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Flu (Talk | contribs)

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[[Quetlatl]]: [[Itozuma]] Wanders [[Quetlatl]]: [[Itozuma]] Wanders
[[Shadow Tower]]: [[Boko]] [[Shadow Tower]]: [[Boko]]
 + [[Shatterspire]]: [[Sthlar]]
[[Stillwater]]: [[Captain Roberts]] [[Stillwater]]: [[Captain Roberts]]
[[tlaxcala]]: [[Axton]] [[tlaxcala]]: [[Axton]]

Revision as of 22:02, 25 June 2010

Class: Combat Skills
Attribute: Constitution
Pedagogy: Physical Training

The ability to bounce back from shocks quickly. The higher this skill, the more quickly one will recover from being stunned.

See Also: Steadiness

  • Notes
Avalon: Bercilak
Devonshire: Thalask
Kolond: Duthien (only trains dwarves)
Losthaven: Raelan Jax
Mycenae: Kyros
Mordor: Badlokk
Nexus: Goth
Othrys: Ripheus
Quetlatl: Itozuma Wanders
Shadow Tower: Boko
Shatterspire: Sthlar
Stillwater: Captain Roberts
tlaxcala: Axton
Xi Feng Ming: Shun Lang
Association required:
Losthaven Guard: Durit Kolbad
the Stalkers of the Gate: Kalyxes
Guild required:
Aisenshi: Musashi
Battleragers: Borulien
Brute Squad: Fezzik
Hawkmen: Katar
Justicars of Tyr: Edwin
Knights of the Round Table: Sir Lancelot
Nizari: Hasan Wanders
Ordo Ignis Aeternis: Aedryl
Ordo Ignis Aeternis: Iklam wanders
Verynvelyrae: Sirinil
Quest required