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The Aedarene are a group of priests who worship and do the bidding of Aeda, the Earthmother.


Guild Helpfile

   -%) The Aedarene (%-
       You are one of the Aedarene, a devoted worshipper of Aeda who has been entrusted with her
   grace and a small fraction of her power.
       Aeda the Earthmother, the goddess of life and healing, has heard your supplication to aid
   in her work and has chosen you to be one of her favored instruments upon Aedaris.  Blessed by
   her grace, it is your joyous duty to carry out her will in the world of mortals, bringing life
   and healing to those who need it and pruning the garden of the world of those weeds which
   infest it wheresoever you may find them.
       The Aedarene are different from most other priests and magi in that they are not merely
   granted the ability to request divine actions from Aeda, but are instead directly invested
   with small portions of her power.  Through heartfelt prayer to Aeda and rigorous study of her
   tenets, the Aedarene receive benisons of Aeda's grace which fill their bodies with holy
       This energy can be spent to create magickal effects in the mortal world, manifesting
   Aeda's divine will through acts of one's own willpower.  These acts, known as "benisons", are
   specific and rigorously defined effects that Aeda entrusts to her clergy, provided that She
   judges them both worthy and capable of controlling the forces required to produce the
   benison's effects.  The ritual of prayer to Aeda performs a critical role in the process; type
   'help benisons' for more information.
       The Aedarene are also blessed by Aeda with the additional minor power to communicate
   regardless of distance or language via the 'aedarene' communication channel.


The Aedarene guildhall is in the Temple of Aeda. The guild master is Phyrra.

To join, say "I pledge myself to Aeda" in Anglic, or any other language she might know.

You are now a first-degree specialist in goetic investiture (Bonus), invocation, piety, and theurgy.

2 WIL, 1 EGO

   You rumble, "I pledge myself to Aeda"


   You are now a first-degree specialist in invocation, piety, and theurgy.
   [event logged]
   You are now a second-degree specialist in goetic investiture. [event logged]
   The anthrope asserts, <[ At last, you come home, dear child.  Be welcome in the Aedarene. ]>
   The anthrope embraces you lovingly.
   You feel a gentle, awesome presence gathering about you, which touches your spirit with a soft caress of grace and nurturing power.
   You tremble in awe as you experience a brief moment of divine ecstasy at the touch of a god.
   As the sensation fades, you feel a new capability burgeoning within yourself, a divinely-imparted ability to perform benisons through the
  act of will alone by the grace of Aeda.
   The anthrope purports, <[ Here you are, Ygdwenenne! ]> to you.
   The anthrope smiles cheerfully.
   The anthrope gives a slender oaken-bound leaf hymnbook to you.
   The anthrope smiles cheerfully.
   You feel knowledge of the benison the Light of Aeda flowing gently into your mind.


To leave, you say "I must leave the Aedarene". You need to have been in Aedarene for 3 levels before leaving.

   You say, -%) I must leave the Aedarene (%-
   The female anthrope demands, <[ What?  Oh, no!  Are you sure you must go?
]> in Anglic.
   The female anthrope sniffles pitifully.
   The female anthrope asserts, <[ Ah, great mother, give me strength...what
must be, must be, I suppose. ]> in Anglic.
   The female anthrope collapses against you tearfully, embracing you one
final time with a whispered farewell.
   You feel a gentle, awesome presence gathering about you once more, which
touches your spirit with a soft caress of grace and nurturing power.
   You shake with loss and sadness as Aeda caresses your spirit one final
time before withdrawing Her presence from you entirely.
   You feel your divinely-imparted ability to perform benisons disappearing
forever, leaving behind only a sensation of great loss and sadness.
You no longer specialize in goetic investiture to the degree required,
and so have lost all use of this ability. [event logged]
   You no longer specialize in invocation, piety, or theurgy. [event logged]

If you try to join again:

You say, "I pledge myself to Aeda"
   The female anthrope asserts, <[ Do you jest?  You snub Aeda, and then turn
around and immediately ask to be taken back?  Take some time to meditate upon
your folly in leaving the fold -- when you truly grasp the depth of Aeda's
grace, then may you perhaps earn her forgiveness. ]> to you in halting,
sibilant Aelvalie.


Other gods: Hethar Karad, Vashanka, Cthulhu

Evil: WoV

The Ritual of Prayer to Aeda

Spoiler warning: information below includes details, such as solutions to puzzles or quest procedures, that you may prefer to discover on your own.

The command 'perform ritual of prayer to Aeda' prompts a sentence completion mini game. Random verses from the guild's hymnbook are presented, where the final word must be subvocalized.

  • Example:
    O Aeda, we sing praises to you, who is the voice of the...
    the correct command would be 'subvocalize trees'

The prayer will time out in a failure state if you do not complete any of the verses correctly.
The prayer will time out in a partial win state if you complete one or more verses correctly.
The prayer will end in a win state if you complete all of the verses correctly.

successful completion of verses replenishes goetic energy

End of spoiler information.
Note: If you can't speak you can not perform this (even with mindspeaker), apparently this is intentional as to quote a Dev "It's discrimination yes".
Message: You must be able to speak in order to pray to Aeda.


        Those faithful who have been granted the honour of being invested with Aeda's power have
   the capability to bring forth expressions of Aeda's will into the mortal world, via a process
   known simply as 'benisons'.  This process is twofold: first, the Aedarene performs the ritual
   of prayer to Aeda.  By reciting Her mantras and focusing on their worship of Her, the
   supplicant is filled with an infusion of grace directly from the Goddess Herself, empowering
   them with goetic energy.
       Second, the supplicant uses such energy to will benisons within the limits of what
   expressions of power Aeda has granted to the supplicant.  Although Aeda's repertoire of
   benisons granted to Her clergy is vast, the direct nature of control over the power unleashed
   renders the instrument, rather than Aeda Herself, responsible for controlling and directing
   the forces involved.  As a result, Aeda bestows and withdraws access to benisons on a
   case-by-case basis, judging an individual's worthiness and capability with a particular
   benison based on their skills and behavior.  Aedarene who master a challenging skill or
   complete a heroic act may find themselves empowered by Aeda to perform greater benisons than
   the rank-and-file of Her clergy.
       Some advanced benisons require energies other than standard goetic energy, but through
   Aeda's grace these energies can be transubstantiated directly from goetic energy if the
   supplicant's stores of the desired energy are insufficient.  The greater the supplicant's
   skill in transmuting these energies, the more efficient the conversion will be.
       [ OOC Note: Benison processes are case-sensitive where the name of Aeda is concerned -- it
   is considered improper to refer to Her with lower-case letters, and benison invocations which
   do not properly capitalize Her name will generally be ignored by Her will.  In order to limit
   failed invocations, it is recommended that you designate aliases for the process of willing
   your benisons.  Type 'help set alias' for more information. ]

Benison Types

       The benisons granted by Aeda to her clergy are generally categorizable by type of effect
   produced when the benison is willed.  Most benisons of the same type use similar types of magickal
   or otherwise specialized knowledge, meaning that most Aedarene will tend to specialize in one or a
   small number of types of benison.  These specializations become increasingly pronounced with the
   higher-tier benisons, which can require near-total devotion to a particular school of study for
   Aeda to deem the supplicant worthy of being entrusted with such powers.
       The benison types known to you are cure, enchant creature, heal, summon creature, summon
   effect, and teleport.
       Cure:  Benisons of this type typically enact a curative influence upon a specified creature --
   specifically, the removal of a negative influence or condition.
       Enchant Creature:  Benisons of this type typically place a magickal effect or enchantment upon
   a living creature, which can be either beneficial or detrimental in nature.
       Heal:  Benisons of this type typically heal physical or spiritual harm to an individual,
   restoring health and life up to and including the resurrection of the deceased.
       Summon Creature:  Benisons of this type typically conjure a living creature, which generally
   regards the summoner positively.  Such creatures may be temporary or permanent in nature, and may
   be either summoned from another location or wholly created anew.
       Summon Effect:  Benisons of this type typically conjure a magickal effect, which persists
   independently of its creator's will.  Such effects may be transient or instantaneous, but may also
   be temporary or permanent in nature, and may have a large variety of potential functionalities.
       Teleport:  Benisons of this type typically teleport a creature or object, most often the
   benison's creator, to another location.  This teleportation may be instantaneous or circuitous,
   depending upon the nature of the teleportation effect and the distance or trajectory of the
   teleportation path.


The command to advance in rank is saying, "I submit myself for promotion" while you're at Phyrra.

Quests: Before even being considered for a promotion, an Aedarene must perform a task befitting the rank they aspire to. Phyrra will give you a hint.

Time: The base maximum time between promotions assuming you already meet requirements is 3 days per rank, which can be reduced by "Gaining Aeda's Favour," a.k.a. killing undead and healing/curing people with the "Light of Aeda" and similar benisons. This reduction increases the more often you get the message, but based on diminishing returns. The more often you get favor, the greater total reduction, so go out there and GET THAT FAVOUR!

Skills: In order to advance in rank, the Aedarene must have the necessary skills to actually use at least one of the benisons they wish to access. This means meeting the combined unmodified Theurgy/Invocation/Piety breakpoints for higher tier benisons, and possibly one or more of the required Turgies or Phrastys.

Aedarene Promotion Info Dump from Marcosy


Rank 2 (Celebrant): At'lordrith's Riddle, 3 days of devotion, ~300 points among T/I/P

Rank 3 (Hierophant): Remedios's Tree, 6 days of devotion, ~500 points among T/I/P

Rank 4 (Elder): Slay the Crimson Druid, 9 days of devotion, ~750 points among T/I/P

Trivia: To reach Elder, you will require at least 23 specs in T/I/P. This will leave you with a theoretical max of 760 across all 3 skills combined.

Hymnbook Text

       The writing is in Anglic, and reads:
O Aeda, we sing praises to you, who is the voice of the trees

As the earth of the world is your flesh, so are we your hands

As the air of the world is your breath, so are we your words

As the waters of the world are your blood, so are we your pain

O Aeda, we sing praises to you, who is the bones of the world

Though your work is dangerous, we shall not fear

Though your tasks are difficult, we shall not shirk

Though your edicts are firm, we shall be gentle

Though your will is eternal, we shall strive to live freely

Through your patience, we are made worthy of your grace

Through your wisdom, you safeguard us from our ignorance

Page Two:
Through your kindness, you forgive us our failings

O Aeda, we sing praises to you, who is the kiss of the wind

From the East, I seek the lessons of childhood

From the South, I seek the ways of questioning

From the West, I affirm my responsibility and duty

From the North, I look for the strength of balance

O Aeda, we sing praises to you, who is the embrace of the ocean

In life, we are given grace

In living, we are given purpose

In dying, we nourish those who follow

As you are, so shall we ever be, together as a spiral

Page Three:
From the first day to the last, while the world remains

Divine Gifts

Upon reaching the rank of Elder, the 'you sense Aeda is pleased with your actions' message has a chance to be accompanied by one of the following effects:

1: Grace Refill. Aeda will refill your reserves of goetic energy for free, so you can keep healing your heart out. (or pounding those undead abominations)

You feel yourself being invested with Aeda's power to a greater degree and bestowed with an infusion of grace.

2: EXP. this can be anywhere between a little exp (10k at level 66) to a LOT of exp (110k+ at level 60)

3: Buffs. Aeda wants you to keep going! +250 to all specified stats. lasts for a *long* time.

4: Lives. Aeda wants you to not stay dead! you get a life.

5: Attributes. Aeda wants you to keep improving! you get PERMANENT ATTRIBUTE MODIFIERS.

6. Skill Training. 'You feel your knowledge of psychology, anatomy, empathy, and keraunaturgy being divinely enhanced.'

  • Rarely, even as a Celebrant or perhaps Novice (rank 0), you may also get
You feel a gentle and soothing presence enter into and nourish your soul,
strengthening it and preserving it against the ravages of death.

Which gives you a life.


Definitely some armour restrictions, can't find anything other than leather to wear.

I killed someone, and cast Raise Dead thinking it would be like a zombie friend, but it came right back to life as an enemy and I killed it again, thus:
   You sense that Aeda is angered by your slaying of Clajel after your previous exhortation to return her to life.
   You feel a sense of failure.
   You are spiritually disjoined, and cannot will benisons in such a state.
After ten minutes or so though:
   You feel Aeda restoring Her power to you once more, accompanied by a sense of hope that you have learned from your


Aeda's Embrace


You sense Aeda's mercy drawing upon your reserves of spiritual energy to
lessen the attack.

This will trigger every so often. It draws ~80 SP and in return makes the attack "glance off" or similar "as you "resist it slightly"". It can also say "diminish".

  • It must be noted that the Light of Aeda and Aeda's Lightning are considered as regular attacks besides being benisons, so they will fire off in combat. Their activity cost is 20.
  • If your hands or manipulatory limbs are disabled or amputated, benisons that normally flow from them, such as the Light of Aeda, will instead come out from your eyes. Cool, isn't it?
  • If you tell a summon to "begone", or if it goes away because of the timer, it will return its XP to you.

When someone joins, you will be told:

   You feel a great and gentle echo of joy and welcoming flow through you as  
giant blue winged lizard joins the community of the Aedarene.                  
   The spectral giant star-filled cerulean female eagle begins resting.       
aedarene welcome giant blue winged lizard!                                     
~Aedarene Hierophant Aummius~ welcome giant blue winged lizard!                

Specialty Access

Abjuration			5
Aeroturgy			5
Appraisal			2
Aquaturgy			5
Barbery				4
Bellerophrasty			5
Chirurgery			5
Conjuration			5
Enchantment			5
Evocation			5
Floraphrasty			5
Geoturgy			5
Goetic Investiture		2
Introspection			4
Invocation			10
Law				4
Massive Exertion		3
Meditation			4
Pathophrasty			5
Poison Lore			3
Qlippotic Lore			4
Sephirotic Lore			4
Spatiophrasty			5
Spirit Lore			4
Symbology			4
Tenacity			7
Thanaturgy			5
Theurgy				10
Viturgy				5
Piety				10
Anatomy				4
Anglic				3 *Potentially culture-based
Animal Lore			3
Antagonism			2
Arcane Lore			4
Archery				3
Armour Lore			3
Armour Use			2
Astrology			4
Athleticism			2
Awareness			3
Axe				3
Balance				2
Bludgeon			3
Carpentry			2
Carving				2
Centering			5
Climbing			2
Combat Reflexes			2
Concentration			5
Cosmology			5
Courage				4
Crossbow			3
Dagger				3
Demolition			2
Digging				2
Discipline			3
Dodge				3
Drawing				2
Eavesdropping			2
Elude Pursuit			2
Empathy				4
Equestrian			2
Equilibrium			5
Equipment Maintenance		2
Finance				4
Find Weakness			3
Firefighting			2
First Aid			4
Flail				3
Gem Lore			3
Haggling			2
Hammer				3
Hardiness			3
Heraldry			3
History				4
Insect Lore			3
Intimidation			2
Lack of Weakness		3
Leadership			7
Leatherworking			2
Legend Lore			4
Linguistics			4
Literacy			4
Load Bearing			9
Locksmithing			2
Logistics			4
Manipulation			2
Masonry				2
Massive Blow			3
Memory				4
Metallurgy			2
Mineral Lore			3
Mortuary			4
Musical Composition		2
Orienteering			2
Ownership			2
Pain Tolerance			3
Painting			2
Philosophy			4
Plant Lore			3
Poetry				2
Pole Arm			3
Politics			3
Practice			2
Precision Strike		3
Prose				2
Psychology			3
Quickness			2
Recuperation			3
Resilience			3
Riding				2
Rune Lore			3
Running				2
Scholarship			4
Sculpture			2
Sewing				2
Shield				2
Showmanship			2
Singing				2
Sling				3
Smithing			2
Spear				3
Staff				3
Stamina				3
Steadiness			3
Storytelling			2
Strategy			4
Subordination			2
Swimming			2
Sword				3
Tactics				4
Tanning				2
Teaching			4
Theology			4
Throwing			3
Tracking			2
Training			2
Unarmed Combat			3
Vocalization			4
Weapon Lore			3
Weaving				2
Wind Instruments		2
Wyrding				5

First pass gathered on an Avalonian human. -shinichizio

Ranking Up

Timeouts seem to be, in Phyrra's words, "a very great deal more --> a great deal more --> a good deal more --> little bit more --> a teeny, eensy-weeny bit more".

You intone, o I submit myself for promotion o in sibilant Anglic.
   Phyrra purports, <[ You helped the rangers!  I knew you could do it.  Hmm,
and your skills at prayer are getting better, too...all right, then! ]> to
   Phyrra claps her hands joyfully.
   Phyrra purports, <[ Now, remember not to run off during the ceremony, or
we'll have to start over from the beginning! ]> to you.
   Phyrra begins chanting a soft, lyrical prayer to Aeda.
   Phyrra purports, <[ O Aeda, Earthmother!  Hear my prayer! Aummius requests
your mercy and judgment as he submits himself for consideration for the rank
of Aedarene Celebrant! ]>
   A shimmering aura of light begins to surround you and Phyrra.
   You feel yourself an invisible, awesome presence intrude gently upon your
consciousness, enfolding your mind in layers of warm regard.
   Phyrra asserts, <[ Relax, Aeda will take care of you. ]> to you. [was this an idle chat?]
   For a long moment, you feel Aeda's attention focused upon you, searching
the depths of your soul for worthiness, piety, and mastery of divine magicks.
   Abruptly, you feel a sudden sense of approval, and you once again tremble
in awe as you experience another brief moment of divine ecstasy at the touch
of Aeda's attention as a sudden sense of surety and confidence suffuses you.
   You slowly feel your perceptions return to the normal world as the
sensations from your vision dim and subside.
   The shimmering aura of light around you and Phyrra fades away.
   Phyrra purports, <[ Congratulations, Aummius! ]> to you.
   You realize that you now hold the rank of Aedarene Celebrant.
   Phyrra purports, <[ As part of your new rank, you will have access to a
much greater array of powers, but Aeda will expect a similarly greater level
of dedication from you.  Use your power wisely, and go forth to bring the
glory of Aeda to all those who need it! ]> to you.
~Aedarene Elder Phyrra~ Aummius has attained the rank of Aedarene Celebrant.
   You are now a first-degree specialist in tenacity. [event logged]
   You are now a second-degree specialist in leadership and load bearing.
[event logged]
   You are now a fourth-degree specialist in goetic investiture. [event
   You feel knowledge of the benisons Aeda's Lightning, Cloak of Mist,
Comprehend Languages, Dispel Mental Afflictions, Last Rites, Nature's
Infusion, Raise Dead, Restore Body, Shillelagh, Summon Air Elemental, and
Summon Water Elemental flowing gently into your mind.
Ranking up from Celebrant to Hierophant
You intone, -%) I submit myself for promotion (%- in sibilant Anglic.
   Phyrra purports, <[ A little faun told me that you helped that nice druid
to cure her tree!  I have to admit, I never took you for the musically
inclined sort.  It looks like your skills at prayer are continuing to improve,
and that you've made good use of your new, more advanced spells.  Let's see if
you're ready for the next rank! ]> to you.
   Phyrra grins mischievously.
   Phyrra purports, <[ Now, remember not to run off during the ceremony, or
we'll have to start over from the beginning! ]> to you.
   Phyrra begins chanting a soft, lyrical prayer to Aeda.
   Phyrra purports, <[ O Aeda, Earthmother!  Hear my prayer! Aummius requests
your mercy and judgment as he submits himself for consideration for the rank
of Aedarene Hierophant! ]>
   A shimmering aura of light begins to surround you and Phyrra.
   You feel yourself an invisible, awesome presence intrude gently upon your
consciousness, enfolding your mind in layers of warm regard.
   For a long moment, you feel Aeda's attention focused upon you, searching
the depths of your soul for worthiness, piety, and mastery of divine magicks.
   Abruptly, you feel a sudden sense of approval, and you once again tremble
in awe as you experience another brief moment of divine ecstasy at the touch
of Aeda's attention as a sudden sense of surety and confidence suffuses you.
   You slowly feel your perceptions return to the normal world as the
sensations from your vision dim and subside.
   The shimmering aura of light around you and Phyrra fades away.
   Phyrra purports, <[ Congratulations, Aummius! ]> to you.
   You realize that you now hold the rank of Aedarene Hierophant.
   Phyrra purports, <[ As a Hierophant, all but the greatest of powers will
be available to you.  Take it upon yourself not only to do great deeds, but
also to begin upon the path of leadership and aid others to begin their own
journeys.  The people will look to you to serve as an example of how Aeda's
clergy should sure you're setting a good example! ]> to you.
~Aedarene Elder Phyrra~ Aummius has attained the rank of Aedarene Hierophant.
   You are now a second-degree specialist in tenacity. [event logged]
   You are now a third-degree specialist in leadership and load bearing.
[event logged]
   You are now a seventh-degree specialist in goetic investiture. [event
   You feel knowledge of the benison Best Intentions flowing gently into your
Ranking up from Hierophant to Elder
   You intone, -%) I sssubmit myssself for promotion (%- in sibilant Anglic.
   Phyrra asserts, <[ Word has reached me that you dealt with Sandraella.
Although it can be a difficult thing to end the life of another, at times it
is required of us.  We try to spare the innocent from such grim tasks, which
is why such undertakings are only asked of those who aspire to the rank of
Elder.  By completing this solemn task, you have earned the right to be
considered for such a rank. ]> to you.
   Phyrra smiles wistfully.
   Phyrra purports, <[ Now, remember not to run off during the ceremony, or
we'll have to start over from the beginning! ]> to you.
   Phyrra begins chanting a soft, lyrical prayer to Aeda.
   Phyrra purports, <[ O Aeda, Earthmother!  Hear my prayer! Aummius requests
your mercy and judgment as he submits himself for consideration for the rank
of Aedarene Elder! ]>
   A shimmering aura of light begins to surround you and Phyrra.
   You feel yourself an invisible, awesome presence intrude gently upon your
consciousness, enfolding your mind in layers of warm regard.
   For a long moment, you feel Aeda's attention focused upon you, searching
the depths of your soul for worthiness, piety, and mastery of divine magicks.
   Abruptly, you feel a sudden sense of approval, and you once again tremble
in awe as you experience another brief moment of divine ecstasy at the touch
of Aeda's attention as a sudden sense of surety and confidence suffuses you.
   You slowly feel your perceptions return to the normal world as the
sensations from your vision dim and subside.
   The shimmering aura of light around you and Phyrra fades away.
   Phyrra purports, <[ Congratulations, Aummius! ]> to you.
   You realize that you now hold the rank of Aedarene Elder.
   Phyrra asserts, <[ As an Elder, Aeda will hold back no benison from you,
so long as you possess the skill to manifest it safely.  You have done great
deeds, and Aeda has in turn rewarded you with Her ultimate trust.  Let Her
grace and mercy be your example, and show to others the same kindness and
generosity that She has shown to you.  Together, let us guide and aid others
as we have been guided and aided, and bring Aeda's grace to all. ]> to you.
~Aedarene Elder Phyrra~ Aummius has attained the rank of Aedarene Elder.
   You are now a third-degree specialist in tenacity. [event logged]
   You are now a fourth-degree specialist in leadership and load bearing.
[event logged]
   You are now a tenth-degree specialist in goetic investiture. [event
   You feel knowledge of the benison Touch of Knowledge flowing gently into
your mind.
  • Failing a rankup ceremony will set the timeout to "a teeny, eensy-weeny bit more".
  • This is how it looks like when it fails:
Failed ranking up ceremony to Elder
You intone, -%) I submit myself for promotion (%- in sibilant Anglic.
   Phyrra asserts, <[ Word has reached me that you dealt with Sandraella.
Although it can be a difficult thing to end the life of another, at times it
is required of us.  We try to spare the innocent from such grim tasks, which
is why such undertakings are only asked of those who aspire to the rank of
Elder.  By completing this solemn task, you have earned the right to be
considered for such a rank. ]> to you.
   Phyrra smiles wistfully.
   Phyrra purports, <[ Now, remember not to run off during the ceremony, or
we'll have to start over from the beginning! ]> to you.
   Phyrra begins chanting a soft, lyrical prayer to Aeda.
   Phyrra purports, <[ O Aeda, Earthmother!  Hear my prayer! Aummius requests
your mercy and judgment as he submits himself for consideration for the rank
of Aedarene Elder! ]>
   A shimmering aura of light begins to surround you and Phyrra.
   You feel yourself an invisible, awesome presence intrude gently upon your
consciousness, enfolding your mind in layers of warm regard.
   For a long moment, you feel Aeda's attention focused upon you, searching
the depths of your soul for worthiness, piety, and mastery of divine magicks.
   Abruptly, you feel a sudden sense of calm rejection and disapproval, as
though your belief, dedication, or capability have been found wanting.
   You slowly feel your perceptions return to the normal world as the
sensations from your vision dim and subside.
   The shimmering aura of light around you and Phyrra fades away.
   Phyrra looks upon you with pity, but says nothing.
   You realize that your request for consideration for the rank of Aedarene
Elder has been rejected.

If you try to rank up again after having reached Elder, this happens:

   You intone, -%) I wisssh to sssubmit myssself for promotion (%- in
sibilant Anglic.
   Phyrra purports, <[ Oh, but you are already so highly esteemed!  Don't
worry so much about what other people think of you, but instead try to focus
on guiding and helping the younger ones.  That's what I do! ]> to you.
say aww
   You intone, -%) aww (%- in sibilant Anglic.
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