Ancient Artifacts

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===Chaos Fang=== ===Chaos Fang===
* '''Type''': * '''Type''':
-* '''Location''': +* '''Location''': [[Sang-drax]] in the [[Nexus]]
* '''Materials''': * '''Materials''':
* '''Damage Types''': * '''Damage Types''':
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* '''Extras''': * '''Extras''':
* '''Description''': * '''Description''':
===Harval=== ===Harval===

Revision as of 14:32, 23 March 2010

Spoiler warning: information below includes details, such as solutions to puzzles or quest procedures, that you may prefer to discover on your own.



Axe of Dunbar

  • Type: Battleaxe
  • Location: Synlius in Fort Shantaari
  • Materials: fifty-three percent mithril and forty-seven percent dweomer
  • Damage Types: Slashing
  • Restrictions:
  • Size: Nine twentieths of a dimin wide and thirteen dimins long
  • Extras:
  • Description:
The handle of this ancient mithril battleaxe is worn and smooth, but the blade has remained incredibly sharp.  Faint, unreadable symbols mark the 
base of the weapon.  You recognize this as the Axe of Dunbar.  The worn symbols are the marks of dwarven smiths, but their fading makes it difficult 
to tell the exact origins of the axe.  Legend places it at least as old as the Cleansing War, which took place nearly six hundred years ago.


  • Type: Battleaxe
  • Location: Kham in Togrek
  • Materials: Adamantite
  • Damage Types: Slashing
  • Restrictions:
  • Size: Eleven twentieths of a dimin wide and twelve and a half dimins long
  • Extras:
  • Description:
A light, agile battleaxe of black adamantite with strange runes inlaid into the surface of its head in ruby.  Along the handle appears to be more 
conventional script, this simply etched into the metal.  Its pommel is a smooth obsidian hemisphere that glows with a ghostly opalescence.  The quality 
of its craftsmanship is excellent.  You recognize this as Blackheart, the weapon famed as the slayer of the elflord Cetelias Donaquin.


  • Type: Battleaxe
  • Location: Random Load
  • Materials: forty-nine percent adamantite, forty-nine percent lexoth and two percent meteoric iron
  • Damage Types: Slashing (also may do air?)
  • Restrictions:
  • Size: Nine twentieths of a dimin wide and thirteen dimins long
  • Extras: Has stun discharge.
  • Description:
This is an exquisitely-crafted battleaxe forged from sky blue adamantite. It bears the craftmark of the Wayfarer, the mastersmith aviar of Echelos: an
engraved image of a rose entwined with an orchid.  It is constructed in a style that blends organic curvature with mechanical precision, creating an
almost insect-like quality to it.  It is encompassed in a transparent globe of soft, silvery light.  This is one of the Wayfarer's cannon, a melee weapon
imbued with leximantic magicks that enable a wielder properly aligned with ordered forces to fire blasts of energy.  You recognize this as an armament
used by the soldiers of Calibra, the warrior city of Echelos, who make judicious use of strata armours, energy weapons, and more nefarious
order-imbued artifacts.  You recognize this as Edgewild, the battleaxe used by Ein, father of Karth, against the minions of Ahrikol when the Lupines were in
their infancy and struggling to gain a foothold.  It is said that the Wayfarer worked meteoric iron into the weapon, binding bits of reified stratosphere
into its essence.  The blade shines with the harsh glare of an open sky.  It is permeated by a dim silvery light.

Thalgan Kor

An exquisitely-crafted battleaxe forged of mithril.  This is Thalgan Kor, an artifact with a history as old as that of 
the Battleragers themselves.  During the war with the Mynaecelani elves, the dwarven hero Gim had the smiths forge a fearsome 
weapon to use against the foe.  The smiths captured the fury of storms and put them into this mithril battleaxe to smite the elves.


  • Type: Greataxe
  • Location: Estar's chest in Corna
  • Materials: Steel
  • Damage Types: Slashing
  • Restrictions:
  • Size: Seven tenths of a dimin wide and eleven and a half dimins long
  • Extras: Occasionally sends the wielder into a berserk rage.
  • Description:
This vicious steel greataxe has been dyed dark crimson from the blood of its countless victims, save for the razor edge, 
which remains strangely clean and sharp.  The long, thick handle is made from carved black steel with braided metallic 
cords offering a harsh, yet firm, grip.  Zeal was forged several centuries ago by Alphaks as a gift to his most devoted 
warrior, the bane of thousands of his enemies.  Smiths wrought this fervent malice into the fearsome weapon, permeating it 
with an insatiable bloodlust.  Zeal's voracity is rumoured to exceed that of any bearer since.


Illyana's Rage

  • Type: Longbow
  • Location: Avenging Vision in Shadowmyrk
  • Materials: seventy-five percent dweomer and twenty-five percent mithril
  • Damage Types: Dependant upon arrows fired from it.
  • Restrictions:
  • Size: Tenth of a dimin across and sixteen dimins long
  • Extras:
  • Description:
This is a longbow made of mithril.  The quality of its craftsmanship is exquisite.  When the Kinslayer War raged 
millenia ago between the corrupt elves of Nibenay and the alliance of elven civilizations which rose against them, 
the first and most tragic casualty was the kind-hearted and well-beloved Prince Laridan of Mynaecelani, treacherously 
slain by Vandyron of Nibenay while pursuing a mission of peace between the nations.  Laridan's betrothed, Illyana, 
a woman greatly skilled in both war and sorcery, crafted in her bereavement the enchanted bow called Illyana's Rage, 
instilling it with her anger and anointing it with her tears.  It is said that the weapon's magick will not rest until 
the last descendant of Nibenay is dust.  It has outlived the nation of Nibenay by aeons, but still ceaselessly seeks 
the destruction of that place's descendents, the folk now known as the drow.  It is permeated by an auroric radiance.


  • Type: Longbow
  • Location: Terethrond in Losthaven
  • Materials: Mellryn with Silver string
  • Damage Types: Dependant upon arrows fired from it.
  • Restrictions:
  • Size: Three twentieths of a dimin across and seventeen dimins long
  • Extras:
  • Description:
    This is a compound longbow made of silver string and mellryn.  The quality
of its craftsmanship is exquisite.  It bears the craftmark of Iolo of
Losthaven, a small engraved mark resembling a hawk's eye and beak.  You know
this compound longbow as Eidolon, prized posession of Terethrond -- captain of
the Losthaven Guard.  Wrought specially for him from solid mellryn -- a gift
from the elves of the Valien woods -- and strung with enchanted spun silver
string this weapon is unique among its kind.  It is permeated by a dim auroric
radiance.  It is in perfect condition.  It looks about three twentieths of a
dimin across and seventeen dimins long.  It weighs about a tenth of a dekan.



  • Type: Warhammer
  • Location: Lord Nareth in Jhan
  • Materials: fifty-five percent lexoth and forty-five percent steel
  • Damage Types: Order and Crushing
  • Restrictions: Only wieldable by those with a ordered alignment.
  • Size: Four fifths of a dimin across and five and two fifths dimins long
  • Extras:
  • Description:
This is a warhammer made of silvery steel.  The quality of its craftsmanship is exquisite.  You know this to be Glory, a warhammer which the
citizens of Jhan had commisioned for Nareth when he became ruler.  Glory is a symbol for all Nareth stands for, and he will not willingly allow it to fall
into evil hands.  It is permeated by a silvery light.


  • Type: Mace
  • Location: Toantiuh
  • Materials: forty-five percent dweomer, forty-five percent hyperium and nine percent light
  • Damage Types: Photonic
  • Restrictions:
  • Size: Three fifths of a dimin across and three and nine tenths dimins long
  • Extras: Discharges bursts of photonic energy.
  • Description:
This is a rod of hyperium topped with a sphere of burning, incandescent light, giving it the overall configuration 
of a mace.  The quality of its craftsmanship is unearthly.  You recognize this as the artifact Lightbringer.  Said 
to have been created by the legendary mage Vanyel in the age of the Altrian Empire, it has passed from hand to hand over 
time.  Eventually the Tenochca people captured the infamous Dioniso Kane, its last possessor, and offered the artifact 
to their sun god Tonatiuh as a sacrifice.  It is permeated by a dim auroric radiance.  It is giving off light.


  • Type:
  • Location:
  • Materials:
  • Damage Types:
  • Restrictions:
  • Size:
  • Extras:
  • Description:


  • Type: Mace
  • Location: Tempus in Sanctuary
  • Materials: Adamantite
  • Damage Types: Crushing
  • Restrictions:
  • Size: Seventeen twentieths of a dimin across and five and eleven twentieths dimins long
  • Extras:
  • Description:
This is an exquisitely made adamantite mace covered in designs of a very intricate nature.  The only pattern noticeable that continues throughout them
is the often intersection of lines and curves, with one breaking the other.  You recognize it as the artifact Shatter, and can feel it hum with the
anticipation of battle.  It is permeated by an auroric radiance.  It is in perfect condition.  It looks about .  It weighs about eight and twenty-one
fortieths dekans.

Var Kunai

  • Type: Mace
  • Location: Stephan Steelhammer
  • Materials: Mithril
  • Damage Types: Crushing
  • Restrictions:
  • Size: Three quarters of a dimin across and four and nine tenths dimins long
  • Extras: Part of Destruction of a Horror quest
  • Description:
This exquisite mithril mace was forged from the purest mithril and polished to a brilliant sheen.  Several elvish runes and other strange 
dwarvish runic markings decorate  the pommel and head of the weapon.  The runes are dark and lifeless.  The spherical head is covered in dozens 
of sharpened razor tipped spikes half a dimin in length.  Its pommel has several strips of soft black leather twisted ornately across the markings, 
providing the wielder with a sturdy grip.  Var Kunai, also called The Shadow of the Everburning Flame,  is a beautifully sculpted mace.  
Forged by the elves and dwarves in a combined effort long ago to maintain the balance. It was carried by Stephan Steelhammer against 
Kali and her foul minion Key-Atemi.


  • Type: Rod
  • Location: Phalyre in Et'zlaerhi
  • Materials: sixty-seven percent dweomer and thirty-three percent bone
  • Damage Types: Crushing Temporal
  • Restrictions:
  • Size: Eleven and a half dimins long and three-quarters of a dimins wide
  • Extras: Allows you to port to Named individuals. Also allows one to teleport items from NPCs or even players. Aligned may use the artifact to summon the dragon Zrael.
  • Description:
This rod is made of an old, blackened bone its surface covered entirely in runes, some old and worn nearly smooth, others looking freshly carved.  
One end has been carved into the likeness of a sleeping dragon's head, its eyes sealed shut as if oblivious to everything.  You recognize it as the 
artifact known as Zrael.  Legend has it that Zrael was once actually an ancient dragon of awesome power who had learned to travel through time and space.  
The creature used this, not to accumulate power as some would have, but to acquire knowledge of other worlds and distant planes which were once unattainable.  
Zrael aquired histories and lore beyond anything seen before, but such things led eventually to her doom, though few facts are known of how  this actually 
occured.  A prominent mage of the time was said to have created this rod from pieces of the dragon's own bone and infused it with the essence of Zrael herself, 
though few have ever been known to have the will to use the rod's powers for their own wishes.



  • Type: Dagger
  • Location: Tempus in Sanctuary
  • Materials:
  • Damage Types: Slashing
  • Restrictions:
  • Size: small
  • Extras: Has several special attacks, including syphoning the health of opponents.
  • Description:

Chaos Fang

  • Type:
  • Location: Sang-drax in the Nexus
  • Materials:
  • Damage Types:
  • Restrictions:
  • Size:
  • Extras:
  • Description:


  • Type: Dagger
  • Location: Shakari
  • Materials: silvery steel
  • Damage Types:
  • Restrictions: Harval squirms out of your grasp. (I'm neutral/neutral)
  • Size: Three twentieths of a dimin wide and four and three quarters dimins long
  • Extras:
  • Description:
A silvery steel dagger with a razor-sharp blade.  The quality of its craftsmanship is unearthly. Viewed from some angles, there seems to be a 
subtle light upon it.  Upon the hilt is the emblem of Shakari, a red square.  You recognize this as Harval, one of the three Blades of Destruction 
crafted by the gods themselves.  It is permeated by a dim auroric radiance.

Katelyn's Dagger

  • Type:
  • Location:
  • Materials:
  • Damage Types:
  • Restrictions:
  • Size:
  • Extras:
  • Description:


  • Type Dagger
  • Location Mok A'tal
  • Materials Iron
  • Damage Type
  • Restrictions
  • Size Three fifths of a dimin wide and seven and thirteen twentieths dimins long
  • Extras Used as a turn-in for travelers. The syntax for the activation word is subvocalize los
  • Description:
This is an iron spike just above two dimins in length.  Though it could be employed as a weapon, it would seem to be rather unwieldy.   You know it to 
be Quantum, a curious device of clearly alien origins.  It first appeared within the realm of Lost Souls less than a decade ago and since has passed through 
the hands of over a dozen of the world's most intuitive sages.  For years, nothing could be gleaned about the spike until the Mad Artificer, Leonid of Devonshire, 
chanced upon it while visiting with Ravlin Tormuk.  Fascinated by the untapped power he sensed within the object, Leonid nonchalantly secreted it away in one 
of his trouser pockets.  Nestled in his hidden laboratory, he studied the spike at length until his interest began to fade.  In a last effort to understand the 
nature of the alien artifact, he shoved it beneath his pillow as he lay down to sleep.  Though he had tried many times in the past to learn about such mysterious 
items as the spike through osmosis, he had yet to succeed.  By some unknown design, he did in fact succeed with Quantum.  As he slept, all the secrets of the 
spike flowed into his subconscious mind.  He awoke the next morning and with pen in hand, sat down to record all he had learned.  He stretched as he completed 
his task, and keeping true to form, caught the ink pot with a clumsy swing of his arm, spilling ink across his freshly penned scrolls.  Leonid left the ruined 
parchments where they sat soaking up ink in disgust.  When he returned two days later, only three words remained -- and these were scarcely legible.  The words, 
as passed along with the story of Leonid's antics, are: Quantum, which Leonid assures is the spike's proper name, and los and anul.  Unfortunately, Leonid 
neglected to mention to anyone the meaning of the latter.  Many believe them to be activation words, though the manner in which they are to be applied is left 
to wide and fanciful speculation.  It is permeated by a silvery light.


  • Type: Dagger
  • Location: Tirana Encantrel in Fort Shantaari
  • Materials: sixty-six percent orichalcum, thirty-three percent dweomer and one percent emerald
  • Damage Types:Slashing, Piercing
  • Restrictions:
  • Size: Fifth of a dimin wide and four and nine twentieths dimins long
  • Extras: It can fire bolts of energy, summon a lion against your foe, and vibrate excitedly.
  • Description:
This is a dagger of orichalcum, made with exquisite craftsmanship in an ancient style.  The blade is polished 
to a mirror-like sheen.  The hilt is carved to resemble a lion grasping a large emerald in its mouth.  You recognize 
this as Snarl, one of the most famous weapons from the elven house of Es'trazian.  It was carried in both the Goblin 
Wars and the Wars of Purity.  Fortunately, it shed no blood in the Kinslayer Wars, as its wielder refused to 
participate.  Stories claim that much of the dagger's  power stems from the gem, and that any tampering will result 
in the magick's disruption.  It is permeated by a dim auroric radiance.


  • Type: Dagger
  • Location: Amado on R'lyeh
  • Materials: forty-three percent qlippotam, thirty-two percent obsidian, twenty-two percent aelithandar and three percent psyche
  • Damage Types: Entropic and Slashing
  • Restrictions: Wielding it with low willpower is almost certain death.
  • Size:
  • Extras: Soulshard leeches the energy of opponents based upon how hungry it is. These boons range from haste, health regenerate rate, and maximum health increases.
  • Description:
This long, opalescent dagger is the weapon called Soulshard, a device of malign power which has plagued the world across the ages.  Some accounts claim
it was created in the time of the ancient Istax Empire, while others contend that that was merely when the blade was fitted with its current pommel and in
fact its evil is far older still in origin.  The weapon's handle is of shimmering obsidian etched with a strange, curving rune; its blade gives off a
barely-perceptible milky-white glow, like a fragment of the moon honed into a cutting edge.  It is surrounded by an aura of cold, as if it were drawing the
heat out of the air around it.  The thing is known to employ black necromantic magicks to draw the life from its victims, to the wielder's benefit -- though
rumors hold that these magicks can somehow turn on an unwary master.  Gnawing at the edges of your perception is an awareness of some kind of disembodied
intellect lurking within the weapon -- something alien, something hungry.  Strangely, your examination reveals that the psyche hosted in the weapon is an
elemental intelligence bound to, or perhaps grown out of, the necromantic magicks permeating the device, but that this structure is somehow bound up
with some strange construct made of a form of energy unknown to you, of which you can barely perceive hints.



Ektharnor Gadel

  • Type: Scourge
  • Location: Balrog in Shadow Tower
  • Materials: fifty percent qlippotam, forty-two percent leather and eight percent steel
  • Damage Types: Slashing
  • Restrictions: Must be a evil alignment.
  • Size: Seven tenths of a dimin across and eight and two fifths dimins long
  • Extras:
A midlength black leather scourge with black steel barbs mounted all along its length.  Though in fine condition, it looks old and
weathered, and a sense of power and malevolence hangs about it like a suffocating smoke.  You know this for Ektharnor Gadel, a weapon
of such age that the men of the Altrian Empire called it ancient, and even the reptilian peoples of the antediluvian Istax Empire
thought of it as old.  The names of the pure and holy heroes who have fallen to its dark might through the ages are legion.  It is
permeated by a foulness.


Mithril Warhammer


  • Type: Warhammer
  • Location: Thorrin in Kolond
  • Materials: fifty-four percent dweomer, forty-five percent mithril and one percent garnet drifts
  • Damage Types: Elemental earth
  • Restrictions:
  • Size:
  • Extras:
  • Description:

This is a warhammer made of brown garnet and mithril. The quality of its craftsmanship is exquisite. Its head is covered with angular runes. You recognize this as the hammer Mountainheart, and know that the ancient and powerful runes upon it promise protection for the dwarven peoples and doom for the goblins and their kin by means of the power of elemental earth channeled through the artifact. It is permeated by an auroric radiance. It is in perfect condition. It looks about seventeen twentieths of a dimin across and five and eleven twentieths dimins long. It weighs about eight and nineteen twenty-fifths dekans. You estimate its value at about eight thousand seven hundred gold.


  • Type: Great Hammer
  • Location: Random load
  • Materials: Uru
  • Damage Types:
  • Restrictions:
  • Size: Three quarters of a dimin across and ten dimins long
  • Extras:
  • Description:
This is a great hammer made of Uru.  The quality of its craftsmanship is exquisite.  This is the hammer Strangmacht, 
forged in the depths of the Exoma and alive with the power of chaos.  It is permeated by a pulsing, chaotic glow.  It has 
a tracery of prismatic radiance within and around it.

Yehovah's Hammer

Eighteen dimins of polished, honey-brown oak is capped by a large white iron head form this exquisitely-crafted 
warhammer.  You recognize this as the Hammer of Yehovah, a potent symbol of Yehovah's power that was lent to a 
questing Knight of the Round Table ages ago and never returned.  The fate of this hapless Knight was never discovered, 
but the power of the hammer against undead is legendary.  It is permeated by a white light.  It has a webwork of 
prismatic radiance within and around it.

Pole Arms

Daemonicus Omega

  • Type: Pole Arm and Axe
  • Location: Reanada in Shadow Tower
  • Materials: fifty-six percent mithril, twenty-eight percent diamond and seventeen percent kedusham
  • Damage Types: Holy
  • Restrictions: Only usable by the pure of heart.
  • Size: Great
  • Extras: Does extra damage against undead, can be given to Taiji the Noble for a large order affinity boost.
  • Description:


  • Type: War Scythe
  • Location: Random Load
  • Materials: Sparkling Golden Hyperium
  • Damage Types:
  • Restrictions:
  • Size: Four fifths of a dimin across and twenty-seven dimins long
  • Extras:
  • Description:
This is an exquisitely-crafted war scythe forged from sparkling golden hyperium.  It bears the craftmark of the 
Wayfarer, the mastersmith aviar of Echelos: an engraved image of a rose entwined with an orchid.  It is constructed 
in a style that blends organic curvature with mechanical precision, creating an almost insect-like quality to it.  
It is encompassed in a transparent globe of soft, silvery light.  This is one of the Wayfarer's cannon, a melee weapon 
imbued with leximantic magicks that enable a wielder properly aligned with ordered forces to fire blasts of energy.  
You recognize this as an armament used by the soldiers of Calibra, the warrior city of Echelos, who make judicious use 
of strata armours, energy weapons, and more nefarious order-imbued artifacts.  You recognize this as Starburner, the war 
scythe forged for the Fomor Traveler Oriax to use against his own Sheolim people.  Without doubt the most unusual of the 
Wayfarer's cannon, Starburner has exchanged hands many times through its lifespan, and has become something of a 
treasured item among Fomori tyrants and would-be tyrants.  Without doubt it has done as much harm as it has good.  
It is permeated by a silvery light.


Rod of Power

  • Type: Rod
  • Location: Jubal in Sanctuary
  • Materials: Mithril, Ebony, Glass
  • Damage Types: Cycling/Random
  • Restrictions:
  • Size: Seventeen twentieths of a dimin across and eleven dimins long
  • Extras:
  • Description:
This ebony rod is etched with dozens of whisper-thin silvery lines.  An ornamental mithril banding holds a small 
glass sphere prominently atop the shaft; its interior filled with a whirling mass of earthy smoke.  You recognize 
this as the Rod of Power, a device that channels raw elemental forces and puts them in the command of its wielder; 
directing them as bolts of destructive energy upon command.  While more common wands and staves contain only a limited 
charge and cease to function after using it up, there is no known limit to the power this device can draw upon.  It is 
permeated by an auroric radiance.



  • Type: Target Shield
  • Location: Crystal Caves
  • Materials: Mithril
  • Damage Types:
  • Restrictions:
  • Size:
  • Extras: Is extremely ablative, but does provide many resistances. Reflects some special attacks (e.g. bezhuldaar eyebeams) back on their source.
  • Description:

A mithril target shield the surface of which has been polished to an amazing mirror-like finish. The quality of its craftsmanship is exquisite. You recognize this as Albedo, a legendary artifact spoken of as as Shield of Reflection, capable of turning hostile magicks directed at its used back upon their source. Its origin is unknown, though tales speak of it as profoundly ancient. It is in perfect condition. It looks about six and a twentieth dimins across and a twentieth of a dimin long. It weighs about four and three fifths dekans.

Malkyr's Shield

  • Type:
  • Location:
  • Materials:
  • Damage Types:
  • Restrictions:
  • Size:
  • Extras:
  • Description:


  • Type: Shield
  • Location: Random Load
  • Materials: Hellish plasma, lzarawn and mithril
  • Damage Types:
  • Restrictions:
  • Size: Seven and nine twentieths dimins across and a twentieth of a dimin long
  • Extras:
  • Description:
This is a kite shield made of hellish plasma, lzarawn and mithril.  The quality of its craftsmanship is exquisite.  
Its hellish plasma washes across its outer surface in a continuous roiling wash, giving off a low crackling sound.  
You recognize it as Tirithmangar, an artifact of power whose earliest known appearance is as a gift from Ahrikol to 
Tirith Selenis, a Ringwielder and patrician of Altri.  Ahrikol, expressing appreciation of Tirith's great ambition, 
said that this accoutrement would reward such daring, increasing in potency the more powerful one's opponents became.  
It is permeated by a dim auroric radiance.  It has a few thin streamers of lightning, a tracery of shimmering radiance, 
a webwork of darkness and a webwork of foulness within and around it.

Vanik's shield

  • Type:
  • Location:
  • Materials:
  • Damage Types:
  • Restrictions:
  • Size:
  • Extras:
  • Description:


  • Type: Kite Shield
  • Location: Random Load
  • Materials: White Steel
  • Damage Types:
  • Restrictions:
  • Size: Seven and a half dimins across and a twentieth of a dimin long
  • Extras:
  • Description:
This is a kite shield made of white steel.  The quality of its craftsmanship is exquisite.  Lines of glowing energy are embedded within it,
describing a strange pattern that attracts one's attention like the hint of a taste that one cannot quite identify.  Its name is Yrenasand, and story would
have that it is the personal shield of Gavadel of Amber, and that the lines within it are an image of a fragment of the Pattern, the source of cosmic
order.  It is permeated by a shimmering radiance.  It has a webwork of silvery light and a webwork of white light within and around it.


  • Type: Variable
  • Location: Random Load
  • Materials: Warpstone
  • Damage Types:
  • Restrictions:
  • Size: One and thirteen twentieths dimins across and a quarter of a dimin long
  • Extras:
  • Description:
This is a razor buckler composed of warpstone.  Occasional bursts of energy arc forth from it.  This is the ancient 
(as these things go) Discordian artifact Podgebounce.  Though somewhat less famous than its sister weapon, Metaflux, 
Podgebounce also has a distinguished history of opposing the forces of dullness and boredom -- "order", if you 
like -- in the hands of Eris's chosen heroes.  Like Metaflux, Podgebounce is known for continually drawing on different 
elemental energies and changing the shape it wears, though in its case it always takes the form of some kind of shield, 
as it appears to have more of a protective role to play.



  • Type: Spear
  • Location: Kyros in Mycenae
  • Materials: Bone
  • Damage Types: Cold and Stabbing
  • Restrictions: May only be wielded by ordered characters. The spear will punish you severely for attacking anything with ordered alignment.
  • Size: Medium to Large
  • Extras: Grants boons such as higher spirit, endurance, and health. Also replenishes these stats. The aforementioned boons do not last long.
  • Description:


  • Type: Polearm
  • Location: Fort Shantaari
  • Materials: Silver and Oak
  • Damage Types:
  • Restrictions:
  • Size: Three tenths of a dimin across and twenty-nine and a half dimins tall
  • Extras:
  • Description:
This is a lance made of silver and oak.  The quality of its craftsmanship is exquisite.  The Dragonlance is a famed 
weapon of long past days.  It is reportedly forged only by the most talented craftsman with a secret supply of magical 
true silver.  The weapon is about eight feet long and tipped with the brilliant metal.  It is perfectly balanced and 
is said to be the bane of evil dragons when wielded by one of pure heart.  It is permeated by a dim white light.



  • Type: Staff
  • Location: Mettik in Jhan
  • Materials: forty percent oak, forty percent dweomer, twenty percent lexoth and less than one percent logos
  • Damage Types:
  • Restrictions:
  • Size: Seventeen twentieths of a dimin across and eighteen dimins long
  • Extras:
  • Description:
This is a quarterstaff made of black oak.  The quality of its craftsmanship is exquisite.  The black oak of the 
quarterstaff has a fine luster, despite its appearance of great age.  Its entire length has been carved with eldritch 
symbols that shimmer and pulse with light.  You know this for Alahamorithil, the runestaff crafted by Mettik of Jhan 
to focus and channel his arcane powers.  Carved from the heart of a black oak from the depths of a great forest of Barsaive 
and marked with great runes of order, it is a potent object of power for the right wielder.


This is a staff made of eog gem banding and mithril.  The quality of its craftsmanship is exquisite.  Despite its 
simplicity of form, there is a sense of presence and power about it.  This is Athlasar, the legendary staff of the 
rulers of the Istax Empire.  It was lost for nearly a millenium and was recently recovered by the half-elven adventurer 
Amlithor Harlguss.


  • Type: Staff
  • Location: Lacantius Magnus
  • Materials: Flamra
  • Damage Types:
  • Restrictions:
  • Size:
  • Extras:

Singularity Staff

A length of glittering silvery metal, perhaps a meter and a half long and a dimin thick, bearing a pair of energy spheres upon its ends.  
One of the spheres is a field of sparkling, crackling power, purest white in color, while the other is a region of densest cold blackness, 
looking as if to draw the world into the tiny abyss of its maw and there devour it.  Each leaves a momentary trail behind it through the air; 
twin traceries of light and dark ominously mark the spheres' motion.  The staff between them seems somehow taut with invisible tension between 
the two poles, perhaps strained by the task of keeping them separate in prevention of whatever cataclysm would result from their meeting.  
You know this for the Singularity Staff, a weapon crafted by the Shadow Lord Kalyxes.


  • Type: Hoopak
  • Location: Ghaelion in Thistlewood
  • Materials:
  • Damage Types:
  • Restrictions:
  • Size:
  • Extras:
  • Description:


  • Type: Staff
  • Location: Ripheus on Kentaur Isle
  • Materials: Sequoia
  • Damage Types: Damage types and discharges vary upon alignment
  • Restrictions:
  • Size: Seventeen twentieths of a dimin across and eighteen dimins long
  • Extras:
  • Description:
This sequoia staff looks very ancient, and several runes have been carved into its surface.  It is constructed of an unknown wood and upon one end 
are three gems which glow green, white, and black respectively.  Attched to both ends of the staff are small, mithril caps, each depicting a different 
scene.  Upon one cap, there is a demon's hand which grasps a staff veiled in suffering, and on the other, an angel's hand grasps a staff, surrounded by 
light.  Vigour is an ancient staff which has been long held by the kentaurs of Othrys for many years.  According to Othrys legend, the staff was originally 
created by a wizened mage whose extreme lust for power and knowledge lead to a pact with angels and demons alike to create this magestic staff. 
A diamond forged by the holiest of angels, an onyx forged by the most demonic of demons, and an emerald forged of the most willful of humans lay 
upon the staff, creating a focus to enhance the power of the staff by the heart of the one who wields it. Mystic runes have been carved from top to 
bottom along the staff, and each rune shows a small story of a battle fought by angels and demons alike who have heard of the rare union by the forces 
of good and evil, creating the powerful staff known as Vigour.  It is unknown whether these runes are of myth or truth, but the message is quite 
clear: great power awaits the one who wields this mystic staff.  It is permeated by an auroric radiance.



  • Type: Scimitar
  • Location: Xalquarae in Shadow Tower
  • Materials: Iron
  • Damage Types: Slashing
  • Restrictions: Must be evil alignment
  • Size: 11.5 dimins long, 0.45 dimins wide, 0.1 dimins tall
  • Extras: Will force you to attack people in the room
  • Description:
The blade of this ancient weapon seems to release an unholy glow into the surrounding area, further enhancing the evil 
presence of the scimitar's shimmering blood-red iron blade.  Nicks and scratches line the weapon from tip to pommel, indicating
considerable use over a long period of time.  The weapon Arktakar was first forged several millenia ago by Graecan magi as 
an offering to Ahrikol, in an attempt to appease the fomor lord.  Legends conflict on whether the Lord of the Rings ever wielded 
this weapon, but its unholy power can not be denied.


  • Type:
  • Location:
  • Materials:
  • Damage Types:
  • Restrictions:
  • Size:
  • Extras:
  • Description:

Deathkiss the Demonsword

  • Type: Greatsword
  • Location:
  • Materials: Steel
  • Damage Types: Slashing
  • Restrictions:
  • Size: 17 dimins long, 0.8 dimins wide, 0.2 dimins tall
  • Extras: Will force you to attack people in the room.


  • Type: Longsword
  • Location: King Arthur of Camelot
  • Materials: Gold and Steel
  • Damage Types: Slashing -- and lots of it.
  • Restrictions: Can only be wielded by those of pure heart... very pure heart.
  • Size: Medium
  • Extras:
  • Description:


  • Type: Bastard Sword
  • Location: Random Load
  • Materials: Steel
  • Damage Types:
  • Restrictions:
  • Size: Thirteen and a half dimins long, three quarters of a dimin wide and a twentieth of a dimin tall
  • Extras:
  • Description:
This is a steel bastard sword of exquisite craftsmanship, bearing an edge that threatens to draw blood from the eye that looks at it too long.  More
striking than its quality of make, though, are the lines of glowing energy that are embedded within the blade, forming an odd pattern that holds the eye
strangely, lingering in the mind like a half-remembered scent caught wafting through the air.  The blade is named Fallasfang, and the luminescent image it
holds is part of the Pattern of Amber, primal source of cosmic order.  The legends of this weapon say that those mortally wounded by it are destroyed by
the power of the Pattern, with some fragment of the strength of their will absorbed by the sword and used to enhance the wielder's battle-prowess.  It is
permeated by a dim silvery light and a shimmering radiance.



  • Type: Scimitar
  • Location: The Windship
  • Materials:
  • Damage Types:
  • Restrictions:
  • Size:
  • Extras:
  • Description:

Gwinault's Sword


  • Type: Longsword
  • Location: Verchiel in Shadow Tower
  • Materials: thirty-seven percent steel, thirty-seven percent flamra and twenty-six percent kedusham
  • Damage Types: Slashing, Fire
  • Restrictions: Must be a good alignment.
  • Size: Three twentieths of a dimin wide and fourteen and a half dimins long
  • Extras: Telesmatic, does extra damage to undead, as well as adds extra boons to the wielder. Be warned: Attacking pure-of-heart entities will drain your spirit and do damage to you.
  • Description:
A beautifully crafted longsword whose blade is surrounded by a corona of bright flame.  The light given off by the holy fire aura seems to bring with
it a sense of purity.  You know this for the sword called Heavensfire, weapon of angels and destroyer of darkness everywhere, its holy fire spreading
angelic light all around like a benediction.  It is permeated by a dim fiery radiance and a dim white light.

Iceblade of Tarn

  • Type: Greatsword
  • Location: Mount Doom
  • Materials: Ice
  • Damage Types: Cold
  • Restrictions: Must have a fair amount of cold resist to wield.
  • Size: Great
  • Extras:
  • Description:


  • Type: Katana
  • Location: Xar in Nexus
  • Materials: Corallyn
  • Damage Types: Varied
  • Restrictions: Unknown
  • Size: fifth of a dimin wide and twenty and a half dimins long
  • Extras: It looks like it cycles through a bunch of damage types, but I did not kill Xar and get to check it out
  • Description:This is a katana, a long, curved, single-edged sword with a chisel point, forged in a way that gives the metal the ability to hold an incredibly sharp edge, made of corallyn, a tough, light alloy whose construction is a secret kept by the Patryn race. The quality of its craftsmanship is exquisite. It has intricate patterns of runes etched deeply into it. It is surrounded by a bright silver aura. You recognize it as Jato, a weapon crafted personally by Xar, the Lord of the Nexus, and infused with his hunger for revenge. It is said that even while it may pass out of Xar's hands from time to time, it finds ways to use its wielders as tools of his lust for vengeance.

Llyr's Wrath

  • Type: Longsword
  • Location: Adrier in Et'zlaerhi
  • Materials: fifty percent titanium, fifty percent kedusham and less than one percent pearl
  • Damage Types: Electrical
  • Restrictions: Must have electrical resistance
  • Size: Seven twentieths of a dimin wide and thirteen dimins long
  • Extras:
  • Description:
The blade of this longsword shimmers softly, enhancing the intricate etchings along it.  Twining, endless knots 
wrapped around the perfectly wrought images of sea serpents adorn the entire blade, entrancing the eye and filling 
the beholder with wonder at such an extraordinary piece of workmanship.  In contrast, the hilt is made of an unadorned 
silvery metal, its grip unusally smooth and plain except for one flawless pearl set into the very tip of the pommel.  
You know this for the blade called Llyr's Wrath, which was created in ages past by a quessae high priestess of Llyr 
whose lover was destined to engage in battle with Llyr's rival, Pyraray.  With the blessing of Llyr and the quick blade 
created by his love, the champion of Llyr defeated Pyraray in a tremendous battle which assured his immortality as a 
legend of the quessae people.


This is a shortsword made of scarlet-runed night-black lzarawn.  The quality of its craftsmanship is exquisite.  You recognize it as
Nessavyn, a weapon fabricated in the hellfire furnaces of Asmodai's forge-city of Dis and imbued with their cruel energies.  Contrary
to what one might expect from its origins, it is an assassin's weapon, enchanted to help the wielder evade detection and harm while
reaching a target quickly, only then to bring its full power to bear.  It appears to be composed of a few thin wisps of darkness and
a few thin wisps of foulness.  It looks about five and thirteen twentieths dimins long, nine twentieths of a dimin wide and a tenth
of a dimin tall.  It weighs about two and forty-one hundredths dekans.  You estimate its value at about four thousand six hundred
fifty gold.


  • Type: Shortsword
  • Location: The Avatar of Kali, under Jhan -- WARNING: The Avatar of Kali is nothing to trifle with. She is VERY mean.
  • Materials:
  • Damage Types: Entropic and Unholy
  • Restrictions: Must be very far on the evil side to wield.
  • Size: Small
  • Extras: Has an excellent stun discharge.
  • Description:


  • Type:
  • Location:
  • Materials:
  • Damage Types:
  • Restrictions:
  • Size:
  • Extras:
  • Description:


  • Type:
  • Location:
  • Materials:
  • Damage Types:
  • Restrictions:
  • Size:
  • Extras:
  • Description:


  • Type: Rapier
  • Location: Bitael in Jhan
  • Materials:
  • Damage Types:
  • Restrictions:
  • Size: Twentieth of a dimin across and seventeen and a half dimins long
  • Extras: Say 'fwoosh'
  • Description:
This is a light-weight and well-balanced rapier.  The crossguard has been fashioned into two opposing dragon 
heads.  Each head has small, inset rubies for eyes.  The hilt is wrapped from pommel to crossguard in black 
leather.  Scorch was the final lucid creation of the now mad artificer and pyromancer, Leonid of Devonshire.  
Rumour says that when a command word is spoken, the blade will burst into flames.  These flames are harmless 
to the one who wields it, but deadly to the foe.  It is permeated by a dim auroric radiance.


  • Type: Longsword
  • Location: Tralast in the Vanishing Tower
  • Materials: Evanumbra
  • Damage Types:
  • Restrictions:
  • Size: Three twentieths of a dimin wide and fourteen and a half dimins long
  • Extras:
  • Description:
This is a longsword made of evanumbra.  The quality of its craftsmanship is exquisite.  Its substance seems to writhe like living shadows.  Its guard is
an ornate cage of the same material as the blade.  This is the blade Shadowdancer, created of the substance of shadow.  It appears to be composed
of a few thin wisps of shadow.  It is giving off bright light.


  • Type: Katana
  • Location: Random load / Rei in Shadow Tower (5% chance of loading)
  • Materials: Silvery Steel
  • Damage Types: Slashing
  • Restrictions: None
  • Size: Medium
  • Extras: Has high penetration, is also non-magickal.
  • Description:
This is a katana, a long, curved, single-edged sword with a chisel point, forged in a way that gives the metal the ability to hold an incredibly sharp edge, made of steel. The quality of its craftsmanship is exquisite. There is a serene purity to its simplicity of form and absence of adornment. This blade is none other than Snickersnee, famed in legend for felling terrible foes while being solely the product of inspired mortal craftsmanship, without any enchantment or supernatural forces involved in its creation. It is in perfect condition. It looks about a fifth of a dimin wide and seventeen and a half dimins long. It weighs about one and eleven twentieths dekans. You estimate its value at about three thousand gold.
In a state of wild alarm-- 
With a frightful, frantic, fearful frown, 
I bared my big right arm. 
I seized him by his little pig-tail, 
And on his knees fell he, 
As he squirmed and struggled, 
And gurgled and guggled, 
I drew my snickersnee! 
Oh, never shall I 
Forget the cry, 
Or the shriek that shrieked he, 
As I gnashed my teeth, 
When from its sheath 
I drew my snickersnee!

William S. Gilbert


  • Type:
  • Location:
  • Materials:
  • Damage Types:
  • Restrictions:
  • Size:
  • Extras:
  • Description:


  • Type: Longsword
  • Location: Rookah in Ranthos
  • Materials: Lzarawn
  • Damage Types: Unholy Lightning
  • Restrictions:
  • Size:
  • Extras:
  • Description:
This is a longsword made of blue mithril.  The quality of its craftsmanship is fair.  It has a
actinic glare reflecting off its surface.  There is an image of a kobold's head carved into the 
base of the blue mithril blade.  Various jewels of exquisite value; a polished sardonyx, a polished
tiger eye and a polished azurite are embedded into the hilt.  You know this to be Thalamosh, a
blade embued with unholy energies and charged with lightnings.


  • Type:
  • Location:
  • Materials:
  • Damage Types:
  • Restrictions:
  • Size:
  • Extras:
  • Description:


  • Type: Greatsword
  • Location: Damon
  • Materials: Mithril
  • Damage Types: Slashing, Air
  • Restrictions:
  • Size: Seventeen and a half dimins long, three quarters of a dimin wide and three twentieths of a dimin tall
  • Extras: Telesmatic
  • Description:
At the base of the blade is a small drawing of a hand coming forth from a cloud and grasping a sword, the tip of which is encircled by a crown.  You
recognize this as Vanguard, an ancient sword shrouded in myth and legend.  It is one of many artifacts created millenia ago by the Tarotmage called Exis
Tential.  Vanguard was the first sword created by Exis, and like the tarot's Ace of Swords, it is the embodiment of triumph and conquest.  Vanguard has
been passed down through the ages among patriarchal families, usually of noble blood.  It has been used in countless wars, and has always brought victory to
its owners both in battle and in other pursuits.  It is permeated by a dim auroric radiance.


  • Type: Rapier
  • Location: Random Load, will get a message such as 'Your pack feels heavier.'
  • Materials:
  • Damage Types: Slashing and Chaos (hidden)
  • Restrictions:
  • Size: Twentieth of a dimin across and seventeen and a half dimins long
  • Extras: Increases your luck.
  • Description:
This is a mottled gray steel rapier, the pattern of color in the metal seeming to have a significance to it that escapes the eye by the barest fraction.  
Graven on its silvery steel basket-hilt is the image of a pair of playing cards.  The quality of its craftsmanship is exquisite.  You recognize it as 
Variabilis, the Sword of Luck, Fortuna's Edge.  It is permeated by a dim, pulsing, chaotic glow.  It has a tracery of prismatic radiance within and around it.


Head Armour


  • Type: Helm
  • Location: Random Load
  • Materials: Steel
  • Damage Types:
  • Restrictions:
  • Size: One and seven tenths dimins across and a twentieth of a dimin thick
  • Extras:
  • Description:
This is a helm made of steel.  The quality of its craftsmanship is exquisite.  Lines of glowing energy are embedded 
within it, linking into a strange pattern that toys with the eye, leaving flickering hints of significance slipping 
tantalizingly away from the mind.  This is the Pattern-helm Archimemnor, a work of primal magicks said to have proceeded 
from the hands of Dworkin Barimen, architect of Amber, himself.  If tales are to be believed, the particular set of 
Pattern elements encoded within it creates an effect such that when the wearer defeats a foe of great power, especially 
one strong in the ways of chaos, part of the force of the defeated enemy's psyche is absorbed and reinforces the wearer's.  
It is permeated by a dim silvery light and a dim shimmering radiance.

The Dragon-Helm of Dor-Lomin

  • Type: Helm
  • Location: Amlithor Harlguss in Fort Shantaari
  • Materials: sixty percent dweomer and forty percent mithril
  • Damage Types:
  • Restrictions:
  • Size: One and thirteen twentieths dimins across and a twentieth of a dimin thick
  • Extras:
  • Description:
This helmet is of ancient, yet sturdy construction.  It is made of mithril of unheard-of black hue, and offers full 
protection to the head, neck and throat of any who would wear it.  You recognize this as the Dragon-helm of Dor-Lomin 
that was created by s'tali sorcerers nearly two millenia ago.  The mere fact that it still exists is testimony to the
powerful magicks that created it.  These magicks are incidentally responsible for the helm's mithril being black in 
color rather than its normal silvery hue.  The legends of the helmet state that it was the chosen protection of ancient 
generals heading into battle.  It is permeated by an auroric radiance.

Circlet of Clarity

  • Type: Circlet
  • Location: Phalyre in Et'zlaerhi
  • Materials: sixty percent dweomer, forty percent silver and one percent pearl
  • Restrictions:
  • Size: Twentieth of a dimin across and one and a tenth dimins around
  • Extras: Increases mental attributes when worn. Allows the user to send telepathic messages, sense alignment, and scry.
  • Description:
This is a circlet made of silver.  The quality of its craftsmanship is exquisite.  The material is wrought in the 
semblance of twining serpents.  If followed carefully with the eye, an endless, intricate knot becomes evident.  
Worked into the front of the circlet is one flawless white pearl and another of black, the serpents' coils holding 
them so as to allow them to rest at the center of one's forehead.  This is the Circlet of Clarity, said to possess 
the power to enhance the telepathic abilities of one's mind, allowing expansion of sight beyond normal vision and 
giving the ability to see into the hearts of one's enemies.

Circlet of Command

  • Type: Circlet
  • Location:
  • Materials: eighty-two percent sapphire, twelve percent platinum and six percent dweomer
  • Restrictions:
  • Size: Twentieth of a dimin across and one and a tenth dimins around
  • Extras:
  • Description:
This is a graceful, finely-crafted circlet of gleaming platinum, surmounted in front by a tremendous star sapphire 
nearly three centimeters across.  This is the Circlet of Command, said to bear enchantments to amplify the wearer's 
ability to lead others, as well as protecting him in subtle and varied ways.  Its creation is attributed to the founder 
of Yathryn, Talzras Et'hatiar, who used its power to draw to herself the followers she needed to bring about the city's creation.

Crown of the Rockfist

  • Type: Crown
  • Location: Durin in Kolond
  • Materials: forty-eight percent adamantium, thirty-eight percent dweomer and fourteen percent sapphire
  • Damage Types:
  • Restrictions:
  • Size:
  • Extras:
  • Description:

Crown of Ugior

  • Type:
  • Location:
  • Materials:
  • Damage Types:
  • Restrictions:
  • Size:
  • Extras:
  • Description:


  • Type: Helm
  • Location: Finwe in Valathyr
  • Materials: Translucent blue crystalline material
  • Damage Types:
  • Restrictions:
  • Size: One and four fifths dimins across and a twentieth of a dimin thick
  • Extras:
  • Description:
This helm, made of a translucent blue crystalline material, is shaped like a smooth cylinder with a dome top, with a 
narrow T-shaped opening in the face.  It looks pristine, as if having never seen battle.  This is Holhenneth, the helm 
worn by the first tuatha battle-lords as they fought in a great war in the dawn times of the world.  Like most tuatha 
war-gear of its era, it is made of the outworld crystal eleute, which in this instance is a translucent blue color.  
It appears pristine, as if never having seen battle, but this is the result of enchantments laid upon it which repair 
it as fast as it can be damaged.  Other enchantments provide powerful defenses for the wearer and aid him in battle.  
Physically, it is shaped like a smooth cylinder with a dome top, with a narrow T-shaped opening in the face.  It is 
permeated by a dim shimmering radiance.

War Helm of Landis

  • Type: Helm
  • Location: Lord Nareth in Jhan
  • Materials: Black Steel
  • Damage Types:
  • Restrictions:
  • Size: One and seven tenths dimins across and a twentieth of a dimin thick
  • Extras:
  • Description:
This is a helm made of steel spikes and black steel.  The quality of its craftsmanship is excellent.  
The War Helm of Landis was created for Nareth as a reward for his help in defending a Barsaivian city 
named Landis.  It is permeated by a dim auroric radiance.


Crucifix of Cathrys

  • Type: Amulet
  • Location: Galahad of Camelot
  • Materials: Gold
  • Damage Types:
  • Restrictions: Must be pure of heart to wear.
  • Size: Tenth of a dimin long, a fifth of a dimin wide and four fifths of a dimin tall
  • Extras: Adds a very significant amount of speed.
  • Description:
The gold of this elegantly made crucifix is inlaid with fine platinum.  It hangs from a silver chain.  This is the Crucifix of Cathrys.  It belonged to 
the famed knight Sir Cathrys Yrongar, and is said to have become imbued with the power of his faith when he fell fighting the minions of the fomor lord 
Ahrikol.  It is permeated by a dim white light.

The Confabulous Panegyric Thingamabob of Ultamon Zilch

  • Type: Amulet
  • Location: Random Load
  • Materials: Gold
  • Size: Seven tenths of a dimin across and a tenth of a dimin long
  • Extras: Adds a significant amount of chaos favour. Randomly generates effects similar to those produced by being Hand of Eris.
  • Description:
This is an amulet made of gold.  The quality of its craftsmanship is exquisite.  It is shaped like a small apple, 
complete with tiny stem and leaves, bearing an inscription across it.  You know this for the Confabulous Panegyric 
Thingamabob of Ultamon Zilch, created in the image of the famed golden apple of Eris by the besotted Zilch, who poured 
his heart, soul, and fortune into creating it as a paean of praise for his goddess.

Aranal Cirdas

  • Type: Amulet
  • Location: Hakkax in Togrek
  • Materials: Orichalcum
  • Damage Types:
  • Restrictions: Must be pure of heart to wear
  • Size: Seven tenths of a dimin across and a tenth of a dimin long
  • Extras: Adds a very significant amount of speed
  • Description:
This is an exquisitely-crafted amulet of orichalcum in the shape of a leaping flame.  In its center is mounted a precious 
star ruby; it hangs on a platinum chain.  You know this for Aranal Cirdas, an ancient device of elemental power, infused 
with a spirit of fire that grants the wearer an affinity for influences of that element and periodically discharges these
energies to the detriment of his opponents.  It is permeated by a dim auroric radiance.

Ng'galgath Fthalg

  • Type: Phylactery
  • Location: Random Load
  • Materials: Smooth Shimmering Substance
  • Damage Types: Magical discharge
  • Restrictions:
  • Size: Three quarters of a dimin across and a tenth of a dimin long
  • Extras: Adds to elder lore, but also generates a mental illness in the user.
  • Description:
This is a phylactery made of some smooth, shimmering substance.  You know this for Ng'galgath Fthalg, a thing of awe-inspiring origins, being said to
have been fashioned of a chunk of the lloigor Azathoth that was somehow broken off and made solid -- some legends say by the deeds of some hero, the name of
whom varies from telling to telling, others say by the alignment of the stars or more arcane occurrences.  How it came to be fashioned into its current form
is equally obscure, but there is no obscurity in the consistent claims that it provides (or inflicts) powerful (or shattering) insights to (or upon) its
wearer.  It appears to be composed of a few thin wisps of shimmering radiance.


Morvern Callar

  • Type: Cloak
  • Location: Kham in Togrek
  • Materials: Silver-Gray Hide
  • Damage Types:
  • Restrictions:
  • Size: Twentieth of a dimin long, fourteen and a half dimins wide and twenty and a half dimins tall
  • Extras: Enhances Strength, Willpower
  • Description:
This long cloak is apparently made from the silver-gray hide of a single huge wolf; the beast's face remains attached 
for use as a cowl.  The hide seems in exceptionally good condition, free of tears and slashes, and lacks the unappealing 
smell of many hide garments.  The quality of its craftsmanship is good.  You recognize this as Morvern Callar, an object 
which has traveled from hand to hand in legend.  It is often mentioned only in passing, but the simple fact of its ongoing 
presence speaks to its durability, if nothing else. Stories describe it as enhancing the wearer's abilities, though the 
specifics are vague.  It is permeated by an auroric radiance.


Thucylixis Callis

  • Type: Suit of Armour
  • Location: Kyros in Mycenae
  • Materials: Red and Black Bronze
  • Damage Types:
  • Restrictions:
  • Size: Twenty-one and a half dimins tall, four and four fifths dimins wide, one and a fifth dimins long and a twentieth of a dimin thick
  • Extras:
  • Description:
This is a suit of armour made of red and black bronze.  The quality of its craftsmanship is exquisite.  This suit, named 
in its forging Thucylixis Callis, was created with painstaking care by the smiths of Mycenae, then commissioned to be 
enchanted by Runehand of Corna, whose stamp it bears.  It is permeated by an auroric radiance.

Rax Taldan

  • Type: Hauberk
  • Location: Lord Nareth of Jhan
  • Materials: sixty percent qlippotam, twenty-four percent obsidian and seventeen percent padding
  • Damage Types:
  • Restrictions:
  • Size: Ten dimins tall, four dimins wide, one dimin long and a twentieth of a dimin thick
  • Extras:
  • Description:
This is a hauberk made of obsidian.  The quality of its craftsmanship is exquisite.  Rax Taldan was once the possession of the
legendary black wizard Bujal.  Nareth defeated Bujal, and kept the armour as a prize.  It is permeated by a foulness.  It is in
perfect condition.  It looks about .  It weighs about one and eighty-nine two-hundredths dekans.


Black Belt of Krakanroc

  • Type: Belt
  • Location: Mor'guth in Storm Rock
  • Materials: Leather
  • Restrictions:
  • Size: Twenty-one dimins long, one and a twentieth dimins wide and a twentieth of a dimin tall
  • Extras: Gives some resistances
  • Description:
A large red jasper is mounted on the silver buckle of this black leather belt.  The long, thick leather strip is parched 
and crisp from age.  Krakanroc the Black is the legendary grand sire of the zuth who will awake at the end of the world 
when the earth is split apart by thunder and lightning.  This belt, is said to have been worn by Krakanroc in the days 
when he walked the earth and to have granted him protection from physical attack.  It is permeated by a dim auroric radiance.

Girdle of the Earthmother

  • Type: Girdle
  • Location: Random Load
  • Materials: 25% Shekhinam, 25% Dweomer, 25% Vine and 25% Leaf
  • Restrictions:
    • Dislikes the following Skills
      • Exoma Fieldcraft
      • Unholy Taint
  • Size: It looks about ten and a half dimins long, about two and a twentieth dimins wide and less than a twentieth of a dimin tall.
  • Extras: Boosts/Penalizes various skills depending on how much it likes you. Skills include Regeneration, Holy Purity
  • Description:
This is a girdle made of leaf and vine.  The quality of its craftsmanship is excellent.  You recognize it as the Girdle of
the Earthmother, a living garment infused with the power of Gaia.  It is said that the goddess sends it as a favor to
those who champion her, that it may aid them with the potent protective and strengthening forces within it.  It is
permeated by a dim auroric radiance and a dim prismatic radiance.  It is intermediate in size.  It weighs about three twentieths of a dekan.

Mnethilim Foul

  • Type: Girdle
  • Location: Holton Jax
  • Materials: Bone
  • Restrictions:
  • Size: Fifth of a dekan
  • Extras: A wave of foulness pulses forth from the skull on Mnethilim Foul. Various random effects in combat for those with unholy taint -- haste, ability boosts, etc...
  • Description:
This is a girdle made of bone.  The quality of its craftsmanship is exquisite.  It is made of thousand of tiny interlocking 
bones whose joints provide its flexibility.  Its buckle is a sleek, reptilian-looking skull.  This is Mnethilim Foul, an 
artifact sacred to Thanatos, said to have been created in ancient times to reward one of his most dedicated servants.  
Accounts would have the skull that of a s'tali necromancer, accursed by Thanatos for his theft of the souls of the dead 
and bound to serve for eternity in this fashion.  The girdle is said to offer protection in battle in direct proportion 
to the unholy taint that dwells within its wearer, and to deepen such taint over time.  Reportedly the key to defeating 
the wearer of Mnethilim Foul is to either simply attack more times than the device can cope with, or to drain the wearer 
of spiritual energy, which degrades its functioning, eventually making it stop working entirely.

Talisman of Lur Dyvan

  • Type: Amulet
  • Location: Antonina (Unavailable since change 4364)
  • Materials: Bezhuldaar eyestalk
  • Damage Types:
  • Restrictions:
  • Size:
  • Extras: Adds +20 to nigromancy when worn. Provides a source of bezhuldaar blood.
  • Description:

A desiccated stalk of fleshy brown with a withered violet eye attached hangs from a stout silver chain. The quality of its craftsmanship is good. This is the Talisman of Lur Dyvan, created from the death-ray eyestalk of the bezhuldaar Ythraak. It is known to be thoroughly infused with forces of dark magick. It is in perfect condition. It is intermediate in size, and looks just about right to fit you. It looks about seven tenths of a dimin across and a tenth of a dimin long. It weighs very little.

Talisman of Kalkin

  • Type: Girdle
  • Location: Lakan
  • Materials: Gold, Silvery Metal, yellow and black jewels
  • Restrictions:
  • Size: Ten and a half dimins long, about one and a tenth dimins wide and less than a twentieth of a dimin tall
  • Extras:
  • Description:
This girdle is constructed from a silvery metal, studded with yellow and black jewels.  Its edges are thick chains of gold 
that have been inlaid with a black material.  The quality of its craftsmanship is exquisite.  You recognize it as the Talisman 
of Kalkin, about which little is known, as little as is known about the deity Kalkin himself.  The talisman is rumored to 
grant the favor of Kalkin to its wearer, allowing them to draw power from nature's raw energy source  -- electricity.


The Winged Sandals of Hermes

  • Type: Sandals
  • Location: Voilodion in the Vanishing Tower
  • Materials: Golden Leather
  • Damage Types:
  • Restrictions:
  • Size: Three dimins long, one dimin wide and a fifth of a dimin tall
  • Extras: Provides the wearer with flight.
  • Description:
This is a pair of sandals made of golden leather.  The quality of its craftsmanship is excellent.  There are small white wings 
attached to its ankles.  It is are believed to have once been the very footgear worn by the god Hermes in his messenger aspect.  It is 
permeated by a dim auroric radiance.  It has a webwork of prismatic radiance within and around it.



  • Type: Winged Strata Breastplate
  • Location: The Wayfarer
  • Materials: coruscar-set carbonite
  • Damage Types:
  • Restrictions: Should only be worn by those with order favour.
  • Size: Twentieth of a dimin long, three and three quarters dimins wide and four and three tenths dimins tall
  • Extras: Makes its wearer ametabolic and removes their need to breathe.
  • Description:
This is a perfectly-crafted winged strata breastplate forged from night-black carbonite segments.  The two wingsheaths seemlessly extend from the back.  
They shimmer with a pattern like ripples in water, swaying slightly as they move, magickally imbued with a measure of flexibility.  A coruscar is set into 
the middle of the breastplate.  It bears the craftmark of the Wayfarer, the mastersmith aviar of Echelos: an engraved image of a rose entwined with an orchid.  
It is constructed out of segments that are layered on top of one another, but not actually touching.  They move together as the armour moves, with a very slight 
delay, as if they were suspended by some sort of field.  This is an instance of strata armour, exotic equipment only known to be made on the plane of Echelos, 
home of the chelones.  Each piece is given shape by mathematically precise, mechanical construction processes, and the whole construct is given permanent stratified 
spatial structure by suspending it within a field of ordered energy.  This is Astralung, torso armour enchanted by the Wayfarer to allow him to travel through deep space.

Calhair Angan

  • Type: Ring
  • Location: Lancelot in Camelot
  • Materials: Gold
  • Restrictions:
  • Size: Twentieth of a dimin across and a tenth of a dimin around
  • Extras: Magick warding
  • Description:
This is a heavy ring made of sculpted gold.  The quality of its craftsmanship is excellent.  According to tale, the Lady of the Lake gave this
ring, called Calhair Angan, to the young Lancelot before he set out for King Arthur's court, where it is said to have defended him from the sorcerous
powers of the King's foes.  It is permeated by a dim auroric radiance.

Cestus of Murdering

  • Type:
  • Location:
  • Materials:
  • Damage Types:
  • Restrictions:
  • Size:
  • Extras:
  • Description:


  • Type: Ring
  • Location: Galadriel in Valathyr
  • Materials: Gold
  • Damage Types:
  • Restrictions:
  • Size: Twentieth of a dimin across and a tenth of a dimin around
  • Extras: Boosts several attributes when worn.
  • Description:
This ring glitters like polished gold overlaid with silver light; a white stone set into it twinkles as if a star had come down to rest there.  
This is Nenya, one of the Three Rings of Power first forged by Ahrikol in days of antiquity.  Then, the dark lord's technique was incomplete, 
and the rings escaped his dominion, falling into the hands of the elven nations.  It is permeated by a dim auroric radiance.  It has a tracery 
of shimmering radiance within and around it.

Odal Ossu

  • Type: Ring
  • Location: Random load
  • Materials: Bone and bloodstone
  • Damage Types:
  • Restrictions:
  • Size:
  • Extras: Provides various skill and combat boosts to those with skill in necromancy.
  • Description:

the One Ring

  • Type: Ring
  • Location: Ahrikol
  • Materials: Gold
  • Damage Types:
  • Restrictions:
  • Size: Resizes to fit possessor
  • Extras: User cannot teleport or be teleported to.
  • Description:


Belamvor Korryn

This is an orb made of black hematite.  The quality of its craftsmanship is excellent.  This is Belamvor Korryn, an orb 
of power that served the great elven mage Tenrylaurae in the early days of the Altrian Empire.  It reportedly not only 
defended her and served as an aid to her channeling of spiritual energy, but gave her a preternatural imperturbability.  
There is some speculation that Terylaurae's preoccupation with the obtainment of coruscars may have been related, not to 
her alchemical pursuits as generally assumed, but this artifact.

Chalice of Cathrys

  • Type:
  • Location:
  • Materials:
  • Damage Types:
  • Restrictions:
  • Size:
  • Extras:
  • Description'
This gold chalice, inlaid with rubies and sapphires, is thought to be the vessel which captured the last of the famed knight Cathrys Yrongar's blood
as he fell in battle against the minions of the demon lord Ahrikol.  It looks less than a twentieth of a dimin on a side.  It weighs very little.  You 
estimate that it is worth something upward of four thousand gold.
After a moment, the knowledge that the Chalice of Cathrys is composed of forty-five percent ruby, forty-five percent sapphire and nine percent gold 
drifts into your mind like a


The Chime of Vel-Pirilon

  • Type: Chime
  • Location: Random Load
  • Materials: Silver
  • Damage Types:
  • Restrictions:
  • Size: Fifth of a dimin across and one and a fifth dimins long
  • Extras:
  • Description:
This is a tubular chime made of silver.  The quality of its craftsmanship is exquisite.  You recognize it as the Chime of Vel-Pirilon, an obscure artifact 
of the Courts of Chaos.  It is called after its reputed creator, the ancient Chaos Lord Vel-Pirilon, who was general and then head of House Sawall many 
millenia ago.  Its precise purpose is less well-known.  You, however, are aware of it: it summons Lhethan Hagal, the legendary adjutant to generals of the 
Courts throughout history, from his repose in a distant plane to serve the bearer -- should that bearer have sufficient standing to merit Hagal's devotion.  
It has a tracery of shimmering radiance and a webwork of auroric radiance within and around it.


  • Type: Gem of Protection
  • Location: Random Load
  • Materials: Ruby
  • Damage Types:
  • Restrictions:
  • Size: One dimin across
  • Extras:
  • Description:
This is Dragonheart.  The quality of its craftsmanship is unearthly.  Long thought to be little more than an item of fancy in a child's bedtime story,
this gem was fabled to belong to a grand knight from the ages past of Avalon.  The story goes that during those older, darker times dragons ruled the skies
and the scorched earth below.  A council of the wisest and bravest men from the area gathered together, and with the skill of old magicks were able to
craft a single, perfect star ruby and infuse it with a powerful enchantment of protection.  This gem was given to their strongest, bravest member who then
set out to put an end to the terrors that plagued their lives.  Tragically, as the knight traversed the countryside seeking death for those who ravaged his
land he was set upon by barbarians from the north and brutally killed by methods from which the gem offered no protection.  It is known as a gem of
protection, a class of gem that has been magickally altered to protect its bearer from dangerous and volatile esoteric energies. This particular enchantment 
protects its bearer from fire damage. It shines from within with an intense sparkling light.  It has a tracery of auroric radiance within and around it.

Emerald Tablet of Hermes Trismegistus

  • Type: Tablet
  • Location: Yog-sothoth on R'leyh
  • Materials: Emerald
  • Damage Types: Magical
  • Restrictions:
  • Size: Quarter of a dimin long, four fifths of a dimin wide and nineteen twentieths of a dimin tall
  • Extras: May be used similarly to a wand.
  • Description:
This is the ancient Emerald Tablet of Hermes Trismegistos, upon which the visionary father of the magickal arts 
inscribed the core principles from which the myriad orders of modern-day mages derive their systems of wonder-working.  
Above and beyond this historical value, many find significance in the fact that the Thrice-Blessed encoded his symbolic 
insights into the tablet in telesmic medium, empowering it to act as a potent esoteric weapon, and that many of its 
possessors since that day have added their contributions to the invisible construct within, increasing its power.  
Despite its diminutive size, this age-patina'd tablet of emerald symbolizes tremendous power for those with the eyes 
to see it.  It is permeated by a dim auroric radiance.  It has a tracery of shimmering radiance within and around it.

Eye of the Guardian

  • Type:
  • Location:
  • Materials:
  • Damage Types:
  • Restrictions:
  • Size:
  • Extras:
  • Description:

Gaunomtar Korryn

  • Type:
  • Location:
  • Materials:
  • Damage Types:
  • Restrictions:
  • Size:
  • Extras:
  • Description:

Golden Drinking Horn

  • Location: Battleragers' Armoury
  • Materials: Gold
  • Restrictions: Must be a Battlerager with a high enough level of Clangedin's favour.
  • Extras: Continuously refills itself with mead.

Hand of Vazaith

  • Location: Helborg
  • Type: Improvised weapon
  • Materials: ninety-one percent qlippotam and nine percent flesh
  • Damage Types: cutting, entropic, unholy
  • Discharges: arcs of infernal lightning, streamers of foul darkness, streamers of swirling darkness,
  • Restrictions:
  • Size: It looks less than a twentieth of a dimin on a side.
  • Extras: Force-intros Unholy Taint. Tries to suffocate targets. Transfers vitality from its victims. Provides a +20 to necromancy
  • Description: This is a withered, desiccated, gray-mottled black hand. Its fingernails are long, black, and slightly curled. Its texture is leathery and somehow slimy, despite the thing's dried-out appearance. A foul stench of decay wafts from it. You recognize it as the severed hand of the lich Vazaith, infused with his dark power and his undying malice.

Heart of Tyristael

  • Type:
  • Location:
  • Materials:
  • Damage Types:
  • Restrictions:
  • Size:
  • Extras: Bought it at Lucs, no idea what it does
  • Description:This is a red heart that beats in a regular, pulsing rhythm despite being severed from any body it once served. The disturbing, revolting sight somehow draws the eye despite its horrific nature. You know this for the Heart of Tyristael, torn from the ruined breast of one of Yehovah's angels and bound to continue in its hideous semblance of life.

Horn of Calais

  • Type: Unicorn Horn
  • Location: Bartziluth's Cave
  • Materials: Gold
  • Damage Types:
  • Restrictions:
  • Size: Half a dimin across and five and a half dimins tall
  • Extras: Spawns as a random color of unicorn horn. Provides a source of unicorn blood.
  • Description:
A sharp-pointed, spiraling golden horn about five and a half dimins long.  It is the horn of a unicorn, such things being 
famed for their curative effects.  The golden horn is said to cure all manner of madness and mental disorder.  Once the 
power of a unicorn horn is used, it will be depleted for a time while the horn slowly absorbs mana from the surrounding 
environment.  You can sense that this one is presently filled with power.  You can also sense that it was taken when its 
bearer was slain, rather than being given freely.  This is the Horn of Calais, containing the final, captured essence of 
the unicorn that once roamed the forested precinct of Calais.  It is permeated by an auroric radiance.  It has a 
tracery of white light within and around it.

Klisderamna Korryn

  • Type: Orb
  • Location: Finwe in Valathyr
  • Materials: Glowing yellow andesite
  • Damage Types:
  • Restrictions:
  • Size: Nine twentieths of a dimin across
  • Extras: Gives off light
  • Description:
This is an orb made of glowing yellow andesite.  The quality of its craftsmanship is excellent.  It pulses 
slowly with an intense yellow light, in a rhythm almost like the breathing of someone asleep.  This is 
Klisderamna Korryn, the mysterious orb carried by the merchant prince Habal Motusson in the early days of the 
Altrian Empire.  To it are ascribed the sudden deaths of a number of highwaymen who set upon him, as well as his 
often-uncanny reflexes.  Motusson is said to have always been on the lookout for the exotic metallic resin called 
syrax, and to have paid high prices for it; there may be a connection with this artifact involved.  It is permeated 
by a dim auroric radiance.


  • Type:
  • Location:
  • Materials: Quartz
  • Damage Types:
  • Restrictions:
  • Size: It looks about one and eleven twentieths dimins on a side. It weighs about seven and a half dekans.
  • Extras:
  • Description: This is an exquisitely-crafted quartz cube, about a dimin and a half on a side, with a gold model of a ship floating within it. You know this for a levitational, a magickal device designed to keep a windship afloat. These devices are of great value, and there are but three known cities where the art of their make is known.


  • Type: Intense Red Psionic matrix
  • Location: Random load
  • Materials: Quartz
  • Damage Types: ball of fire
  • Restrictions: Requires the user to posess a Psychic Wild Talent, and that the user bonds to it.
  • Size: Half a dimin long, three tenths of a dimin wide and a quarter of a dimin tall.
  • Extras:
    • Personality: Aggressive, didn't comunicate.
  • Description: This is a large, intense red quartz crystal in the shape of a beveled rectangle. The crystalline structure of the stone has special resonance properties which enable it to function as a psionic matrix. Those with psionic capabilities can psychically bond with the matrix and use it as a focusing device and repository of mental energy. You recognize this as the Sharra Matrix, a consciousness-bearing psionic matrix of such power that it has been worshipped as a deity -- perhaps in hopes of influencing its incredibly volatile nature.

Artifacts being researched

the Sceptre of the Rockfist

  • Type: Sceptre
  • Location: Durin in Kolond
  • Materials: forty-five percent gold, forty-five percent dweomer and nine percent ruby
  • Damage Types: Crushing
  • Restrictions:
  • Size:
  • Extras:
  • Description:

This is a exquisitely-crafted gold sceptre adorned along its shaft with ruby settings of varying sizes. Crafted by the best dwarven smiths and heavily enchanted, this sceptre was created to serve as a symbol of Kolond's sovereignty. It is rumoured among the dwarves of Kolond that so long as their king possesses this sceptre, no enemy -- great or small -- can conquer their stronghold. It is permeated by a dim auroric radiance. It is in perfect condition. It looks about thirteen twentieths of a dimin across and four and a fifth dimins long. It weighs about twelve dekans. You estimate that it is worth something upward of five thousand five hundred gold.


  • Type: Crossbow
  • Location: Thessalae
  • Materials:
  • Damage Types:
  • Restrictions:
  • Size:
  • Extras:
  • Description:


  • Type: All, random.
  • Location: Random
  • Materials: Warpstone
  • Damage Types: All, random.
  • Restrictions:
  • Size: All, random.
  • Extras:
  • Description:
   This is a da kan dau composed of dark purple warpstone.  Occasional bursts
of energy arc forth from it.  Legend tells of the creation of Metaflux, the
mightiest weapon of chaos to be produced all through the age of the Altrian
Empire.  It was forged from a warpstone, bathed in the energies of the Abyss
and shaped by the powers of the mightiest Chaos Lords.  It was given to the
Discordian hero Her High-and-Mightyness Alabastrozenithenia, Priestess of the
Large Cheese Biscuit and Nomad of the Raptured Dessert (sic), to combat the
threat posed to the forces of chaos by the one known as Grayface.  Thanks to
the heroic efforts and tremendous sex appeal of Alabastrozenithenia, Grayface
was thwarted, and Metaflux was placed somewhere it would, according to
Alabastrozenithenia, be "nice and safe".  Wherever that may have been,
evidently it is there no longer.  The tales of Metaflux clearly describe its
continual shifting through a bizarre variety of forms and its deployment of a
host of elemental energies, often assuming a particular shape and set of
capabilities at the worst possible moment for either the wielder or hir
opponent.  It appears to be composed of a few thin wisps of pulsing, chaotic
glow.  It is in perfect condition.  It looks about five and nine tenths dimins
long, two fifths of a dimin wide and a twentieth of a dimin tall.  It weighs
about one dekan.  You estimate that it is worth something upward of four
thousand five hundred gold.  It is empty.  You are holding it.

Grel Andarak

  • Type:
  • Location:
  • Materials:
  • Damage Types:
  • Restrictions:
  • Size:
  • Extras:
  • Description:

Thalgan Kor

  • Type:
  • Location:
  • Materials:
  • Damage Types:
  • Restrictions:
  • Size:
  • Extras:
  • Description:

Xaoloth Yith

  • Type: Hauberk
  • Location:
  • Materials: Carbonite and Diamond
  • Damage Types:
  • Restrictions:
  • Size: Crafted for a Kedeth
  • Extras:
  • Description:
This is a hauberk made of amber diamond gem spikes and carbonite heavy mail.  The quality
of its craftsmanship is exquisite.  Its links are impossibly thin and tightly-knit, forming
a nearly impermeable barrier that is nonetheless light and flexible.  You recognize it as
Xaoloth Yith, an artifact dating back to the era before the founding of the Istax Empire. 
It was constructed by the kedethkral smith Llunthu as her answer to the parageoro of the Chaos
Knights, and is infused with powers which, while focused in somewhat different areas than
that of paraxoro, in many ways excel theirs.  


  • Type:
  • Location:
  • Materials:
  • Damage Types:
  • Restrictions:
  • Size:
  • Extras:
  • Description:

Ciir Kaldan

  • Type:
  • Location:
  • Materials:
  • Damage Types:
  • Restrictions:
  • Size:
  • Extras:
  • Description:


  • Type:
  • Location:
  • Materials:
  • Damage Types:
  • Restrictions:
  • Size:
  • Extras:
  • Description:

the Crown of Ugior

  • Type:
  • Location:
  • Materials:
  • Damage Types:
  • Restrictions:
  • Size:
  • Extras:
  • Description:


  • Type: Sword
  • Location: Lakhan?
  • Materials:
  • Damage Types: Electrical
  • Restrictions:
  • Size:
  • Extras:
  • Description:



  • Type: Longsword
  • Location: Demonese elder, Demonad Jungle
  • Materials:
  • Damage Types:
  • Restrictions:
  • Size:
  • Extras:
  • Description:
Grumhella is the legendary blade held by the elder of the Demonese people.
Rumours abound that the first tribal leader of the Demonese savages forged the
weapon himself, eons ago.  The blade is rather notched, due to decades of use,
but still holds a keen edge, despite its age and history.
    It looks about two fifths of a dimin wide and twelve and a half dimins long.
 It weighs about five and nine twentieths dekans.


  • Type: Katana
  • Location: Xar in Nexus
  • Materials: Corallyn
  • Damage Types: Various
  • Restrictions: Fades away if not in the possession of someone marked with a Patryn heart rune.
  • Size:
  • Extras: Can be enchanted with any of the enhancements available to Patryn weapons without going to Varn.
  • Description:


  • Type: scarab
  • Location:
  • Materials: After a moment, the knowledge that Kamonthept-Ka is composed of forty-eight percent some sort of opalescent, forty-eight percent dweomer and five percent logos drifts into your mind like a long-forgotten memory.
  • Damage Types:
  • Restrictions:
  • Size:
  • Extras:
  • Description: This is a scarab made of opalescent material. The quality of its craftsmanship is exquisite. This is Kamonthept-Ka, a relic of the ancient world. Worn by various of the greatest warriors of the Istax Empire, those who opposed its bearer are said to have fallen with their strength consumed. Yet, one way or another, those bearers always met their end regardless, some of them in particularly horrific ways. You estimate its value at about five thousand seven hundred gold. You are holding it.


  • Type:
  • Location:
  • Materials:
  • Damage Types:
  • Restrictions:
  • Size:
  • Extras:
  • Description:


  • Type:
  • Location:
  • Materials:
  • Damage Types:
  • Restrictions:
  • Size:
  • Extras:
  • Description:


  • Type: Runesword
  • Location: Random load
  • Materials: Lzarawn
  • Damage Types: Unholy
  • Restrictions:
  • Size:
  • Extras: Increases strength when wielded.
  • Description:

A long, massive, ornate ebony blade of the otherworldly material lzarawn, borne of unholy sorcery. Hundreds of arcane symbols run its length, varying in size from more than half a dimin across to barely the size of the iris of a human eye. The pommel is of the same ebon material, but bound in leather, contrasting with the blade. The arcane symbols themselves are carved deeply into the material of the blade, and glow a faint crimson. Just above the pommel is a triangular guard, golden in color. This is Mournblade, a blade of power whose legend is often told as part of that of its sister-sword Stormbringer, though it is a potent evil in its own right. Like Stormbringer, it is known for the demonic strength granted its bearer and for the trail of blood and tears that follows that ill-starred individual. It is in perfect condition. It looks about twenty-two and a half dimins long, half a dimin wide and a twentieth of a dimin tall. It weighs about ten dekans.


  • Type: Longsword
  • Location: Random load
  • Materials:
  • Damage Types: Various
  • Restrictions:
  • Size:
  • Extras: Damage type depends on wielder's alignment, doing damage of an opposite type (i.e. a good wielder would do unholy damage).
  • Description:

the Sentinel Hammer

  • Type:
  • Location:
  • Materials:
  • Damage Types:
  • Restrictions:
  • Size:
  • Extras:
  • Description:

the Shroud of Xent

  • Type: Shroud (headgear)
  • Location: Random load
  • Materials: Hemlock
  • Damage Types:
  • Restrictions:
  • Size:
  • Extras: Provides a source of hemlock. Poisons the wearer.
  • Description:
This is a cowl made of hemlock.  The quality of its craftsmanship is excellent.  Its growth of 
leaves is very thick.  At first consideration, it is difficult to conceive of what sort of 
person would voluntarily wear a garment that kept hir head in continual contact with hemlock 
leaves.  You recognize it as the Shroud of Xent.  Certain Nizari assassins spend years 
acclimating themselves to myriad poisons, and one such individual was known as Xent the Shiv.  
Xent was particularly fond of poisons and used them extensively to perform Kali's work 
throughout the land.  Through his extensive study of botany, Kali's favor, and a modicum of 
magickal dabbling, Xent was able to enchant a hemlock plant to require no soil or water, and 
wove the plant into a cowl for his head.  Considered eccentric by most Nizari, Xent was 
nonetheless respected for his work, and his creation undeniably provided not only substantial 
magickal protection, but also a ready supply of hemlock leaves, invaluable to an experienced 
It is permeated by an auroric radiance.  It is in perfect condition.  It is intermediate in 
size, and definitely too small for you.  It appears to you as if it was crafted for a human.  
It looks about one and three fifths dimins across and a tenth of a dimin thick.  It weighs 
about a twentieth of a dekan.  You estimate its value at about four thousand two hundred fifty 

One can pluck a leaf from it.  The Shroud of Xent was created by Erebus; the source code was 
last updated Wed Nov 05 19:12:47 2008.  The improvised weapon weapon type was created by Lost 
Souls; the source code was last updated Thu Jul 12 11:56:10 2007.  The cowl armour type was  
created by Lost Souls; the source code was last updated Sat Jul 14 16:13:36 2007.  The 
material hemlock was created by Lost Souls; the source code was last updated Sun Jul 15 
16:23:35 2007.

the Staff of Azuth

  • Type:
  • Location:
  • Materials:
  • Damage Types:
  • Restrictions:
  • Size:
  • Extras:
  • Description:

Storm Fury

  • Type:
  • Location:
  • Materials:
  • Damage Types:
  • Restrictions:
  • Size:
  • Extras:
  • Description:

Wang Xue

  • Type:
  • Location:
  • Materials:
  • Damage Types:
  • Restrictions:
  • Size:
  • Extras:
  • Description:

Amulet of Tzeen

  • Type:
  • Location:
  • Materials:
  • Damage Types:
  • Restrictions:
  • Size:
  • Extras:
  • Description:


  • Type: Hammer
  • Location: Random load
  • Materials:
  • Damage Types:
  • Restrictions:
  • Size:
  • Extras:
  • Description:
End of spoiler information.