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The Aisenshi, or unity warriors, distinguish themselves by their honor and their singleminded devotion to the use of a single weapon form.

To use Aisenshi powers you must have the philosophy skill.

The Aisenshi require you to maintain an ordered outlook of at least "honorable" to advance. Having an unharmonious outlook not only prevents advancement, but also prevents gaining experience ("Your spirit is too disordered to advance in level"), so while it is possible to join Aisenshi as even chaotic, it is not possible to advance as such.

The Aisenshi communication channel is accessed with the commands 'aisenshi' and 'guild'.

Help files are available on the following topics:

    honor            code             aisenshi
    appraise         levels           set martial devotion
    shi              chi shield       kirutsuke
    namitoshin       kamikaze         aisenshi skills


Requirements to Join

Aisenshi requires specialty points in following skills: Calligraphy, Discipline, Dodge, Literacy, Martial Arts, Meditation, Kyotsugo, Philosophy, Practice, Precision Strike, Scholarship, and in the basic weapon skill one chooses to devote with. The details are in the spoilers section.

You must also have some skill in Kyotsugo (30); a lack thereof is regarded as some type of inability to grasp Aisenshi philosophy (as helpfully explained in Kyotsugo).

If you wish to leave you must have gained at least three levels since joining to do so, and possess a rating of at least 120 in Philosophy.

You say, [- I seek the path of the Aisenshi -] in beautifully-accented Anglic.

Musashi says, <> If one would study with a master, it is customary to make a gift appropriate to the teacher's stature. <> to you.

You give **the gift** to Musashi with your right hand.

Musashi bows slightly to you.

Musashi says, <> Domo arigato gozaimas. <> to you in Kyotsugo.

Musashi says, <> Your gift shows respect. If you still seek the path of the Aisenshi, say so. <> to you in Kyotsugo.

You say, [- I seek the path of the Aisenshi -] in beautifully-accented Anglic.


                            <>Aisenshi News<>

  A new ability, chi shield, has been added. 

  The repair command has been revised to work more
  appropriately for weapons of different materials.  

                                      -- Chaos, January 7th 2007

  Musashi has been relocated, to a secluded little hut in the new Isle of Hanoma,
  located in the general vicinity of his old island

                                      -- X

        MMMM_    ,..,
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   ,..., __." --"    ,.,     _-"MMMMMMM
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    \                          /
     (_)                    (_) 


You are now a first-degree specialist in calligraphy, combat reflexes, discipline, dodge, Kyotsugo, literacy, martial arts, meditation, philosophy, practice, precision strike, and scholarship. [event logged]

Spoiler warning: information below includes details, such as solutions to puzzles or quest procedures, that you may prefer to discover on your own.

Required Specialties

Note that an aisenshi needs to choose a "devotion" weapon skill. The list below show dagger as such skill.

			[min..]max	bonus	attribute
Calligraphy		1..10			Agility
Combat Reflexes         1..15           +1      Agility
Discipline	        1..15		+1	Willpower
Dagger			8..100		+5	Agility
Dodge			1..15		+1	Agility
Literacy		1..10			Intellect
Martial Arts		1..15		+1	Agility
Meditation		1..10			Willpower
Kyotsugo		1..10			Intellect
Philosophy		1..15		+1	Intellect
Practice		1..10			Willpower
Precision Strike	1..15		+1	Perception
Scholarship		1..10			Intellect

requires: 2 INT 2 WIL

The gift

Do not overthink it. It is simpler than first feels. Musashi will happily accept many a thing one might not consider "worthy". The gift doesn't even need to be expensive or rare. Use your imagination and try. If he doesn't accept it, he will politely give it back to you (or at least tries to, if you haven't trusted him, he will just drop the item).

Some real spoilers in the end...

Specialty Details

Checked with a simple phaethon character, so various restrictions might not have been found out in this list.

Note that an aisenshi needs to choose a "devotion" weapon skill. The list below show dagger as such skill.

			[min..]max	bonus
Calligraphy		1..10			(same max as in adventurers)
Discipline		2..15		+1
Dagger			8..100		+5
Dodge			2..15		+1
Literacy		1..10			(same max as in adventurers)
Martial Arts		2..15		+1
Meditation		1..10
Kyotsugo		1..10
Philosophy		2..15		+1
Practice		1..10			(same max as in adventurers)
Precision Strike	2..15		+1
Scholarship		1..10			(same max as in adventurers)

Flight			+1 (to max on a phaethon).

Centering		10
Empathy			 3
Equilibrium		10
Forestry		 2
Hardiness		10
Introspection		10
Massive Exertion	 4
Orienteering		 2
Poison Lore		 2
Quickness		 4
Recuperation		10
Symbology		 2

Combat Reflexes		10
Concentration		10
Courage			10
Find Weakness		10
Killer Instinct		10
Lack of Weakness	10
Massive Blow		10
Resilience		10
Somatesthesia		10
Stamina			10
Steadiness		10
Strategy		10
Tactics			10

Anatomy			4
Animal Lore		2
Arcane Lore		2
Archery			2
Arctic Fieldcraft	2
Armour Lore		4
Awareness		4
Balance			4
Blindfighting		4
Break Fall		4
Breath Control		4
Carousing		3
Cartography		2
Carving			4
Climbing		3
Cooking			2
Cosmology		2
Crossbow		2
Dancing			2
Demolition		1
Desert Fieldcraft	2
Digging			2
Diplomacy		4
Drawing			4
Eavesdropping		1
Elude Pursuit		3
Equestrian		1
Etiquette		3
Fast Talk		3
First Aid		4
Fishing			2
Foraging		2
Gambling		2
Gem Lore		2
Hills Fieldcraft	2
Imagination		3
Insect Lore		2
Instant Stand		4
Intelligence Analysis	4
Intimidation		2
Jumping			3
Jungle Fieldcraft	2
Leadership		4
Legend Lore		4
Linguistics		3
Lockpicking		1
Logic			3
Logistics		4
Manipulation		1
Mathematics		3
Memory			4
Metallurgy		2
Mineral Lore		2
Mountaineering		2
Mounted Combat		1
Musical Composition	4
Pain Tolerance		2
Painting		4
Percussion Instruments	4
Plains Fieldcraft	2
Plant Lore		2
Poetry			4
Politics		4
Prose			4
Psychology		2
Riding			1
Rune Lore		2
Running			3
Sculpture		4
Shorelands Fieldcraft	2
Showmanship		2
Singing			4
Sling			2
Smithing		2
Stealth			3
Streetwise		2
Stringed Instruments	4
Swamp Fieldcraft	2
Theology		2
Throwing		2
Tracking		2
Traps			1
Tumbling		4
Vocalization		2
Weapon Lore		4
Wind Instruments	4
Wyrding			2

.. And plenty skills with no access compared to adventurers. Few worth to mention are: all basic weapon skills (except the one chosen as devoted skill), all languages (except racial and cultural), Armour Adaptation, Finance, Ownership, Load Bearing, Shield, and Underwater fieldcraft.

(And the real spoilers about the gift: a diamond-tipped copper spear, a bottle of beer, a bag of fish sticks, ...)

  • He'll accept a cup of sake, which can be bought on the island at the tavern.

Combat Maneuvers

Aisenshi combat maneuvers should be memorized after Musashi has taught them to you.

   Rising Torrent
   Requirement to Use: have at least 100 points among 100% of martial arts skill, 75% of unarmed combat skill, 50% of jumping skill, and 50% of killer instinct skill and be
       familiar with rising torrent
   Propelling yourself upward, you will focus your momentum into one solid impact from your fist.

   Chi Strike
   Requirement to Use: have at least 500 points among 100% of martial arts skill, 100% of philosophy skill, 100% of pneumaturgy skill, 100% of evocation skill, 100% of
       bellerophrasty skill, 50% of discipline skill, and 50% of unarmed combat skill and be familiar with chi strike
   Focusing your chi into a weapon, you strike with your hand in a fashion that destroys the target's spiritual body as well as the physical.

   Chi Kick
   Requirement to Use: have at least 600 points among 100% of martial arts skill, 100% of philosophy skill, 100% of pneumaturgy skill, 100% of evocation skill, 100% of
       bellerophrasty skill, 50% of discipline skill, and 50% of unarmed combat skill and be familiar with chi kick
   Focusing your chi into a weapon, you strike with your foot in a fashion that destroys the target's spiritual body as well as the physical.
End of spoiler information.
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