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Sammage (Talk | contribs)
(Skill Levels - corrected some breakpoints)
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-Skills determine your Lost Souls character's abilities in many areas. You can see a summary of your skills with the+Skills determine your Lost Souls character's abilities in many areas. You can see a summary of your skills with the command 'show skills'. Each skill represents an area of knowledge, training, or conditioning that your character can potentially have. The maximum level of ability you can achieve in a given skill, and the speed with which you approach that level, is determined mainly by whether and to what degree you specialize in that skill. See '[[specialties|help specialties]]' for a detailed discussion of this.
-command 'show skills'. Each skill represents an area of knowledge, training, or conditioning that your character can+
-potentially have. The maximum level of ability you can achieve in a given skill, and the speed with which you approach+
-that level, is determined mainly by whether and to what degree you specialize in that skill. See 'help specialties' for+
-a detailed discussion of this.+
-When categorizing skill competence in-character, we use descriptive rather than numeric skill levels. These are, in+When categorizing skill competence in-character, we use descriptive rather than numeric skill levels. These are, in increasing order of ability: incapacitated, handicapped, unskilled, very inept, inept, unpracticed, fairly competent, competent, fairly proficient, proficient, fairly skilled, skilled, fairly adept, adept, expert, masterful, prodigious, incredible, amazing, preternatural, unearthly, nigh-divine and transcendent.
-increasing order of ability: incapacitated, handicapped, unskilled, very inept, inept, unpracticed, fairly competent,+
-competent, fairly proficient, proficient, fairly skilled, skilled, fairly adept, adept, expert, masterful, prodigious,+
-incredible, amazing, preternatural, unearthly, nigh-divine and transcendent.+
-Help is available on each individual skill. However, note that some special skills are hidden from most people;+Help is available on each individual skill. However, note that some special skills are hidden from most people; until your character has attained knowledge about a hidden skill, you will not be able to view help on it, nor will it appear in the skill list below. A skill's help will display the skill class it belongs to and the attribute it is based on; this attribute is the source of the specialty points needed to specialize in this skill, and often is used together with your skill level in determining your overall ability in that area. Hidden skills and skills which can only be learned by someone specializing in them will be indicated as such. Some skills have special maximum ratings that apply to them in addition to the maximum imposed by your specialty degree; this will be noted. Also, some unusual skills are incompatible with other skills, meaning that if you have any of the skills shown as incompatible, then this skill cannot be learned. Naturally, the help will also include a description of the skill's function.
-until your character has attained knowledge about a hidden skill, you will not be able to view help on it, nor will it+
-appear in the skill list below. A skill's help will display the skill class it belongs to and the attribute it is based+
-on; this attribute is the source of the specialty points needed to specialize in this skill, and often is used together+
-with your skill level in determining your overall ability in that area. Hidden skills and skills which can only be+
-learned by someone specializing in them will be indicated as such. Some skills have special maximum ratings that apply+
-to them in addition to the maximum imposed by your specialty degree; this will be noted. Also, some unusual skills are+
-incompatible with other skills, meaning that if you have any of the skills shown as incompatible, then this skill cannot+
-be learned. Naturally, the help will also include a description of the skill's function.+
-The list below shows the full set of skills on Lost Souls that your character has knowledge of, organized by class. +A few skills are antagonistic to other skills; training these will actually reduce your level of ability with the skills they are antagonistic to, even to the point of removing the other skill entirely. If a skill is antagonistic to other skills, this will be noted in its help.
-Be aware that some of these skills, especially among the craft and trade skills, have no implemented effect in the game,+
-being defined for future use, and that many skills are presently used only by guilds or other affiliations.+
-Artistic Skills+The list below shows the full set of skills on Lost Souls that your character has knowledge of, organized by class.
- [[Calligraphy]] [[Drawing]] [[Erotic Arts]] [[Painting]]+Be aware that some of these skills, especially among the craft and trade skills, have no implemented effect in the game, being defined for future use, and that many skills are presently used only by guilds or other affiliations.
- [[Poetry]] [[Prose]] [[Sculpture]] +
-Athletic Skills+==Affinity Skills==
 +<table width="90%" border="1" cols="3">
 +<td>[[Acid Affinity]]</td><td>[[aging Reversal]]</td><td>[[Air Affinity]]</td>
 +<td>[[Alkali Affinity]]</td><td>[[Ash Affinity]]</td><td>[[Chaos Affinity]]</td>
 +<td>[[Crystal Affinity]]</td><td>[[Disease Affinity]]</td><td>[[Darkness Affinity]]</td>
 +<td>[[Dream Affinity]]</td><td>[[Earth Affinity]]</td><td>[[Entropy Affinity]]</td>
 +<td>[[Eskara Affinity]]</td><td>[[Extropy Affinity]]</td><td>[[Fire Affinity]]</td>
 +<td>[[Goetic Investiture]]</td><td>[[Heat Affinity]]</td><td>[[Ice Affinity]]</td>
 +<td>[[Light Affinity]]</td><td>[[Lightning Affinity]]</td><td>[[Magick Affinity]]</td>
 +<td>[[Magma Affinity]]</td><td>[[Metal Affinity]]</td><td>[[Mist Affinity]]</td>
 +<td>[[Mud Affinity]]</td><td>[[Ooze Affinity]]</td><td>[[Order Affinity]]</td>
 +<td>[[Poison Affinity]]</td><td>[[Qlippotic Affinity]]</td><td>[[Sephirotic Affinity]]</td>
 +<td>[[Shadow Affinity]]</td><td>[[Smoke Affinity]]</td><td>[[Spirit Affinity]]</td>
 +<td>[[Thunder Affinity]]</td><td>[[Void Affinity]]</td><td>[[Water Affinity]]</td>
- [[Balance]] [[Climbing]] [[Dancing]] [[Equestrian]]+==Artistic Skills==
- [[Jousting]] [[Jumping]] [[Massive Exertion]] [[Practice]]+<table width="90%" border="1" cols="3">
- [[Running]] [[Swimming]] [[Training]] [[Tumbling]]+<tr>
 + <td>[[Calligraphy]]</td><td>[[Drawing]]</td><td>[[Erotic Arts]]</td>
 + <td>[[Painting]]</td><td>[[Poetry]]</td><td>[[Prose]]</td>
 + <td>[[Sculpture]]</td>
-Close Combat Weapon Skills+==Athletic Skills==
 +<table width="90%" border="1" cols="3">
 + <td>[[Athleticism]]</td><td>[[Balance]]</td><td>[[Breath Control]]</td>
 + <td>[[Climbing]]</td><td>[[Dancing]]</td><td>[[Equestrian]]</td>
 + <td>[[Jousting]]</td><td>[[Jumping]]</td><td>[[Massive Exertion]]</td>
 + <td>[[Practice]]</td><td>[[Running]]</td><td>[[Swimming]]</td>
 + <td>[[Training]]</td>
- [[the use of axes|Axe]] [[the use of bludgeons|Bludgeon]] [[the use of daggers|Dagger]] [[the use of flails|Flail]]+==Close Combat Weapon Skills==
- [[the use of hammers|Hammer]] [[the use of pole arms|Pole Arm]] [[the use of spears|Spear]] [[the use of staves|Staff]]+<table width="90%" border="1" cols="3">
- [[the use of swords|Sword]] +<tr>
 + <td>[[Axe]]</td><td>[[Bludgeon]]</td><td>[[Dagger]]</td>
 + <td>[[Flail]]</td><td>[[Hammer]]</td><td>[[Pole Arm]]</td>
 + <td>[[Spear]]</td><td>[[Staff]]</td><td>[[Sword]]</td>
-Combat Skills+==Combat Skills==
 +<table width="90%" border="1" cols="3">
 + <td>[[Blindfighting]]</td><td>[[Brawling]]</td><td>[[Combat Reflexes]]</td>
 + <td>[[Dirty Fighting]]</td><td>[[Dodge]]</td><td>[[Eructation]]</td>
 + <td>[[Find Weakness]]</td><td>[[Gaze Weapon]]</td><td>[[Impact Absorption]]</td>
 + <td>[[Instant Stand]]</td><td>[[Killer Instinct]]</td><td>[[Lack of Weakness]]</td>
 + <td>[[Martial Arts]]</td><td>[[Massive Blow]]</td><td>[[Mounted Combat]]</td>
 + <td>[[Precision Strike]]</td><td>[[Resilience]]</td><td>[[Shield]]</td>
 + <td>[[Steadiness]]</td><td>[[Unarmed Combat]]</td><td>[[Wrestling]]</td>
- [[Blindfighting]] [[Brawling]] [[Combat Reflexes]] [[Courage]]+==Craft Skills==
- [[Dirty Fighting]] [[the ability to dodge|Dodge]] [[the use of an eructant weapon|Eructant Weapon]] [[the ability to find weakness|Find Weakness]]+<table width="90%" border="1" cols="3">
- [[the use of one's gaze weapon|Gaze Weapon]] [[Impact Absorption]] [[Instant Stand]] [[Killer Instinct]]+<tr>
- [[Lack of Weakness]] [[Martial Arts]] [[the ability to deal a massive blow|Massive Blow]] [[Mounted Combat]]+ <td>[[Alchemy]]</td><td>[[Artificing]]</td><td>[[Brewing]]</td>
- [[the ability to make a precision strike|Precision Strike]] [[Resilience]] [[the use of the shield|Shield]] [[Steadiness]]+</tr>
- [[Unarmed Combat]] [[Wrestling]] +<tr>
 + <td>[[Carpentry]]</td><td>[[Carving]]</td><td>[[Cooking]]</td>
 + <td>[[Equipment Maintenance]]</td><td>[[Fletching]]</td><td>[[Horticulture]]</td>
 + <td>[[Leatherworking]]</td><td>[[Locksmithing]]</td><td>[[Masonry]]</td>
 + <td>[[Metallurgy]]</td><td>[[Sewing]]</td><td>[[Siege Engineering]]</td>
 + <td>[[Smithing]]</td><td>[[Tanning]]</td><td>[[Weaving]]</td>
-Craft Skills+==Divine Skills==
 +<table width="90%" border="1" cols="3">
 + <td>[[Apotheosis]]</td><td>[[Cosmogony]]</td><td>[[Demiurgy]]</td>
 + <td>[[Eudaimonia]]</td><td>[[Godhead]]</td><td>[[Incarnation]]</td>
 + <td>[[Manifestation]]</td><td>[[Psychopompery]]</td><td>[[Theolysis]]</td>
 + <td>[[Theomachy]]</td><td>[[Theophany]]</td>
- [[Artificing]] [[Brewing]] [[Carpentry]] [[Carving]]+==Esoteric Skills==
- [[Cooking]] [[Fletching]] [[Locksmithing]] [[Masonry]]+<table width="90%" border="1" cols="3">
- [[Metallurgy]] [[Sewing]] [[Smithing]] [[Tanning]]+<tr>
- [[Weaving]] +<td>[[Centering]]</td><td>[[Chromatostasis]]</td><td>[[Combat Meditation]]</td>
 +<td>[[Equilibrium]]</td><td>[[Lucid Dreaming]]</td><td>[[Meditation]]</td>
 +<td>[[Metamorphosis]]</td><td>[[Power Channeling]]</td><td>[[Power Direction]]</td>
 +<td>[[Power Focusing]]</td><td>[[Power Tuning]]</td><td>[[Prestidigitation]]</td>
-Divine Skills+==Fieldcraft Skills==
 +<table width="90%" border="1" cols="3">
 + <td>[[Aquatic Fieldcraft]]</td><td>[[Arctic Fieldcraft]]</td><td>[[Awareness]]</td>
 + <td>[[Cold Tolerance]]</td><td>[[Desert Fieldcraft]]</td><td>[[Exoma Fieldcraft]]</td>
 + <td>[[Foraging]]</td><td>[[Forestry]]</td><td>[[Heat Tolerance]]</td>
 + <td>[[Hills Fieldcraft]]</td><td>[[Infernal Fieldcraft]]</td><td>[[Jungle Fieldcraft]]</td>
 + <td>[[Mountaineering]]</td><td>[[Orienteering]]</td><td>[[Plains Fieldcraft]]</td>
 + <td>[[Shorelands Fieldcraft]]</td><td>[[Sky fieldcraft]]</td><td>[[Space Fieldcraft]]</td>
 + <td>[[Spelunking]]</td><td>[[Streetwise]]</td><td>[[Swamp Fieldcraft]]</td>
 + <td>[[Tracking]]</td><td>[[Umbral Fieldcraft]]</td>
- [[Apotheosis]] [[Cosmogony]] [[Eudaimonia]] [[Godhead]]+==Language Skills==
- [[Incarnation]] [[Manifestation]] [[Psychopompery]] [[Theolysis]]+<table width="90%" border="1" cols="3">
- [[Theomachy]] [[Theophany]] +<tr>
 + <td>[[the Aelvalie language|Aelvalie]]</td><td>[[Anglic]]</td><td>[[the Angrak language|Angrak]]</td>
 + <td>[[the Archaen language|Archaen]]</td><td>[[the Assarith language|Assarith]]</td><td>[[the Bagarguh language|Bagarguh]]</td>
 + <td>[[Caladan]]</td><td>[[the Ci-Xitid language|Ci-Xitid]]</td><td>[[the Cilaghai language|Cilaghai]]</td>
 + <td>[[the Dazask language|Dazask]]</td><td>[[the Dethek language|Dethek]]</td><td>[[the Enochian language|Enochian]]</td>
 + <td>[[the Erisian language|Erisian]]</td><td>[[the Etzmarak language|Etzmarak]]</td><td>[[the Fromageb language|Fromageb]]</td>
 + <td>[[the Graecan language|Graecan]]</td><td>[[the Hithal language|Hithal]]</td><td>[[Hrrnmrhrr]]</td>
 + <td>[[Hsiang]]</td><td>[[the Ikatari language|Ikatari]]</td><td>[[the K'telikix language|K'telikix]]</td>
 + <td>[[the Kathdax language|Kathdax]]</td><td>[[Keetieki]]</td><td>[[the Kentos language|Kentos]]</td>
 + <td>[[Kesliri]]</td><td>[[Klargth]]</td><td>[[the Kyotsugo language|Kyotsugo]]</td>
 + <td>[[the Lingua Manu language|Lingua Manu]]</td><td>[[the Nanomi language|Nanomi]]</td><td>[[the Ngaathgl language|Ngaathgl]]</td>
 + <td>[[the Nilasnai language|Nilasnai]]</td><td>[[Norska]]</td><td>[[Ophisti]]</td>
 + <td>[[Phglek]]</td><td>[[Pnathkol]]</td><td>[[the Quaraak language|Quaraak]]</td>
 + <td>[[the Ragarr language|Ragarr]]</td><td>[[the Rajanin language|Rajanin]]</td><td>[[the Sekkcha language|Sekkcha]]</td>
 + <td>[[the Shan Dareis language|Shan Dareis]]</td><td>[[the Shosarra language|Shosarra]]</td><td>[[the Sperethiel language|Sperethiel]]</td>
 + <td>[[the Sumerian language|Sumerian]]</td><td>[[T'kayali]]</td><td>[[the Takargu language|Takargu]]</td>
 + <td>[[Tezhuatl]]</td><td>[[the Thari language|Thari]]</td><td>[[the Ularu language|Ularu]]</td>
 + <td>[[the Xhax language|Xhax]]</td><td>[[the Xitid langauge|Xitid]]</td><td>[[the Zadjalin language|Zadjalin]]</td>
-Esoteric Skills+==Magickal Channeling Skills==
 +<table width="90%" border="1" cols="3">
 + <td>[[Achlaturgy]]</td><td>[[Aeroturgy]]</td><td>[[Algeturgy]]</td>
 + <td>[[Alkaliturgy]]</td><td>[[Aquaturgy]]</td><td>[[Cacoturgy]]</td>
 + <td>[[Chaoturgy]]</td><td>[[Cryoturgy]]</td><td>[[Eideturgy]]</td>
 + <td>[[Ektilaturgy]]</td><td>[[Elektraturgy]]</td><td>[[Eskaraturgy]]</td>
 + <td>[[Pneumaturgy]]</td><td>[[Geoturgy]]</td><td>[[Glaciaturgy]]</td>
 + <td>[[Hedonaturgy]]</td><td>[[Kalaturgy]]</td><td>[[Keraunaturgy]]</td>
 + <td>[[Khalkiturgy]]</td><td>[[Khlediturgy]]</td><td>[[Kineturgy]]</td>
 + <td>[[Krystallaturgy]]</td><td>[[Laspaturgy]]</td><td>[[Lumiturgy]]</td>
 + <td>[[Magmaturgy]]</td><td>[[Noeturgy]]</td><td>[[Noiaturgy]]</td>
 + <td>[[Oneiroturgy]]</td><td>[[Oxydaturgy]]</td><td>[[Petraturgy]]</td>
 + <td>[[Pyraturgy]]</td><td>[[Skiaturgy]]</td><td>[[Skotaturgy]]</td>
 + <td>[[Spodaturgy]]</td><td>[[Thanaturgy]]</td><td>[[Thaumaturgy]]</td>
 + <td>[[Thermaturgy]]</td><td>[[Theurgy]]</td><td>[[Typhaturgy]]</td>
 + <td>[[Viturgy]]</td>
- [[aging retardation|Aging Retardation]] [[air affinity|Air Affinity]] [[Biofeedback]] [[Breath Control]]+==Magickal Domain Skills==
- [[Centering]] [[Channeling]] [[chaos affinity|Chaos Affinity]] [[chaos resistance|Chaos Resistance]]+<table width="90%" border="1" cols="3">
- [[combat meditation|Combat Meditation]] [[Discipline]] [[earth affinity|Earth Affinity]] [[fire affinity|Fire Affinity]]+<tr>
- [[holy fortitude|Holy Fortitude]] [[holy purity|Holy Purity]] [[ice affinity|Ice Affinity]] [[Introspection]]+ <td>[[Animaphrasty]]</td><td>[[Bellerophrasty]]</td><td>[[Biophrasty]]</td>
- [[magick affinity|Magick Affinity]] [[magick resistance|Magick Resistance]] [[Meditation]] [[Metamorphosis]]+</tr>
- [[necromancy resistance|Necromancy Resistance]] [[necromantic affinity|Necromantic Affinity]] [[order affinity|Order Affinity]] [[order resistance|Order Resistance]]+<tr>
- [[power direction|Power Direction]] [[power focusing|Power Focusing]] [[power generation|Power Generation]] [[power tuning|Power Tuning]]+ <td>[[Chronophrasty]]</td><td>[[Entomophrasty]]</td><td>[[Floraphrasty]]</td>
- [[psychic integrity|Psychic Integrity]] [[Transcendence]] [[unholy fortitude|Unholy Fortitude]] [[Unholy Taint]]+</tr>
 + <td>[[Klimaphrasty]]</td><td>[[Pathophrasty]]</td><td>[[Psychophrasty]]</td>
 + <td>[[Sanguiphrasty]]</td><td>[[Spatiophrasty]]</td><td>[[Telluriphrasty]]</td>
 + <td>[[Theriophrasty]]</td><td>[[Venophrasty]]</td>
-Fieldcraft Skills+==Magickal Methodology Skills==
 +<table width="90%" border="1" cols="3">
 + <td>[[Abjuration]]</td><td>[[Conjuration]]</td><td>[[Divination]]</td>
 + <td>[[Enchantment]]</td><td>[[Evocation]]</td><td>[[Illusion]]</td>
 + <td>[[Invocation]]</td><td>[[Summoning]]</td><td>[[Telesma]]</td>
- [[Arctic Fieldcraft]] [[Awareness]] [[Desert Fieldcraft]] [[Foraging]]+==Medical Skills==
- [[Forestry]] [[Hills Fieldcraft]] [[Jungle Fieldcraft]] [[Exoma Fieldcraft]]+<table width="90%" border="1" cols="3">
- [[Mountaineering]] [[Orienteering]] [[Plains Fieldcraft]] [[Shorelands Fieldcraft]]+<tr>
- [[Spelunking]] [[Streetwise]] [[Swamp Fieldcraft]] [[Tracking]]+ <td>[[Acupuncture]]</td><td>[[Anatomy]]</td><td>[[Barbery]]</td>
- [[Umbral Fieldcraft]] [[Underwater Fieldcraft]] +</tr>
 + <td>[[Chirurgery]]</td><td>[[Dentistry]]</td><td>[[Diagnosis]]</td>
 + <td>[[First Aid]]</td><td>[[Homeopathy]]</td><td>[[Leeching]]</td>
 + <td>[[Suturing]]</td>
-Language Skills+==Mental Skills==
 +<table width="90%" border="1" cols="3">
 + <td>[[Antagonism]]</td><td>[[Concentration]]</td><td>[[Courage]]</td>
 + <td>[[Critical Thinking]]</td><td>[[Discipline]]</td><td>[[Imagination]]</td>
 + <td>[[Introspection]]</td><td>[[Memory]]</td><td>[[Piety]]</td>
 + <td>[[Tenacity]]</td>
- [[the Aelvalie language|Aelvalie]] [[Anglic]] [[the Angrak language|Angrak]] [[the Archaen language|Archaen]]+==Military Skills==
- [[the Assarith Language|Assarith]] [[the Bagarguh language|Bagarguh]] [[the Ci-Xitid language|Ci-Xitid]] [[the Cilaghai language|Cilaghai]]+<table width="90%" border="1" cols="3">
- [[the Cryoprase language|Cryoprase]] [[the Dazask language|Dazask]] [[the Delphin language|Delphin]] [[the Dethek language|Dethek]]+<tr>
- [[the Enochian language|Enochian]] [[the Erisian language|Erisian]] [[the Esperanto language|Esperanto]] [[the Etzmarak language|Etzmarak]]+ <td>[[Intelligence Analysis]]</td><td>[[Logistics]]</td><td>[[Strategy]]</td>
- [[the Fromageb language|Fromageb]] [[the Graecan language|Graecan]] [[the Hithal language|Hithal]] [[the Ikatari language|Ikatari]]+</tr>
- [[the K'telikix language|K'telikix]] [[the Kathdax language|Kathdax]] [[the Kentos language|Kentos]] [[the Latin language|Latin]]+<tr>
- [[the Lingua Manu language|Lingua Manu]] [[the Nanomi language|Nanomi]] [[the Ngaathgl language|Ngaathgl]] [[the Nihonese language|Nihonese]]+ <td>[[Subordination]]</td><td>[[Tactics]]</td>
- [[the Nilasnai language|Nilasnai]] [[the Quaraak language|Quaraak]] [[the Ragarr language|Ragarr]] [[the Rajanin language|Rajanin]]+</tr>
- [[the Sekkcha language|Sekkcha]] [[the Shan Dareis language|Shan Dareis]] [[the Shosarra language|Shosarra]] [[the Siglaryn language|Siglaryn]]+</table>
- [[the Sperethiel language|Sperethiel]] [[the Sumerian language|Sumerian]] [[the Takargu language|Takargu]] [[the Talislan language|Talislan]]+
- [[the Thari language|Thari]] [[the Theran language|Theran]] [[the Ularu language|Ularu]] [[the Phglek language|Phglek]]+
- [[the Xhax language|Xhax]] [[the Xitid langauge|Xitid]] [[the Zadjalin language|Zadjalin]] +
-Magickal Skills+==Movement Skills==
 +<table width="90%" border="1" cols="3">
 + <td>[[armour operation|Armour Operation]]</td><td>[[Armour Use]]</td><td>[[Break fall|Break Fall]]</td>
 + <td>[[Elude Pursuit]]</td><td>[[Flight]]</td><td>[[Load Bearing]]</td>
 + <td>[[Quickness]]</td><td>[[Riding]]</td><td>[[Tumbling]]</td>
- [[Aeromancy]] [[Albimancy]] [[Alchemy]] [[Apocromancy]]+==Musical Skills==
- [[Biomancy]] [[Caromancy]] [[Chronomancy]] [[Conjuring]]+<table width="90%" border="1" cols="3">
- [[Cryomancy]] [[Divination]] [[Enchanting]] [[Evocation]]+<tr>
- [[Geomancy]] [[Hydromancy]] [[Illusion]] [[Invocation]]+ <td>[[Musical Composition]]</td><td>[[Percussion Instruments]]</td><td>[[Singing]]</td>
- [[Leximancy]] [[Lumimancy]] [[Necromancy]] [[Neuromancy]]+</tr>
- [[Nigromancy]] [[Pathomancy]] [[Patronomancy]] [[Plutomancy]]+<tr>
- [[Prestidigitation]] [[Pyromancy]] [[Sanguimancy]] [[Somniomancy]]+ <td>[[Stringed Instruments]]</td><td>[[Wind Instruments]]</td>
- [[Spatiomancy]] [[Summoning]] [[Symbology]] [[Telesma]]+</tr>
- [[Thaumaturgy]] [[Theurgy]] [[Umbromancy]] [[Verdomancy]]+</table>
- [[Xotimancy]] +
-Medical Skills+==Performance Skills==
 +<table width="90%" border="1" cols="3">
 + <td>[[Acting]]</td><td>[[Comedy]]</td><td>[[Disguise]]</td>
 + <td>[[Legerdemain]]</td><td>[[Mimicry]]</td><td>[[Showmanship]]</td>
 + <td>[[Storytelling]]</td><td>[[Ventriloquism]]</td><td>[[Vocalization]]</td>
- [[Acupuncture]] [[Anatomy]] [[Barbery]] [[Chirurgery]]+==Physical Conditioning Skills==
- [[Dentistry]] [[Diagnosis]] [[First Aid]] [[Homeopathy]]+<table width="90%" border="1" cols="3">
- [[Leeching]] +<tr>
 +<td>[[Robustness]]</td><td>[[Stamina]]</td><td>[[Supernal Durability]]</td>
 +<td>[[Tissue Hardening]]</td><td>[[Tissue Softening]]</td>
-Military Skills+==Psionic Skills==
 +<table width="90%" border="1" cols="3">
 + <td>[[Matrix Craft]]</td><td>[[Matrix Interface]]</td><td>[[Metacathexis]]</td>
 + <td>[[Metaconation]]</td><td>[[Metacreativity]]</td><td>[[Metasenses]]</td>
 + <td>[[Psychokinesis]]</td><td>[[Psycholeptesis]]</td><td>[[Redaction]]</td>
 + <td>[[Somatopsychosis]]</td><td>[[Telepathy]]</td><td>[[Translocation]]</td>
- [[Intelligence Analysis]] [[Logistics]] [[Strategy]] [[Subordination]]+==Ranged Weapon Skills==
- [[Tactics]] +<table width="90%" border="1" cols="3">
 + <td>[[Archery]]</td><td>[[Artillery]]</td><td>[[Crossbow]]</td>
 + <td>[[Sling]]</td><td>[[Wyrding]]</td><td>[[Throwing]]</td>
-Movement Skills+==Rogue Skills==
 +<table width="90%" border="1" cols="3">
 + <td>[[Eavesdropping]]</td><td>[[Escape]]</td><td>[[Gambling]]</td>
 + <td>[[Lip Reading]]</td><td>[[Lockpicking]]</td><td>[[Picking Pockets]]</td>
 + <td>[[Stealth]]</td><td>[[Traps]]</td>
- [[Armour Adaptation]] [[armour operation|Armour Operation]] [[the techniques of breaking falls|Break Fall]] [[the ability to elude pursuit|Elude]]+==Resistance Skills==
- [[Flight]] [[Load Bearing]] [[Quickness]] [[Riding]]+<table width="90%" border="1" cols="3">
 + <td>[[Acid Resistance]]</td><td>[[Aging Retardation]]</td><td>[[Air Resistance]]</td>
 + <td>[[Alkali Resistance]]</td><td>[[Ash Resistance]]</td><td>[[Chaos Resistance]]</td>
 + <td>[[Cold Resistance]]</td><td>[[Crushing Resistance]]</td><td>[[Crystal Resistance]]</td>
 + <td>[[Cutting Resistance]]</td><td>[[Darkness Resistance]]</td><td>[[Dream Resistance]]</td>
 + <td>[[Earth Resistance]]</td><td>[[Entropy Resistance]]</td><td>[[Eskara Resistance]]</td>
 + <td>[[Extropy Resistance]]</td><td>[[Fire Resistance]]</td><td>[[Force Resistance]]</td>
 + <td>[[Goetia Resistance]]</td><td>[[Heat Resistance]]</td><td>[[Ice Resistance]]</td>
 + <td>[[Light Resistance]]</td><td>[[Lightning Resistance]]</td><td>[[Magick Resistance]]</td>
 + <td>[[Magma Resistance]]</td><td>[[Metal Resistance]]</td><td>[[Mist Resistance]]</td>
 + <td>[[Mud Resistance]]</td><td>[[Ooze Resistance]]</td><td>[[Order Resistance]]</td>
 + <td>[[Pain Tolerance]]</td><td>[[Piercing Resistance]]</td><td>[[Poison Resistance]]</td>
 + <td>[[Psychic Integrity]]</td><td>[[Qlippotic Resistance]]</td><td>[[Sephirotic Resistance]]</td>
 + <td>[[Shadow Resistance]]</td><td>[[Smoke Resistance]]</td><td>[[Spirit Resistance]]</td>
 + <td>[[Stone Resistance]]</td><td>[[Thunder Resistance]]</td><td>[[Void Resistance]]</td>
 + <td>[[Water Resistance]]</td>
-Musical Skills+==Scholarly Skills==
 +<table width="90%" border="1" cols="3">
 + <td>[[Animal Lore]]</td><td>[[Arcane Lore]]</td><td>[[Armour Lore]]</td>
 + <td>[[Astrology]]</td><td>[[Biology]]</td><td>[[Cartography]]</td>
 + <td>[[Cosmology]]</td><td>[[Elder Lore]]</td><td>[[Erotic Lore]]</td>
 + <td>[[Gem Lore]]</td><td>[[Heraldry]]</td><td>[[History]]</td>
 + <td>[[Insect Lore]]</td><td>[[Law]]</td><td>[[Legend Lore]]</td>
 + <td>[[Linguistics]]</td><td>[[Literacy]]</td><td>[[Logic]]</td>
 + <td>[[Mathematics]]</td><td>[[Metaphysics]]</td><td>[[Metapsychology]]</td>
 + <td>[[Mineral Lore]]</td><td>[[Pataphysics]]</td><td>[[Philosophy]]</td>
 + <td>[[Physics]]</td><td>[[Plant Lore]]</td><td>[[Poison Lore]]</td>
 + <td>[[Politics]]</td><td>[[Psychology]]</td><td>[[Qlippotic Lore]]</td>
 + <td>[[Rune Lore]]</td><td>[[Sephirotic Lore]]</td><td>[[Scholarship]]</td>
 + <td>[[Spirit Lore]]</td><td>[[Teaching]]</td><td>[[Theology]]</td>
 + <td>[[Weapon Lore]]</td>
- [[Musical Composition]] [[Percussion Instruments]] [[Singing]] [[playing stringed instruments|Stringed Instruments]]+==Social Skills==
- [[playing wind instruments|Wind Instruments]] +<table width="90%" border="1" cols="3">
 + <td>[[Carousing]]</td><td>[[Diplomacy]]</td><td>[[Empathy]]</td>
 + <td>[[Etiquette]]</td><td>[[Fast Talk]]</td><td>[[Haggling]]</td>
 + <td>[[Intimidation]]</td><td>[[Leadership]]</td><td>[[Manipulation]]</td>
 + <td>[[Ownership]]</td><td>[[Rhetoric]]</td>
-Performance Skills+==Trade Skills==
 +<table width="90%" border="1" cols="3">
 + <td>[[Appraisal]]</td><td>[[Cargo Handling]]</td><td>[[Demolition]]</td>
 + <td>[[Digging]]</td><td>[[Driving]]</td><td>[[Farming]]</td>
 + <td>[[Finance]]</td><td>[[Firefighting]]</td><td>[[Fishing]]</td>
 + <td>[[Garbology]]</td><td>[[Livestock Breeding]]</td><td>[[Machine Operation]]</td>
 + <td>[[Mortuary]]</td><td>[[Navigation]]</td><td>[[Rigging]]</td>
 + <td>[[Seamanship]]</td><td>[[Torture]]</td>
- [[Acting]] [[Comedy]] [[Disguise]] [[Legerdemain]]+==Transcendent Skills==
- [[Mimicry]] [[Showmanship]] [[Storytelling]] [[Ventriloquism]]+<table width="90%" border="1" cols="3">
- [[Vocalization]] +<tr>
-Physical Conditioning Skills+==Skill Levels==
- + incapacitated ? - ?
- [[acid affinity|Acid Affinity]] [[acid resistance|Acid Resistance]] [[air resistance|Air Resistance]] [[alkaline affinity|Alkaline Affinity]]+ handicapped ? - -1
- [[alkaline resistance|Alkaline Resistance]] [[Cold Tolerance]] [[crushing resistance|Crushing Resistance]] [[disease affinity|Disease Affinity]]+ unskilled 0 - 4
- [[earth resistance|Earth Resistance]] [[electrical resistance|Electrical Resistance]] [[fire resistance|Fire Resistance]] [[force resistance|Force Resistance]]+ very inept 5 - 15
- [[Hardiness]] [[Heat Tolerance]] [[Pain Tolerance]] [[photonic affinity|Photonic Affinity]]+ inept 16 - 20
- [[photonic resistance|Photonic Resistance]] [[piercing resistance|Piercing Resistance]] [[plasma affinity|Plasma Affinity]] [[plasma resistance|Plasma Resistance]]+ unpracticed 21 - 30
- [[poison affinity|Poison Affinity]] [[Poison Resistance]] [[radiation affinity|Radiation Affinity]] [[radiation ersistance|Radiation Resistance]]+ fairly competent 31 - 35
- [[Recuperation]] [[Regeneration]] [[Robustness]] [[slashing resistance|Slashing Resistance]]+ competent 36 - 40
- [[sonic resistance|Sonic Resistance]] [[Stamina]] [[supernal durability|Supernal Durability]] [[tissue hardening|Tissue Hardening]]+ fairly proficient 41 - 50
- [[tissue softening|Tissue Softening]] [[vacuum resistance|Vacuum Resistance]] [[water resistance|Water Resistance]] + proficient 51 - 60
- + fairly skilled 61 - 70
-Psionic Skills+ skilled 71 - 80
- + fairly adept 81 - 90
- [[matrix craft|Matrix Craft]] [[matrix interface|Matrix Interface]] [[Metacreativity]] [[Metasenses]]+ adept 91 - 100
- [[Psychokinesis]] [[Psycholeptesis]] [[Psychovorism]] [[Redaction]]+ expert 101 - 110
- [[Telepathy]] [[Translocation]] + masterful 111 - 120
- + prodigious 121 - 150
-Ranged Weapon Skills+ incredible 151 - 200
- + amazing 201 - 300
- [[Archery]] [[the use of crossbows|Crossbow]] [[Sling]] [[the use of telesmatic weapons|Telesmatic Weapon]]+ preternatural 301 - 400
- [[the use of throwing weapons|Throwing]] + unearthly 401 - 500
- + supernal 501 - 750
-Rogue Skills+ transcendent 751 - ∞
- +
- [[Eavesdropping]] [[Gambling]] [[Lip Reading]] [[Lockpicking]]+
- [[Picking Pockets]] [[Stealth]] [[the handling of traps|Traps]] +
- +
-Scholarly Skills+
- +
- [[Animal Lore]] [[Arcane Lore]] [[Armour Lore]] [[Biology]]+
- [[Cartography]] [[Cosmology]] [[Daemonology]] [[Elder Lore]]+
- [[Erotic Lore]] [[Gem Lore]] [[Heraldry]] [[History]]+
- [[Insect Lore]] [[Law]] [[Legend Lore]] [[Linguistics]]+
- [[Literacy]] [[Logic]] [[Mathematics]] [[Memory]]+
- [[Metaphysics]] [[Metapsychology]] [[Mineral Lore]] [[Philosophy]]+
- [[Physics]] [[Plant Lore]] [[Poison Lore]] [[Politics]]+
- [[Psychology]] [[Rune Lore]] [[Scholarship]] [[Teaching]]+
- [[Theology]] [[Weapon Lore]] +
- +
-Social Skills+
- +
- [[Carousing]] [[Diplomacy]] [[Empathy]] [[Fast Talk]]+
- [[Haggling]] [[Intimidation]] [[Leadership]] [[Manipulation]]+
- [[Ownership]] [[Rhetoric]] [[Savoir Faire]] +
- +
-Trade Skills+
- +
- [[Appraisal]] [[Cargo Handling]] [[Demolition]] [[Digging]]+
- [[Driving]] [[Farming]] [[Finance]] [[Fishing]]+
- [[Garbology]] [[Livestock Breeding]] [[Machine Operation]] [[Mortuary]]+
- [[Navigation]] [[Seamanship]] [[the ability to torture|Torture]]+

Current revision



Skills determine your Lost Souls character's abilities in many areas. You can see a summary of your skills with the command 'show skills'. Each skill represents an area of knowledge, training, or conditioning that your character can potentially have. The maximum level of ability you can achieve in a given skill, and the speed with which you approach that level, is determined mainly by whether and to what degree you specialize in that skill. See 'help specialties' for a detailed discussion of this.

When categorizing skill competence in-character, we use descriptive rather than numeric skill levels. These are, in increasing order of ability: incapacitated, handicapped, unskilled, very inept, inept, unpracticed, fairly competent, competent, fairly proficient, proficient, fairly skilled, skilled, fairly adept, adept, expert, masterful, prodigious, incredible, amazing, preternatural, unearthly, nigh-divine and transcendent.

Help is available on each individual skill. However, note that some special skills are hidden from most people; until your character has attained knowledge about a hidden skill, you will not be able to view help on it, nor will it appear in the skill list below. A skill's help will display the skill class it belongs to and the attribute it is based on; this attribute is the source of the specialty points needed to specialize in this skill, and often is used together with your skill level in determining your overall ability in that area. Hidden skills and skills which can only be learned by someone specializing in them will be indicated as such. Some skills have special maximum ratings that apply to them in addition to the maximum imposed by your specialty degree; this will be noted. Also, some unusual skills are incompatible with other skills, meaning that if you have any of the skills shown as incompatible, then this skill cannot be learned. Naturally, the help will also include a description of the skill's function.

A few skills are antagonistic to other skills; training these will actually reduce your level of ability with the skills they are antagonistic to, even to the point of removing the other skill entirely. If a skill is antagonistic to other skills, this will be noted in its help.

The list below shows the full set of skills on Lost Souls that your character has knowledge of, organized by class.

Be aware that some of these skills, especially among the craft and trade skills, have no implemented effect in the game, being defined for future use, and that many skills are presently used only by guilds or other affiliations.

Affinity Skills

Acid Affinityaging ReversalAir Affinity
Alkali AffinityAsh AffinityChaos Affinity
Crystal AffinityDisease AffinityDarkness Affinity
Dream AffinityEarth AffinityEntropy Affinity
Eskara AffinityExtropy AffinityFire Affinity
Goetic InvestitureHeat AffinityIce Affinity
Light AffinityLightning AffinityMagick Affinity
Magma AffinityMetal AffinityMist Affinity
Mud AffinityOoze AffinityOrder Affinity
Poison AffinityQlippotic AffinitySephirotic Affinity
Shadow AffinitySmoke AffinitySpirit Affinity
Thunder AffinityVoid AffinityWater Affinity

Artistic Skills

CalligraphyDrawingErotic Arts

Athletic Skills

AthleticismBalanceBreath Control
JoustingJumpingMassive Exertion

Close Combat Weapon Skills

FlailHammerPole Arm

Combat Skills

BlindfightingBrawlingCombat Reflexes
Dirty FightingDodgeEructation
Find WeaknessGaze WeaponImpact Absorption
Instant StandKiller InstinctLack of Weakness
Martial ArtsMassive BlowMounted Combat
Precision StrikeResilienceShield
SteadinessUnarmed CombatWrestling

Craft Skills

Equipment MaintenanceFletchingHorticulture
MetallurgySewingSiege Engineering

Divine Skills


Esoteric Skills

CenteringChromatostasisCombat Meditation
EquilibriumLucid DreamingMeditation
MetamorphosisPower ChannelingPower Direction
Power FocusingPower TuningPrestidigitation

Fieldcraft Skills

Aquatic FieldcraftArctic FieldcraftAwareness
Cold ToleranceDesert FieldcraftExoma Fieldcraft
ForagingForestryHeat Tolerance
Hills FieldcraftInfernal FieldcraftJungle Fieldcraft
MountaineeringOrienteeringPlains Fieldcraft
Shorelands FieldcraftSky fieldcraftSpace Fieldcraft
SpelunkingStreetwiseSwamp Fieldcraft
TrackingUmbral Fieldcraft

Language Skills

Lingua ManuNanomiNgaathgl
Shan DareisShosarraSperethiel

Magickal Channeling Skills


Magickal Domain Skills


Magickal Methodology Skills


Medical Skills

First AidHomeopathyLeeching

Mental Skills

Critical ThinkingDisciplineImagination

Military Skills

Intelligence AnalysisLogisticsStrategy

Movement Skills

Armour OperationArmour UseBreak Fall
Elude PursuitFlightLoad Bearing

Musical Skills

Musical CompositionPercussion InstrumentsSinging
Stringed InstrumentsWind Instruments

Performance Skills


Physical Conditioning Skills

RobustnessStaminaSupernal Durability
Tissue HardeningTissue Softening

Psionic Skills

Matrix CraftMatrix InterfaceMetacathexis

Ranged Weapon Skills


Rogue Skills

Lip ReadingLockpickingPicking Pockets

Resistance Skills

Acid ResistanceAging RetardationAir Resistance
Alkali ResistanceAsh ResistanceChaos Resistance
Cold ResistanceCrushing ResistanceCrystal Resistance
Cutting ResistanceDarkness ResistanceDream Resistance
Earth ResistanceEntropy ResistanceEskara Resistance
Extropy ResistanceFire ResistanceForce Resistance
Goetia ResistanceHeat ResistanceIce Resistance
Light ResistanceLightning ResistanceMagick Resistance
Magma ResistanceMetal ResistanceMist Resistance
Mud ResistanceOoze ResistanceOrder Resistance
Pain TolerancePiercing ResistancePoison Resistance
Psychic IntegrityQlippotic ResistanceSephirotic Resistance
Shadow ResistanceSmoke ResistanceSpirit Resistance
Stone ResistanceThunder ResistanceVoid Resistance
Water Resistance

Scholarly Skills

Animal LoreArcane LoreArmour Lore
CosmologyElder LoreErotic Lore
Gem LoreHeraldryHistory
Insect LoreLawLegend Lore
Mineral LorePataphysicsPhilosophy
PhysicsPlant LorePoison Lore
PoliticsPsychologyQlippotic Lore
Rune LoreSephirotic LoreScholarship
Spirit LoreTeachingTheology
Weapon Lore

Social Skills

EtiquetteFast TalkHaggling

Trade Skills

AppraisalCargo HandlingDemolition
GarbologyLivestock BreedingMachine Operation

Transcendent Skills


Skill Levels

incapacitated      ? - ?
handicapped        ? - -1
unskilled          0 - 4
very inept         5 - 15
inept              16 - 20
unpracticed        21 - 30
fairly competent   31 - 35
competent          36 - 40
fairly proficient  41 - 50
proficient         51 - 60
fairly skilled     61 - 70
skilled            71 - 80
fairly adept       81 - 90
adept              91 - 100
expert             101 - 110
masterful          111 - 120
prodigious         121 - 150
incredible         151 - 200
amazing            201 - 300
preternatural      301 - 400
unearthly          401 - 500
supernal           501 - 750
transcendent       751 - ∞
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