of unmodified aeroturgy skill plus 25% of unmodified
   enchantment skill plus 12.5% of unmodified invocation skill plus 12.5% of unmodified piety
   skill plus 12.5% of unmodified theurgy skill
 Capability Minimum          : 100
 Capability Maximum          : 250
 Energy Costs                : five points of elemental air energy and seven and a half points of
   goetic energy
 Process to Will Benison     : will myself to assume the aspect of air
   Although most of the abilities of the Aedarene are general in nature, some Aedarene favor a
 particular element or energy above others in their studies and preferred magicks.  This ability
 allows the supplicant to infuse their body with the element of air, empowering their use of such
 magicks and enabling them to absorb and be healed by such energies.  Doing so, however, makes one
 more vulnerable to energies of the earth.
   Only one such aspect may be active at any one time, and donning another will remove any that
 already exists.  To cease assuming any current aspect, simply will yourself to assume your own
 natural aspect.

Aspect of Life

 Benison Type                : enchant creature
 Knowledge Requirement       : have at least 75 points in unmodified viturgy skill, have at least 75 points in unmodified enchantment skill, and  
 have at least 300 points among unmodified invocation skill, unmodified piety skill, and unmodified theurgy skill
 Capability Formula          : 100% of unmodified viturgy skill plus 25% of unmodified enchantment skill plus 12.5% of unmodified invocation skill
 plus 12.5% of unmodified piety skill plus 12.5% of unmodified theurgy skill
 Capability Minimum          : 100
 Capability Maximum          : 250
 Energy Costs                : three points of extropic energy and seven and a half points of goetic energy
 Process to Will Benison     : will myself to assume the aspect of life
   Although most of the abilities of the Aedarene are general in nature, some Aedarene favor a particular element or energy above others in their 
 studies and preferred magicks.  This ability allows the supplicant to infuse their body with extropic energies, empowering their use of such
 magicks and enabling them to absorb and be healed by such energies.  Doing so, however, makes one more vulnerable to entropic energies.
   Only one such aspect may be active at any one time, and donning another will remove any that already exists.  To cease assuming any current
 aspect, simply will yourself to assume your own natural aspect.
  • At 100%, allows the user to absorb extropy damage into their extropic energy pool and discharges it in combat

Aspect of Earth

 Benison Type                : enchant creature
 Knowledge Requirement       : have at least 75 points in unmodified geoturgy skill, have at least 75 points in unmodified enchantment skill, and 
 have at  least 300 points among unmodified invocation skill, unmodified piety skill, and unmodified theurgy skill
 Capability Formula          : 100% of unmodified geoturgy skill plus 25% of unmodified enchantment skill plus 12.5% of unmodified invocation skill
 plus 12.5% of unmodified piety skill plus 12.5% of unmodified theurgy skill
 Capability Minimum          : 100
 Capability Maximum          : 250
 Energy Costs                : five points of elemental earth energy and seven and a half points of goetic energy
 Process to Will Benison     : will myself to assume the aspect of earth
   Although most of the abilities of the Aedarene are general in nature, some Aedarene favor a particular element or energy above others in their
 studies and preferred magicks.  This ability allows the supplicant to infuse their body with the element of earth, empowering their use of such 
 magicks and enabling them to absorb and be healed by such energies.  Doing so, however, makes one more vulnerable to energies of the air.
   Only one such aspect may be active at any one time, and donning another will remove any that already exists.  To cease assuming any current 
 aspect, simply will yourself to assume your own natural aspect.
  • At 100%, allows the user to absorb earth damage into their earth energy pool and discharges it in combat

Aspect of Death

 Benison Type                : enchant creature
 Knowledge Requirement       : have at least 75 points in unmodified thanaturgy skill, have at least 75 points in unmodified enchantment skill, and
   have at least 300 points among unmodified invocation skill, unmodified piety skill, and unmodified theurgy skill
 Capability Formula          : 100% of unmodified thanaturgy skill plus 25% of unmodified enchantment skill plus 12.5% of unmodified 
 invocation skill plus 12.5% of unmodified piety skill plus 12.5% of unmodified theurgy skill
 Capability Minimum          : 100
 Capability Maximum          : 250
 Energy Costs                : three points of entropic energy and seven and a half points of goetic energy
 Process to Will Benison     : will myself to assume the aspect of death
   Although most of the abilities of the Aedarene are general in nature, some Aedarene favor a particular element or energy above others in their
 studies and preferred magicks.  This ability allows the supplicant to infuse their body with entropic energies, empowering their use of such
 magicks and enabling them to absorb and be healed by such energies.  Doing so, however, makes one more vulnerable to extropic energies. 
 Only one  such aspect may be active at any one time, and donning another will remove any that already exists.  To cease assuming any current 
 aspect, simply will yourself to assume your own natural aspect.
  • At 100%, allows the user to absorb entropy damage into their entropic energy pool and discharges it in combat

Aspect of Water

Aspect of Water

   Benison Type                : enchant creature
   Knowledge Requirement       : have at least 75 points in unmodified aquaturgy skill, have at least 75 points in unmodified enchantment skill, and have at
       least 300 points among unmodified invocation skill, unmodified piety skill, and unmodified theurgy skill
   Capability Formula          : 100% of unmodified aquaturgy skill plus 25% of unmodified enchantment skill plus 12.5% of unmodified invocation skill plus
       12.5% of unmodified piety skill plus 12.5% of unmodified theurgy skill
   Capability Minimum          : 100
   Capability Maximum          : 250
   Your Capability             : 250
   Perfection                  : 100%
   Energy Costs                : five points of elemental water energy and seven and a half points of goetic energy
   Process to Will Benison     : will myself to assume the aspect of water
   Although most of the abilities of the Aedarene are general in nature, some Aedarene favor a particular element or energy above others in their studies and
   preferred magicks.  This ability allows the supplicant to infuse their body with the element of water, empowering their use of such magicks and enabling
   them to absorb and be healed by such energies.  Doing so, however, makes one more vulnerable to fire energies.
   Only one such aspect may be active at any one time, and donning another will remove any that already exists.  To cease assuming any current aspect, simply
   will yourself to assume your own natural aspect.

  • At 100%, allows the user to absorb water damage into their water energy pool and discharges it in combat

Cloak of Mist

 Benison Type                : enchant creature
 Knowledge Requirement       : have at least 35 points in unmodified aquaturgy skill, have at least 35 points in unmodified
   enchantment skill, and have at least 300 points among unmodified invocation skill, unmodified piety skill, and unmodified
   theurgy skill
 Capability Formula          : 100% of unmodified aquaturgy skill plus 25% of unmodified enchantment skill plus 12.5% of
   unmodified invocation skill plus 12.5% of unmodified piety skill plus 12.5% of unmodified theurgy skill
 Capability Minimum          : 50
 Capability Maximum          : 350
 Energy Costs                : six points of amalgamal mist energy and seven and a half points of goetic energy
 Process to Will Benison      : will that a cloak of mist should be placed upon <target>
   Although a great many of Aeda's faithful live on the land or in the air, occasions may rise that one of Her clergy may have
 reason to visit realms within the great oceans of the world -- or for one of Her clergy from beneath the seas to visit the
 drier regions.  Therefore, Aeda allows a protective enchantment to be cast upon those of Her flock who have need to venture
 into such situations, provided that the supplicant is sufficiently skiled in the art of aquaturgy.  The enchantment also
 provides a large measure of protection against most forms of non-physical attack.  The magicks involved to create this effect,
 however, are anathematic to those involved in some other protective enchantments, and will dispel such enchantments if they are
Performing this benison will cancel out Crystalline Salvation, and vice versa.

Comprehend Languages

 Benison Type                : enchant creature
 Knowledge Requirement       : have at least 35 points in unmodified Thari skill, have at least 35 points in unmodified
   enchantment skill, and have at least 150 points among unmodified invocation skill, unmodified piety skill, and unmodified
   theurgy skill
 Capability Formula          : 100% of unmodified Thari skill plus 25% of unmodified enchantment skill plus 12.5% of unmodified
   invocation skill plus 12.5% of unmodified piety skill plus 12.5% of unmodified theurgy skill
 Capability Minimum          : 50
 Capability Maximum          : 200
 Energy Costs                : two and a half points of goetic energy
 Process to Will Benison     : will myself and all near me to be able to understand all languages
   Although Aeda's dominion generally does not extend to matters of language or knowledge, on occasion She may desire for Her
 clergy to comprehend important writings or to allow communication between members of their flock, even in the presence of a
 language barrier.  Through the use of this benison, the supplicant can transmute all language forms into an approximation of
 the essence of pure language -- the greater the supplicant's capability with this benison, the more accurate the approximation. 
 However, the effects of this benison only last a short time, even for highly skilled originators.

Crystalline Salvation

 Benison Type                : enchant creature
 Knowledge Requirement       : have at least 35 points in unmodified geoturgy skill, have at least 35 points in unmodified
   enchantment skill, and have at least 300 points among unmodified invocation skill, unmodified piety skill, and unmodified
   theurgy skill
 Capability Formula          : 100% of unmodified geoturgy skill plus 25% of unmodified enchantment skill plus 12.5% of
   unmodified invocation skill plus 12.5% of unmodified piety skill plus 12.5% of unmodified theurgy skill
 Capability Minimum          : 75
 Capability Maximum          : 350
 Energy Costs                : seven and a half points of amalgamal crystal energy and seven and a half points of goetic energy
 Process to Will Benison      : will the bestowal of protection against physical harm upon <target>
   In many cases, Aeda's blessings upon Her faithful take the form of curative or restorative magicks.  However, Aeda
 recognizes that an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure, and provides a method of protecting oneself or one's allies
 from physical harm if the supplicant is sufficiently skilled in the art of geoturgy.  The magicks involved to create this
 effect, however, are anathematic to those involved in some other protective enchantments, and will dispel such enchantments if
 they are present.
This benison will cancel out Cloak of Mist, and vice versa.

Dispel Mental Afflictions

 Benison Type                : cure
 Knowledge Requirement       : have at least 35 points in unmodified psychology skill and have at least 150 points among
   unmodified invocation skill, unmodified piety skill, and unmodified theurgy skill
 Capability Formula          : 100% of psychology skill plus 25% of abjuration skill plus 5% of invocation skill plus 5% of
   piety skill plus 5% of theurgy skill
 Capability Minimum          : 25
 Capability Maximum          : 350
 Energy Costs                : fifty points of goetic energy
 Process to Will Benison      : will the expulsion of all mental afflictions from <target>
   Though more difficult to cleanse than non-permanent mental illnesses, permanent mental afflictions may be dispelled by a
 supplicant sufficiently skilled in the arts of repairing the mind.  As with non-permamnent mental illnesses, particularly
 serious cases may require multiple castings.  The greater one's capability with this benison, more efficacious the removal
 attempts are and the more each individual attempt will weaken any remaining illnesses.

Dispelling Shout

 Benison Type                : enchant creature
 Knowledge Requirement       : have at least 35 points in unmodified vocalization skill, have at least 75 points in unmodified abjuration skill, and have at least 300 points among 
 unmodified invocation skill, unmodified piety skill, and unmodified theurgy skill
 Capability Formula          : 100% of abjuration skill plus 25% of invocation skill plus 25% of piety skill plus 25% of theurgy skill plus 50 points for being berserk
 Capability Minimum          : 150
 Capability Maximum          : 375
 Energy Costs                : fifteen points of goetic energy
 Process to Will Benison      : will the purging of all magicks from <target>
     Those who would thwart the devoted works of the Aedarene often cloak themselves in 
 protective enchantments, or summon wards that may stymie the efforts of Aeda's clergy or 
 their servants.  With a mighty shout, the devout of Aeda can blast away the enchantments 
 of a foe.  If this power is used on one who trusts you, they will not be harmed, but 
 against all others this is treated as an offensive action.  Foes hostile towards you may 
 also be injured by the power of Aeda, particularly who are themselves manifestations, such 
 as spirits.
  • 5 Minute Cooldown

Grimro's Judgment

  Benison Type                : attack
  Knowledge Requirement       : be a Lykouros, have at least 35 points in
  unmodified introspection skill, and have at least 300 points among
  unmodified invocation skill, unmodified piety skill, and unmodified
  theurgy skill
  Capability Formula          : 20% of ego plus 20% of willpower plus 25% of
  introspection skill plus 12.5% of evocation skill plus 12.5% of invocation
  skill plus 12.5% of piety skill plus 25% of telesmatic weapon skill plus
  12.5% of theurgy skill plus 25 points for being berserk
  Capability Minimum          : 50
  Capability Maximum          : 400
  Energy Costs                : ten points of goetic energy
  Process to Will Benison      : will Aeda's anger to inflict judgment upon
Though most of Aeda's faithful who walk the path of the Lykouros prefer to do combat with fang and claw, 
some also prefer to call down unique and powerful judgments in the name of Aeda.  This benison wracks foes
that the supplicant deems worthy of punishment on Aeda's behalf with terrible pain, and cannot be dodged or
blocked, but the power of the invocation relies strongly on the supplicant's own understanding of 
culpability relative to themselves -- in other words, the supplicant's ability to introspect.  Each use
forces the supplicant to draw their target's imbalance of spirit into themselves, and invoking this power
too often or too quickly can result in the supplicant's spirit becoming disordered and rendering the power 
unusable until one's spirit has been restored to balance.

Last Rites

Last Rites
    Benison Type                : summon effect
    Knowledge Requirement       : have at least 35 points in having the unmodified thanaturgy skill, have at least 35 points in having the unmodified evocation skill, and have at least 150 points among having the unmodified invocation skill, having the unmodified piety skill, and having the unmodified theurgy skill
    Capability Formula          : 100% of having the thanaturgy skill plus 25% of having the evocation skill plus 12.5% of having the invocation skill plus 12.5% of having the piety skill plus 12.5% of having the theurgy skill
    Capability Minimum          : 50
    Capability Maximum          : 425
    Energy Costs                : half a point of entropic energy and half a point of goetic energy
    Process to Will Benison     : will for the cycle of life to be completed, and for all which is unclean to return to the earth
In death, all things return to the earth.  One of the most sacred duties of the Aedarene is the consecration and overseeing of this process, the final duty of all life to give life to that which follows it.  By invoking Aeda's power with a brief prayer, the Aedarene can cause remains to be consecrated and purified, nourishing both the earth and the invoker.  If the invoker's reserves of goetic energy are particularly low, Aeda may see also see fit to grant the invoker a small boon of Her grace in return for the service -- otherwise, the invoker will be granted a small respite of the body and spirit.  If this power is invoked while in combat, the supplicant will draw upon the natural forces of thanaturgy to age and wither their opponent.  A mortally-wounded foe struck by such an attack will perish instantly.
    Development Information     : This benison was created by Marcosy; the source code was last updated Sun Jan 12 11:39:47 2020.
  • 5 second cooldown.
  • Finishes a mortally wounded foe.
  • Applies a DoT in combat otherwise.
  • Outside of combat it consumes all remains in your environment, I don't think it refunds any energies.


 Benison Type                : heal
 Knowledge Requirement       : have at least 75 points in unmodified floraphrasty skill, have at least 35 points in unmodified evocation skill, 
   and have at least 300 points among unmodified invocation skill, unmodified piety skill, and unmodified theurgy skill
 Capability Formula          : 100% of unmodified floraphrasty skill plus 25% of unmodified evocation skill plus 12.5% of unmodified invocation
   skill plus 12.5% of unmodified piety skill plus 12.5% of unmodified theurgy skill
 Capability Minimum          : 100
 Capability Maximum          : 350
 Energy Costs                : five points of goetic energy
 Process to Will Benison      : will the bloom of life to bestow healing upon <target>
   In nature, it is well-known that flowering plants can survive damage and devastation 
that would kill most animals -- a tree can regrow itself from even a stump in many 
circumstances.  By infusing a target with the floraphrastic energies of life
and regrowth, the Aedarene have the power to restore health and well-being
in an instant.  Once this power is used, however, it may not be used again on the same target for 
a short period of time.

Nature's Infusion

 Benison Type                : enchant object
 Knowledge Requirement       : have at least 145 points in unmodified enchantment skill and have at least 300 points among
   unmodified invocation skill, unmodified piety skill, and unmodified theurgy skill
 Capability Formula          : 100% of unmodified enchantment skill plus 25% of unmodified invocation skill plus 25% of
   unmodified piety skill plus 25% of unmodified theurgy skill
 Capability Minimum          : 200
 Capability Maximum          : 425
 Energy Costs                : fifty points of goetic energy
 Process to Will Benison      : will that the blessing of the forest should be permanently placed upon <target>
   Through communion with the power and strength of the forest, Aeda's clergy can become capable of infusing physical objects
 with increased durability and oneness with the natural world.  The amount of infusion that takes place when this benison is
 used depends upon the supplicant's capability with the skills involved, but also upon one's facility with transmuting spiritual
 energy into goetic energy in general.

Preternatural Quickening

 Benison Type                : enchant creature
 Knowledge Requirement       : have at least 75 points in unmodified pathophrasty skill, have at
   least 35 points in unmodified enchantment skill, and have at least 300 points among unmodified
   invocation skill, unmodified piety skill, and unmodified theurgy skill
 Capability Formula          : 100% of unmodified pathophrasty skill plus 25% of unmodified
   enchantment skill plus 12.5% of unmodified invocation skill plus 12.5% of unmodified piety
   skill plus 12.5% of unmodified theurgy skill
 Capability Minimum          : 100
 Capability Maximum          : 350
 Energy Costs                : five points of goetic energy
 Process to Will Benison      : will the acceleration of healing and rejuvenation within the bodily
   functions of <target>
   Most living creatures possess at least some capacity, however rudimentary, for self-repair. 
 By augmenting a target's vital systems relating to this capacity with pathophrastic magicks, a
 supplicant can introduce a state of temporarily accelerated healing.  Furthermore, through the
 power of Aeda's divine grace, the enchantment which bestows such capability is sufficiently
 blessed that it can even bestow this capability upon creatures which do not normally regenerate. 
 Once this power is used, however, it may not be used again on the same target for a short period
 of time.

Raise Dead

 Benison Type                : summon effect
 Knowledge Requirement       : have at least 35 points among unmodified viturgy skill and unmodified thanaturgy skill and have
   at least 150 points among unmodified invocation skill, unmodified piety skill, and unmodified theurgy skill
 Capability Formula          : 25% of viturgy skill plus 25% of thanaturgy skill plus 25% of evocation skill plus 5% of
   invocation skill plus 5% of piety skill plus 5% of theurgy skill
 Capability Minimum          : 25
 Capability Maximum          : 200
 Energy Costs                : twenty-five points of entropic energy, twenty-five points of extropic energy, and fifty points of
   goetic energy
 Process to Will Benison      : will a return of spirit and life to <corpse>
   The natural cycle of life and death is deeply intertwined with the concepts held sacred to Aeda and Her clergy, and
 typically Aeda does not deign to respond to pleas for a soul to be restored after its time has passed.  However, those of the
 Aedarene who have earned a sufficient measure of Aeda's regard are allowed access to this rare ability, which allows the caster
 to trade a portion of their own life force in exchange for the revival of a deceased creature.  Only certain creatures can be
 restored in this way.  If the creature restored to life is pleasing to Aeda, She may reward the caster with an infusion of
 additional life energy.

Restore Body

 Benison Type                : heal
 Knowledge Requirement       : have at least 35 points in unmodified evocation skill, have at least 35 points in unmodified
   viturgy skill, and have at least 300 points among unmodified invocation skill, unmodified piety skill, and unmodified
   theurgy skill
 Capability Formula          : 100% of unmodified viturgy skill plus 25% of unmodified evocation skill plus 12.5% of unmodified
   invocation skill plus 12.5% of unmodified piety skill plus 12.5% of unmodified theurgy skill
 Capability Minimum          : 75
 Capability Maximum          : 350
 Your Capability             : 158.63
 Perfection                  : 31%
 Energy Costs                : thirty points of goetic energy
 Process to Will Benison      : will the limbs of <target> to be restored
   The suffering and hardship endured by those who suffer the loss of a limb is among the most grievous of trials for those of
 Aeda's flock.  For those of Her clergy sufficiently skilled in the arts of life and healing, Aeda bestows the capability of
 restoring lost limbs.  The number of limbs restored by a single attempt of this benison depends upon the supplicant's


 Benison Type                : enchant object
 Knowledge Requirement       : have at least 35 points in unmodified floraphrasty skill, have at least 35 points in unmodified
   enchantment skill, and have at least 300 points among unmodified invocation skill, unmodified piety skill, and unmodified
   theurgy skill
 Capability Formula          : 100% of unmodified floraphrasty skill plus 25% of unmodified enchantment skill plus 12.5% of
   unmodified invocation skill plus 12.5% of unmodified piety skill plus 12.5% of unmodified theurgy skill
 Capability Minimum          : 75
 Capability Maximum          : 350
 Energy Costs                : twenty-five points of goetic energy
 Process to Will Benison     : will the grace of Aeda to transform the humble stick in my possession into a mighty shillelagh
   Among the Aedarene, the practice of carrying a shillelagh -- an enchanted walking stick formed from the ensorcelled wood of
 a living tree -- has been a time-honored tradition since the days of the ancient Graecan empire.  Although Aeda no longer
 grants Her supplicants the knowledge of how to separate a living branch from a tree, She instead grants them the knowledge of
 how to turn an ordinary stick into a powerfully enchanted weapon capable of striking with incredible force.  Particularly adept
 practitioners of nature magicks can even cause the shillelagh to release rays of theophanic energy, and there are rumors that
 still more powerful uses of its power exist.  A shillelagh typically resizes itself to the needs of its wielder, but if dropped
 or discarded, it will revert to a simple stick.
  • Sometimes creates a weapon of an appropriate size for your character, ie: wands for small, staff for medium, and up to an entire tree for enormous characters, though this item is not guaranteed to be of a usable weight or durability
  • Over 30% provides Hierophanic Lance - goetia laser, pretty straightforward. Its activity cost is 20.
  • Over 65% provides Halo of Grace - attack that cannot miss and does a shitton of bonus damage, both only against undead targets. Still deadly against the living. Damage type is "angelic grace". Its activity cost is 25.
  • 100% provides Lash of Mastery - attack which draws from your skill mastery - goetia by default, air from aeroturgy, water from aquaturgy, poison from floraphrasty, earth and fire from geoturgy, disease from pathophrasty, temporal and force from spatiophrasty, entropy from thanaturgy, and extropy from viturgy. Need minimum of 150 in the skill for it to manifest per Marcosy. Attack will draw from up to three effects each time to create a combo effect

still uses the staff skill even after these perfection levels, however the maneuvers granted do not. the attack rating and damage ratings use a lot of Wyrding.

Summon Air Elemental

Benison Type                : summon creature
Knowledge Requirement       : have at least 35 points in unmodified conjuration skill, have at least 35 points in unmodified
   aeroturgy skill, and have at least 35 points in having the unmodified cosmology skill; and have at least 150 points among unmodified invocation skill, unmodified piety skill, and unmodified
   theurgy skill
Capability Formula          : 50% of unmodified aeroturgy skill plus 50% of unmodified cosmology skill plus 5% of unmodified
   invocation skill plus 5% of unmodified piety skill plus 5% of unmodified theurgy skill plus 50% of unmodified conjuration skill
Capability Minimum          : 50
Capability Maximum          : 300
Energy Costs                : eight and a half points of elemental air energy and twelve and a half points of goetic energy
Process to Will Benison     : will an air elemental to appear
Though Aeda's primary bond is with the earth and the forests, Her dominion also extends to the air and the clouds.  When
Her faithful are in need, Aeda may allow the summoning of beings made of air and wind to strike down her clergy's foes.  These
beings are composed not of normal winds, but of the essence of air itself, capable of transforming normal matter into air upon
contact.  As with most of the summoned companions of the Aedarene, however, the elemental will return to whence it came after
some time.  To dismiss one's earth elemental, simply tell it to 'begone'.

At 25% perfection, elemental gains a lightning discharge attack.
At 50% perfection, elemental gains a gnostic wind attack.

Summon Earth Elemental

Benison Type                : summon creature
Knowledge Requirement       : have at least 35 points in unmodified conjuration skill and have at least 35 points in unmodified
   geoturgy skill; and have at least 150 points among unmodified invocation skill, unmodified piety skill, and unmodified
   theurgy skill
Capability Formula          : 50% of unmodified geoturgy skill plus 50% of unmodified cosmology skill plus 5% of unmodified
   invocation skill plus 5% of unmodified piety skill plus 5% of unmodified theurgy skill plus 50% of unmodified conjuration skill
Capability Minimum          : 50
Capability Maximum          : 300
Energy Costs                : eight and a half points of elemental earth energy and twelve and a half points of goetic energy
Process to Will Benison     : will an earth elemental to appear
Those of Aeda's clergy are known to have a profound and powerful bond with the elemental earth of the world.  In times of
great need, the Aedarene may call upon this bond to have the very earth itself rise up to strike down the opponents of Aeda's
faithful.  As with most of the summoned companions of the Aedarene, however, the elemental will return to whence it came after
some time.  To dismiss one's earth elemental, simply tell it to 'begone'.

At 25% perfection, earth elemental gains an acid discharge attack.
At 50% perfection, earth elemental gains geysers of toxic dust as an attack.

Summon Water Elemental

 Benison Type                : summon creature
 Knowledge Requirement       : have at least 35 points in unmodified conjuration skill and have at least 35 points in unmodified
   aquaturgy skill; and have at least 150 points among unmodified invocation skill, unmodified piety skill, and unmodified
   theurgy skill
Capability Formula          : 50% of unmodified aquaturgy skill plus 50% of unmodified cosmology skill plus 5% of unmodified
   invocation skill plus 5% of unmodified piety skill plus 5% of unmodified theurgy skill plus 50% of unmodified conjuration skill
 Capability Minimum          : 50
 Capability Maximum          : 300
 Energy Costs                : eight and a half points of elemental water energy and twelve and a half points of goetic energy
 Process to Will Benison     : will a water elemental to appear
 Though Aeda's primary bond is with the earth and the forests, Her dominion also extends to the oceans of the world.  When
 Her faithful are in need, Aeda may allow the summoning of beings made of purest water to strike down her clergy's foes.  These
 beings are composed not of normal water, but of the essence of water itself, capable of transforming normal matter into water
 upon contact.  As with most of the summoned companions of the Aedarene, however, the elemental will return to whence it came
 after some time.  To dismiss one's earth elemental, simply tell it to 'begone'.
 At 25% perfection, elemental gains an ice attack.
 At 50% perfection, elemental gains geysers of ooze as an attack.

Rank 3 Aedarene Benisons

Lightning Storm

   Benison Type                : attack
   Knowledge Requirement       : have at least 145 points in unmodified aeroturgy skill and have at least 500 points among unmodified invocation skill,
       unmodified piety skill, and unmodified theurgy skill
   Capability Formula          : 20% of ego plus 20% of willpower plus 25% of aeroturgy skill plus 12.5% of evocation skill plus 12.5% of invocation
       skill plus 12.5% of piety skill plus 25% of telesmatic weapon skill plus 12.5% of theurgy skill plus 25 points for being berserk
   Capability Minimum          : 100
   Capability Maximum          : 400
   Your Capability             : 400
   Perfection                  : 100%
   Energy Costs                : fifteen points of amalgamal lightning energy and fifteen points of goetic energy
   Process to Will Benison     : will a storm of lightning to strike down all my foes
     A more aggressive variant of Aeda's Lightning, this particular use of Aeda's power is generally granted only to those of Her clergy possessing both great
   devotion to the Earthmother's teachings and a considerable mastery of magicks of the air.  Willing this benison causes multiple bolts of divine lightning
   to strike down all of one's enemies at once -- as such, one must be actively engaged in combat to perform it.
  • 60 second cooldown

Lunar Claws

Benison Type                : enchant creature
Knowledge Requirement       : be a Lykouros, have at least 35 points in
unmodified theology skill, have at least 75 points in unmodified killer instinct
skill, and have at least 300 points among unmodified invocation skill, unmodified
piety skill, and unmodified theurgy skill
Capability Formula          : 25% of unmodified killer instinct skill plus 25%
of unmodified theology skill plus 12.5% of unmodified invocation skill
plus 12.5% of unmodified piety skill plus 12.5% of unmodified theurgy
Capability Minimum          : 25
Capability Maximum          : 150
Energy Costs                : fifteen points of goetic energy
Process to Will Benison      : will the moonlight to bestow upon my claws the
   power of <energy type>
More than other servants of Aeda, Synodia Lykouros reveres and honors the moon and the sacred light it shines.
Lykouroi who also serve Aeda as members of Her formal clergy and strike a balance between knowledge of sacred lore
and the bestial nature of the wolf are given access to this secret rite, which enhance's the claws of the Lykouros
with an aspect of the moonlight.  This change lasts until the Lykouros changes forms, disincarnates, or wills this 
benison again.
You can currently bend the moon's light in order to enhance your claws
with goetia, might, and poison.
  • 145 skill in Viturgy unlocks the ability to enhance with extropy
  • 145 skill in Thanaturgy unlocks the ability to enhance with entropy

Aria of Innocence

 Benison Type                : summon effect
 Knowledge Requirement       : have at least 75 points in unmodified evocation skill, have at least 35 points in unmodified singing
   skill, have at least 145 points among unmodified vocalization skill and unmodified singing skill, and have at least 500 points
   among unmodified invocation skill, unmodified piety skill, and unmodified theurgy skill
 Capability Formula          : 5% of ego plus 5% of willpower plus 25% of evocation skill plus 12.5% of invocation skill plus
   12.5% of piety skill plus 12.5% of theurgy skill plus 12.5% of singing skill plus 12.5% of vocalization skill plus 12.5% of
   empathy skill plus 12.5% of manipulation skill
 Capability Minimum          : 75
 Capability Maximum          : 250
 Energy Costs                : fifteen points of goetic energy
 Process to Will Benison     : will myself to give voice to the aria of innocence
   Peace is much beloved by Aeda, and though She accepts that strife and woe are unlikely to be wholly expunged from the mortal
 realm, She shows favor to those of Her supplicants who work to preserve peace and tranquility whenever possible.  Those of Aeda's
 clergy who possess sufficient skill in the arts of both peace and song are gifted with knowledge of this rare benison, which allows
 the supplicant to surround themselves with an aura of pacifying song, preventing hostile creatures from attacking so long as the song
 persists.  Sustaining the song is tiring, however, and can only be sung for so long before the mortal heart must cease.  If one is
 actively under attack, the song can be uttered in a short burst, halting all combat.  Wretched creatures with no emotions are immune
 to the song's effects.
 To cease uttering the song prematurely, will yourself to cease uttering the aria of innocence.


 Benison Type                : attack
 Knowledge Requirement       : have at least 145 points in unmodified pathophrasty skill, have at
   least 75 points in unmodified enchantment skill, and have at least 500 points among unmodified
   invocation skill, unmodified piety skill, and unmodified theurgy skill
 Capability Formula          : 20% of ego plus 20% of willpower plus 25% of pathophrasty skill
   plus 12.5% of enchantment skill plus 12.5% of invocation skill plus 12.5% of piety skill plus
   12.5% of theurgy skill plus 25 points for being berserk
 Capability Minimum          : 100
 Capability Maximum          : 325
 Energy Costs                : fifteen points of goetic energy
 Process to Will Benison     : will my enemies to be brought low by sickness and terror
   Though the Aedarene are generally protectors and nurturers of life, with the knowledge
 required to perform these duties also comes the power to disrupt and devastate the processes of
 life.  In particular, the awareness of and control over the natural processes of the body allows
 the Aedarene, if so inclined, to will sickness and terror upon those who Aeda deems worthy of Her
 wrath.  This supernatural plague affects even creatures normally immune to disease and poison,
 although its effectiveness is greatly reduced against such targets.
  • 60-second cooldown

Retrieve Companion

 Benison Type                : summon creature
 Knowledge Requirement       : have at least 145 points in unmodified spatiophrasty skill, have at least 75 points in unmodified
   conjuration skill, and have at least 500 points among unmodified invocation skill, unmodified piety skill, and unmodified theurgy
 Capability Formula          : 100% of unmodified spatiophrasty skill plus 25% of unmodified conjuration skill plus 12.5% of unmodified
   invocation skill plus 12.5% of unmodified piety skill plus 12.5% of unmodified theurgy skill
 Capability Minimum          : 225
 Capability Maximum          : 350
 Energy Costs                : fifty points of goetic energy
 Process to Will Benison      : will space to be folded by Aeda's power in order to retrieve <target>[, companion of <source>]
   One of the common behaviors within the natural world is the urge to bond -- to gather together in packs, schools and other
 communities.  The Aedarene are no exception to this rule, and tend to associate both with each other and with external communities. 
 However, occasionally a member of a community becomes lost, and cannot be easily retrieved.  Through the grace of Aeda, this benison
 can be used to retrieve one of the caster's companions or group members, or the companion or group member of a nearby ally.  This
 ability will not function on Adventuring Company members unless they are also your group member.
   In order to use this ability, the caster must possess an unkept spherical pearl to be used as a seed for the spatial convergence
 between the target's current location and the caster's location.  Both locations must also be free of any effects which block
 teleportation effects.

Shadows of the Grave

 Benison Type                : attack
 Knowledge Requirement       : have at least 145 points in having the unmodified mortuary skill, have at least 145 points in having the
   unmodified theology skill, and have at least 500 points among having the unmodified invocation skill, having the unmodified piety skill, 
   and having the unmodified theurgy skill
 Capability Formula          : 5% of having the expert effective mortuary skill with related skills contributing plus 5% of having the expert effective 
   theology skill with related skills contributing plus 5% of having the expert effective invocation skill with related skills contributing plus 5% of 
   having the expert effective piety skill with related skills contributing plus 10% of having the expert effective theurgy skill with related skills 
   contributing plus 10% of having the expert effective evocation skill with related skills contributing plus 10% of having the expert effective 
   bellerophrasty skill with related skills contributing
 Capability Minimum          : 150
 Capability Maximum          : 350
 Energy Costs                : fifteen points of goetic energy
 Process to Will Benison      : will Aeda's power to grant death to <target>
   Death being a part of the natural cycle, most Aedarene are content to cease their involvement with matters of the flesh at that time.  However, some 
 Aedarene study the teachings of those who concern themselves with the state of the body after death.  Those of Her followers who master this knowledge, as 
 well as knowledge of how various other religions view the concept of the afterlife, may find themselves entrusted with the power to use the symbols of the 
 grave to invoke a powerful attack against one's foe.  This benison is especially effective against the undead.

Summon Tsunamion

 Benison Type                : summon creature
 Knowledge Requirement       : have at least 145 points in unmodified aquaturgy skill, have at least 75 points in unmodified
   conjuration skill, and have at least 500 points among unmodified invocation skill, unmodified piety skill, and unmodified theurgy
 Capability Formula          : 100% of unmodified aquaturgy skill plus 50% of unmodified conjuration skill plus 5% of unmodified
   invocation skill plus 5% of unmodified piety skill plus 5% of unmodified theurgy skill plus 50% of unmodified spirit lore skill
 Capability Minimum          : 200
 Capability Maximum          : 425
 Energy Costs                : thirteen and a half points of elemental water energy and twenty points of goetic energy
 Process to Will Benison     : will a tsunamion to appear
   In addition to the summoning of normal water elementals, those of Aeda's clergy who are particularly knowledgeable in the arts of
 water magicks are capable of summoning a particularly powerful spirit of water, known as a Tsumanion.  As with most of the summoned
 companions of the Aedarene, however, the spirit will return to whence it came after some time.  To dismiss one's tsumanion, simply
 tell it to 'begone'.

Dust to Dust

 Benison Type                : attack
 Knowledge Requirement       : have at least 145 points in unmodified thanaturgy skill, 
 have at least 75 points in unmodified evocation skill, and have at least 500 points among 
 unmodified invocation skill, unmodified piety skill, and unmodified theurgy skill
 Capability Formula          : 20% of ego plus 20% of willpower plus 25% of thanaturgy skill plus 12.5% of evocation skill plus
   12.5% of invocation skill plus 12.5% of piety skill plus 12.5% of theurgy skill plus 50 points for being berserk
 Capability Minimum          : 100
 Capability Maximum          : 375
 Energy Costs                : four points of entropic energy and ten points of goetic energy
 Process to Will Benison     : will destruction by Aeda's power upon all blasphemous creatures in my presence
     It is widely-known that Aeda has within Her heart grace and mercy for every living 
 creature, and that She raises Her hand against life only reluctantly.  However, that mercy 
 does not extend to the undead, whom She considers a blasphemous and wretched blight upon 
 the natural cycle.  As a result, Aeda bestows this ability to those of Her clergy most 
 skilled in the magicks of entropy -- the power to snuff out the undead in great numbers.  
 The larger the number of undead present when this ability is used, the greater the damage 
 inflicted.  This attack will harm living creatures to some degree, but gains no extra 
 benefits against them.  This attack will always strike undead creatures without missing.
 Cooldown seems to be 4.5-5 minutes.

Scalpel of Asklepios

    Benison Type                : attack
    Knowledge Requirement       : have at least 145 points among having the unmodified barbery skill and having the unmodified chirurgery skill and have at least 500 points among having the unmodified invocation skill, having the unmodified piety skill, and having the unmodified theurgy skill
    Capability Formula          : 5% of having the expert effective chirurgery skill with related skills contributing plus 5% of having the expert effective barbery skill with related skills contributing plus 5% of having the expert effective invocation skill with related skills contributing plus 5% of having the expert effective piety skill with related skills contributing plus 10% of having the expert effective theurgy skill with related skills contributing plus 10% of having the expert effective evocation skill with related skills contributing plus 10% of having the expert effective bellerophrasty skill with related skills contributing
    Capability Minimum          : 150
    Capability Maximum          : 350
    Energy Costs                : fifteen points of goetic energy
    Process to Will Benison      : will Aeda's power to cut away at the body of <target>
Though much of the healing and curing power of Aeda's clergy comes directly from divine power, a small subset of Aeda's faithful revere the teachings of the followers of Asklepios, the god of medicine.  By channeling Aeda's power into a cutting force, the supplicant can deal tremendous damage to a foe.  This attack draws a great deal of its damaging potential from the user's knowledge of their target's weaknesses.  Additionally, this attack cannot miss; however, it is ineffective against foes who are not harmed by physical forces.
    Development Information     : This benison was created by Marcosy; the source code was last updated Sat Sep 23 09:59:39 2017.
  • 15 second cooldown.
  • Slashing damage.

Summon Volcanion

Benison Type                : summon creature
Knowledge Requirement       : have at least 145 points in unmodified geoturgy skill, have at least 75 points in unmodified conjuration 
                              skill, and have at least 500 points among unmodified invocation skill, unmodified piety skill, and 
                              unmodified theurgy skill
Capability Formula          : 100% of unmodified geoturgy skill plus 50% of unmodified conjuration skill plus 5% of unmodified 
                              invocation skill plus 5% of unmodified piety skill plus 5% of unmodified theurgy skill plus 50% of 
                              unmodified spirit lore skill
Capability Minimum          : 200
Capability Maximum          : 425
Energy Costs                : sixteen points of amalgamal magma energy and twenty points of goetic energy
Process to Will Benison     : will a volcanion to appear
In addition to the summoning of normal earth elementals, those of Aeda's clergy who are particularly knowledgeable in the arts of 
earth magicks are capable of summoning a particularly powerful spirit of the deep earth, known as a Volcanion.  As with most of the 
summoned companions of the Aedarene, however, the elemental will return to whence it came after some time.  To dismiss one's 
volcanion, simply tell it to 'begone'.

At 50% perfection, volcanion gains the ability to release a storm of smoky gravity.

Summon Arborian

Benison Type                : summon creature
Knowledge Requirement       : have at least 145 points in unmodified floraphrasty skill, have at least 75 points in unmodified
                              conjuration skill, and have at least 500 points among unmodified invocation skill, unmodified piety 
                              skill, and unmodified theurgy skill
Capability Formula          : 100% of unmodified floraphrasty skill plus 50% of unmodified conjuration skill plus 5% of unmodified
                              invocation skill plus 5% of unmodified piety skill plus 5% of unmodified theurgy skill plus 50% of 
                              unmodified spirit lore skill
Capability Minimum          : 200
Capability Maximum          : 425
Energy Costs                : forty points of goetic energy
Process to Will Benison     : will an arborian to appear
Of all life upon Aedaris, the lives of the trees and the forest are known to be particularly sacred to Aeda.  As a result, those of 
Aeda's clergy who are particularly knowledgeable in the arts of plant magicks are capable of summoning a particularly powerful spirit 
of the forest, known as an Arborian.  As with most of the summoned companions of the Aedarene, however, the spirit will return to 
whence it came after some time.  To dismiss one's arborian, simply tell it to 'begone'.
  • shoots beams of thaumaturgic ectoplasm from its eyes
  • at 50%, gains the ability to release a storm of ravening sky into an opponent, this appears to be thaumaturgy, goetia, and air?
  • "some time" seems to be about 10-15 minutes. Not sure if this increases with proficiency, and if this timer is greater for lesser summons or not.
  • Spawned at level 21.
  • Actually pertain to the spirit race.

Summon Vitalix

 Benison Type                : summon creature
 Knowledge Requirement       : have at least 145 points in unmodified viturgy skill, have at least 75 points in unmodified 
                               conjuration skill, and have at least 500 points among unmodified invocation skill, unmodified piety
                               skill, and unmodified theurgy skill
 Capability Formula          : 100% of unmodified viturgy skill plus 50% of unmodified conjuration skill plus 5% of unmodified 
                               invocation skill plus 5% of unmodified piety skill plus 5% of unmodified theurgy skill plus 50% of 
                               unmodified spirit lore skill
 Capability Minimum          : 200
 Capability Maximum          : 425
 Energy Costs                : eight points of extropic energy and twenty points of goetic energy
 Process to Will Benison     : will a vitalix to appear
   Of all the forces of nature, that of life is known to be particularly sacred to Aeda.  As a result, those of Aeda's clergy 
 who are particularly knowledgeable in the arts of life magicks are capable of summoning a particularly powerful spirit of
 life, known as a Vitalix.  While the vitalix persists, its summoner and those whom it considers allies will be healed periodically
 by occasional pulses of life energy.  As with most of the summoned companions of the Aedarene, however, the spirit will return
 to whence it came after some time.  To dismiss one's vitalix, simply tell it to 'begone'.

Best Intentions

Benison Type                : enchant creature
Knowledge Requirement       : have at least 75 points in having the unmodified enchantment skill
    and have at least 500 points among having the unmodified invocation skill, having the
    unmodified piety skill, and having the unmodified theurgy skill
Capability Formula          : 100% of having the unmodified enchantment skill plus 25% of having
    the unmodified invocation skill plus 25% of having the unmodified piety skill plus 25% of
    having the unmodified theurgy skill
Capability Minimum          : 100
Capability Maximum          : 425
Energy Costs                : thirty points of goetic energy
Process to Will Benison     : will that all my companions nearby be bestowed with the blessing of

    Aeda has also been known to allow her followers to dispense her blessing out to their
companions in the surrounding area.  Only those trusting the member of Her clergy will be affected
by this benison.  She grants this act of kindness because Aeda understands the overwhelming stress
on her faithful when put into demanding situations so often.

Rank 4 Aedarene Benisons

Touch of Knowledge

 Benison Type                : summon effect
 Capability Formula          : 100% of unmodified divination skill plus 25% of unmodified invocation skill plus 25% of unmodified piety skill
   plus 25% of unmodified theurgy skill
 Capability Minimum          : 0
 Capability Maximum          : 250
 Energy Costs                : five points of goetic energy
 Process to Will Benison      : will myself to be granted knowledge and insight regarding <target>
   Although Aeda's dominions do not generally encompass the arenas of knowledge or insight, She has found that it is often helpful for the
 leaders of Her clergy to be gifted with greater vision into the depths of matters than can be seen with the mortal eye.  As a result, Aeda
 provides this benison to those of Her clergy who attain the rank of Elder, allowing them to petition Her for knowledge regarding any creature
 or item they may come across.  However, Aeda's insight is often too overwhelming for mortal minds to receive all at once, and only those who
 are highly skilled with this ability can handle the full amount of the vast influx of knowledge without being harmed.
  • 60 second cooldown

Verdant Eruption

 Benison Type                : summon effect
 Knowledge Requirement       : have at least 195 points in unmodified floraphrasty skill, have at least 75 points in unmodified
                               conjuration skill, and have at least 750 points among unmodified invocation skill, unmodified piety
                               skill, and unmodified theurgy skill
 Capability Formula          : 20% of ego plus 20% of willpower plus 25% of floraphrasty skill plus 12.5% of conjuration skill
                               plus 12.5% of invocation skill plus 12.5% of piety skill plus 12.5% of theurgy skill plus 25 points for being berserk
 Capability Minimum          : 125
 Capability Maximum          : 350
 Energy Costs                : fifty points of goetic energy
 Process to Will Benison     : will the natural world to erupt and reclaim the area where I stand
 Above all else, the forest is the portion of the natural world where it is the easiest for mortals to feel close to Aeda's true
 nature.  Although there exist various methods for Aeda's clergy to call upon the power of the forest, supreme among these is the
 power to call forth the might of the natural world directly, willing plants to emerge from the ground and crush or strangle one's
 foes.  The enchanted vegetation summoned by this ability is capable of constricting even creatures without physical form, such as
 spirits and shades, and will continue to entangle and trap foes for some time after its initial eruption.  The plant life created
 by this benison will persist for quite some tome in the area where the benison was willed, but it cannot be invoked in an area
 where plant life cannot survive or where there is no ground.
  • 5 minute cooldown

Pyroclastic Gauntlet

Benison Type                : enchant creature
Knowledge Requirement       : have at least 195 points in unmodified geoturgy skill, have at least 75 points in unmodified
                              enchantment skill, and have at least 750 points among unmodified invocation skill, unmodified
                              piety skill, and unmodified theurgy skill
Capability Formula          : 50% of geoturgy skill plus 50% of enchantment skill plus 12.5% of invocation skill plus 12.5% of
                              piety skill plus 12.5% of theurgy skill
Capability Minimum          : 225
Capability Maximum          : 350
Energy Costs                : twelve points of amalgamal magma energy and fifteen points of goetic energy
Process to Will Benison      : will the creation of a mantle of burning stone for <target>
Though Aeda grants Her clergy the ability to attack directly in some instances, the true measure of their offensive power is
their ability to augment the fighting power of others (or, more rarely, themselves).  This particular enchantment grants the
targeted creature the ability to release a devastating cascade of magma against all opponents with each attack, but only lasts
for a few moments before dissipating.

Heroic Infusion

Benison Type                : enchant creature                               
Knowledge Requirement       : have at least 195 points in unmodified viturgy skill, have at least 145 points in
                              unmodified enchantment skill, and have at least 750 points among unmodified 
                              invocation skill, unmodified piety skill, and unmodified theurgy skill                     
Capability Formula          : 50% of unmodified viturgy skill plus 50% of unmodified enchantment skill plus 12.5% 
                              of unmodified invocation skill plus 12.5% of unmodified piety skill plus 12.5% of 
                              unmodified theurgy skill                                                                    
Capability Minimum          : 250                                            
Capability Maximum          : 300                                          
Energy Costs                : six points of extropic energy and fifteen points of goetic energy                                                  
Process to Will Benison      : will a massive infusion of power and life energy into <target>                                                     
Though many of the enchantments that Aeda's power bestows upon allies add a new capability foreign to the ally's own 
characteristics, a few instead amplify the fundamental properties of the target's own characteristics.  This particular
enchantment infuses the target with a tremendous amount of life energy, multiplying their normal capabilities dozens of
times over in every category of aptitude.  The enchantment only lasts a few moments, however, as sustained exposure to 
such power quickly destroys any mortal creature.

  • At 100% perfection, I gained 875 Strength/Agility/Vitality/Ego/Intellect, 841 Willpower, and 830 Perception.
  • 5 Minute Cooldown

Anointing Cascade

Benison Type                : attack                                         
Knowledge Requirement       : have at least 195 points in unmodified aquaturgy skill, have at least 75 points
                              in unmodified evocation skill, and have at least 750 points among unmodified
                              invocation skill, unmodified piety skill, and unmodified theurgy skill                     
Capability Formula          : 20% of ego plus 20% of willpower plus 25% of having the aquaturgy skill plus 12.5%
                              of having the evocation skill plus 12.5% of having the invocation skill plus 12.5%
                              of having the piety skill plus 25% of having the bellerophrasty skill plus 12.5%
                              of having the theurgy skill                               
Capability Minimum          : 100                                            
Capability Maximum          : 400                                           
Energy Costs                : three and a half points of elemental water energy and five points of goetic energy                                  
Process to Will Benison      : will a cascade of blessed water to wash away <target>                                                            
Most practitioners of the water magicks of the Aedarene eschew direct attacks upon their foes, preferring instead
to enhance their allies or summon powerful minions, but the elite aquaturges of Aeda's clergy are granted knowledge
of a unique and powerful attack which deluges a single foe with blessed water capable of melting away their bodies.
In the presence of multiple foes, however, the surge of blessed water can leap from one foe to the next, increasing
in power each time.  The greater the supplicant's capability with this ability, the larger the chance for each leap
and the larger the number of total potential leaps.
  • 10 second cooldown

Infusion of Glory

Benison Type                : enchant creature                               
Knowledge Requirement       : have at least 195 points in unmodified         
   pathophrasty skill, have at least 145 points in unmodified enchantment   
   skill, and have at least 750 points among unmodified invocation skill,   
   unmodified piety skill, and unmodified theurgy skill                     
Capability Formula          : 50% of unmodified pathophrasty skill plus      
   50% of unmodified enchantment skill plus 12.5% of unmodified             
   invocation skill plus 12.5% of unmodified piety skill plus 12.5% of      
   unmodified theurgy skill                                                 
Capability Minimum          : 250                                            
Capability Maximum          : 300                                          
Energy Costs                : thirty points of goetic energy                 
Process to Will Benison      : will the tremendous enhancement and           
   acceleration of the biological processes of <target>                     
While lesser pathophrastic magicks can augment a target's vital          
systems relating to self-repair to induce accelerated healing, the most      
powerful enchantments of the discipline can induce a state of overdrive in   
any creature's bodily functions.  This state grants near-instantaneous       
regeneration from any injury, tremendous resistance to poison and disease,   
the ability to regrow limbs, and even the capability to survive without      
vital limbs for a few moments (hopefully long enough for such limbs to       
regenerate).  Additionally, through the power of Aeda's divine grace, the    
enchantment which bestows such capability is sufficiently blessed that it    
can even bestow this capability upon creatures which do not normally         
regenerate.    The enchantment only lasts a few moments, however, as         
sustaining such a state for longer than a minute causes the target's         
bodily rhythms to burn themselves out permanently.
  • 5 Minute Cooldown

Disruption of Form

Benison Type                : attack
Knowledge Requirement       : have at least 195 points in having the unmodified spatiophrasty skill
    and have at least 750 points among having the unmodified invocation skill, having the unmodified
    piety skill, and having the unmodified theurgy skill
Capability Formula          : 20% of ego plus 20% of willpower plus 25% of having the spatiophrasty
    skill plus 12.5% of having the evocation skill plus 12.5% of having the invocation skill plus 12.5%
    of having the piety skill plus 25% of having the bellerophrasty skill plus 12.5% of having the
    theurgy skill plus 25 points for being berserk
Capability Minimum          : 150
Capability Maximum          : 375
Your Capability             : 375
Perfection                  : 100%
Energy Costs                : fifteen points of goetic energy
Process to Will Benison      : will Aeda's power to perform the hostile spatial dissolution of <target>
Although the discipline of spatial magicks is generally used in a benign fashion by the followers of Aeda,
there exists a rare and particularly devastating offensive use of such power that Aeda has been known to
grant to those of her followers with the control and favor required to control it.  This attack disrupts
an enemy's form significantly by attempting to teleport its vital components into incompatible
configurations, and as such draws a great deal of its damaging potential from the user's knowledge of
their target's weaknesses.  This attack cannot miss, but will not function against a foe protected from
Development Information     : This benison was created by Marcosy; the source code was last updated Mon May 15 14:15:10 2017.
  • 15 second cooldown

Ruby Gloom

Benison Type                : enchant creature
Knowledge Requirement       : have at least 195 points in unmodified thanaturgy skill, have at least 75 points in unmodified
                              enchantment skill, and have at least 750 points among unmodified invocation skill, unmodified 
                              piety skill, and unmodified theurgy skill
Capability Formula          : 50% of unmodified thanaturgy skill plus 50% of unmodified enchantment skill plus 12.5% of unmodified
                              invocation skill plus 12.5% of unmodified piety skill plus 12.5% of unmodified theurgy skill
Capability Minimum          : 225
Capability Maximum          : 350
Energy Costs                : six points of entropic energy and fifteen points of goetic energy
Process to Will Benison      : will the creation of a deadly shroud of otherworldly hunger to protect <target>

Though Aeda grants Her clergy the ability to attack directly in some instances, the true measure of their offensive power is their
ability to augment the fighting power of others (or, more rarely, themselves).  This particular enchantment surrounds the targeted
creature with a deadly miasma of gloom that protects the target from harm while sapping the life from all nearby opponents with each
attack, but only lasts for a few moments before dissipating.
  • 5 Minute Cooldown

Raging Tornado

Benison Type                : enchant creature
Knowledge Requirement       : have at least 195 points in unmodified aeroturgy
   skill, have at least 75 points in unmodified enchantment skill, and have
   at least 750 points among unmodified invocation skill, unmodified piety
   skill, and unmodified theurgy skill
Capability Formula          : 50% of aeroturgy skill plus 50% of enchantment
   skill plus 12.5% of invocation skill plus 12.5% of piety skill plus 12.5%
   of theurgy skill
Capability Minimum          : 225
Capability Maximum          : 350
Energy Costs                : ten points of elemental air energy and fifteen
   points of goetic energy
Process to Will Benison      : will the might of raging winds to be bestowed
   upon <target>

   Though many of the enchantments that Aeda's power bestows upon allies add
a new capability foreign to the ally's own characteristics, a few instead
amplify the fundamental properties of the target's own characteristics.  This
particular enchantment infuses the target with a tremendous amount of life
energy, multiplying their normal capabilities dozens of times over in every
category of aptitude.  The enchantment only lasts a few moments, however, as
sustained exposure to such power quickly destroys any mortal creature.
  • 5 minute cooldown
  • Gives +1000 Agility, +2000 quickness, dodge, and flight according to Marcosy, as of 12/15/2015

Metamagickal Benisons

Constellation Cloak

Requires Aedarene Rank 3

Benison Type                : summon object
Knowledge Requirement       : have at least 75 points in unmodified astrology skill, have at least 145 points among unmodified
                              astrology skill and unmodified ektilaturgy skill, have at least 35 points in unmodified enchantment
                              skill, have at least 35 points in unmodified conjuration skill, and have at least 300 points among
                              unmodified invocation skill, unmodified piety skill, and unmodified theurgy skill
Capability Formula          : 50% of unmodified ektilaturgy skill plus 50% of unmodified astrology skill plus 12.5% of unmodified 
                              enchantment skill plus 12.5% of unmodified conjuration skill plus 5% of unmodified invocation skill
                              plus 5% of unmodified piety skill plus 5% of unmodified theurgy skill
Capability Minimum          : 100
Capability Maximum          : 150
Energy Costs                : seven and a half points of amalgamal void energy and seven and a half points of goetic energy
Process to Will Benison     : will the stars to surround me and protect me
Although Aeda's dominion is the world, those who worship Her have always held a special place in their hearts and rituals for the
moon and the sky.  The twinkling lights of the firmament are not without significance to the Earthmother, and She grants a unique
and special boon to those rare few of Her clergy who make great efforts to study the sky and the stars.  By willing this benison,
the supplicant can summon a magickal cloak made of the raw essence of the starry sky.  Although providing only modest protection,
the cloak nevertheless captivates and inspires those who wear it, while bringing the might of the stars to bear in combat against
the wearer's foes.  To banish one's constellation cloak, will it to disappear. 

   The points of light upon your large star-filled cerulean cloak glow softly.
   You feel a rush of power bolstering your reserves of spiritual energy.

Maybe just a spiritual energy input?

   The points of light upon your large star-filled cerulean cloak shift subtly.

No idea what that one does.

   You feel a rush of power bolstering your reflexes and kinesthetic capabilities.
   The points of light upon your large star-filled cerulean cloak swirl hypnotically.

Big Huge Buff to Combat Reflexes

       A mote of starlight drifts from your large star-filled cerulean cloak into the leering shimmering-violet-skinned female dana wight's right arm, flashburning it, despite her attempt 
 to dodge, though she resists the attack somewhat.

In Combat

The points of light upon your small star-filled cerulean cloak dim for a moment.


The points of light upon your small star-filled cerulean cloak brighten for a moment.

Perhaps a reversal of the dim effect?

Song of the Spheres

Requires Aedarene Rank 4

Benison Type                : attack
Knowledge Requirement       : have at least 145 points in having the unmodified astrology skill,
   have at least 35 points in having the unmodified singing skill, have at least 145 points among
   having the unmodified vocalization skill and having the unmodified singing skill, have at
   least 75 points in having the unmodified evocation skill, and have at least 750 points among
   having the unmodified invocation skill, having the unmodified piety skill, and having the
   unmodified theurgy skill
Capability Formula          : 20% of ego plus 20% of willpower plus 10% of having the aeroturgy
   skill plus 10% of having the aquaturgy skill plus 10% of having the viturgy skill plus 25%
   of having the astrology skill plus 25% of having the singing skill plus 12.5% of having
   the evocation skill plus 12.5% of having the invocation skill plus 12.5% of having the
   piety skill plus 12.5% of having the theurgy skill plus 25 points for being berserk
Capability Minimum          : 175
Capability Maximum          : 325
Energy Costs                : twelve and a half points of amalgamal thunder energy, twelve and a half
   points of amalgamal light energy, and twenty-five points of goetic energy
Process to Will Benison     : will myself to give voice to the music of the spheres
The magic and mystery of the starry sky is powerful and capable of great effects, as is the power of song. 
When they are combined, however, the resulting heterodyning of conceptual wavelengths is tremendously
devastating.  As a result, Aeda grants knowledge of this cataclysmic benison to only a very select few of
Her clergy who master multiple, highly disparate disciplines regarding these eldritch power sources. 
Channeling the Song of the Spheres allows the supplicant to unleash a devastating song that damages and
slows all foes currently attacking them for a lengthy period of time, but the power is sufficiently
dangerous to use that it can only be performed occasionally.
Development Information     : This benison was created by Marcosy; the source code was last updated Mon Oct 01 15:14:41 2018.
  • 15 minute cooldown

Discern Secrets

  • This Benison was removed at some point and is no longer available to players.
Benison Type                : summon effect
Knowledge Requirement       : have at least 195 points in unmodified
    divination skill and have at least 500 points among unmodified invocation
    skill, unmodified piety skill, and unmodified theurgy skill
Capability Formula          : 50% of unmodified divination skill plus 12.5% of
    unmodified invocation skill plus 12.5% of unmodified piety skill plus
    12.5% of unmodified theurgy skill
Capability Minimum          : 150
Capability Maximum          : 200
Energy Costs                : one hundred points of goetic energy
Process to Will Benison      : will the secrets and fortunes of <target> to be
    revealed to me

    Though the vast majority of Aeda's dominion encompasses the arts of life,
healing, fertility, and the natural cycle, there are a small number of
abilities She has been known to grant Her clergy beyond the scope of Her usual
portfolio, provided that the supplicant is sufficiently schooled in the
required knowledges to responsibly wield such powers.  Among the rarest of
these is the ability to discern secrets -- glimpsing the pasts and deepest
desires of those whom Aeda deems important to the path of Her supplicant. 
This ability is both very costly and can only be used once in a great while,
but allows the discernment of knowledge otherwise completely impossible to
obtain by mortals.
  • 24 hour cooldown

Example output of use on a player:

You sense that Vultan has recently slain Hieron once, one yellow-scaled
dracon, one green-scaled dracon, eight greenish-skinned anthrope honor guards,
six earthy-scaled dracon, Adrier twice, two brown-skinned anthrope honor
guards, Hakkax once, Helborg twice, one gray giant spider, Frankie once, one
anthropoid mass of ravening golden fiery energy, Vodax once, Kham once, one
giant tan-skinned anthrope, Ghaelion once, one gray rabbit, one brown
insectoid creature, Sthlar once, Captain Zailex once, four brown-skinned
anthrope citadel guards, one white-skinned anthrope, two tan-skinned anthrope
thugs, two dark-green-scaled dracon, one yellowed skeleton, Montezuma twice,
two greenish-skinned anthrope children, one black rat, Bloodbane twice, three
tan-skinned anthropes, and four black-skinned anthrope guards.

Balance of Seasons

Balance of Seasons
    Benison Type                : summon effect
    Knowledge Requirement       : have at least 145 points in having the unmodified enchantment skill; have at least 195 points among having the unmodified metaphysics skill and having the unmodified philosophy skill; have at least 35 points in having the unmodified lexiturgy skill and have at least 145 points in having the unmodified order affinity skill; have at least 35 points in having the unmodified chaoturgy skill and have at least 145 points in having the unmodified chaos affinity skill; have at least 35 points in having the unmodified kalaturgy skill and have at least 145 points in having the unmodified sephirotic affinity skill; or have at least 35 points in having the unmodified cacoturgy skill and have at least 145 points in having the unmodified qlippotic affinity skill; and have at least 750 points among having the unmodified invocation skill; having the unmodified piety skill; and having the unmodified theurgy skill
    Capability Formula          : 25% of having the unmodified metaphysics skill plus 25% of having the unmodified philosophy skill plus 25% of having the unmodified enchantment skill plus 12.5% of having the unmodified invocation skill plus 12.5% of having the unmodified piety skill plus 12.5% of having the unmodified theurgy skill
    Capability Minimum          : 75
    Capability Maximum          : 350
    Energy Costs                : fifty points of goetic energy
    Process to Will Benison      : will the spiritual balance of <target> to be restored with respect to <season>
Aeda views the natural order as a harmonious blend of all perspectives and motivations, with each having its proper place in the sequence of actions encompassing the natural cycle of creation, life, and destruction.  To those of Her followers that She deems worthy, however, She has been known to grant the ability to alter infusions of spiritual essence present in others, particularly the ability to remove unwanted accumulations of ordinal or moral energies.  The practitioner accomplishes this goal by infusing their target with the opposite energy, requiring significant control and existing accumulations of such energies within the practitioner themselves.  This ability can only be used upon those who explicitly trust the supplicant.  If used upon one who wishes the supplicant harm or is actively engaged in combat against them, the effect becomes a devastating attack using the ordinal or moral energies specified.
The only season of balance currently permitted to you is that of structure.
    Development Information     : This benison was created by Marcosy; the source code was last updated Mon Jan 31 13:07:40 2022.
  • Has a 60 second cooldown.

On a hostile target:

  • Deals damage of the selected ordinal or moral energy type.
  • Caster temporarily gains resistance to the opposite energy type with roughly the same duration as the cooldown.

On a friendly target with trust:

  • Reduces the opposed affinity skill, and possibly adjust alignment as well.

This was a secret benison that remained undiscovered for some time prior to Project Aeda's Veil. Initially knowledge also required 195+ each of philosophy and metaphysics instead of combined making it significantly more difficult to unlock. Kudos to those who worked on discovering it.

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