From LSWiki
Class: Combat Skills
Attribute: Agility Pedagogy: Physical Training Practitioner Term: Dodger
The ability to dodge attacks in combat. The higher your rating in this skill, the more likely you will be successful at dodging an attack in combat. Whether you attempt to dodge a given attack depends on your combat mode setting and whether it would seem more effective to dodge or attempt to parry or block.
Development Information: The dodge skill was created by Lost Souls; the source code was last updated Tue Mar 15 02:21:33 2016.
See Also: set combat mode, show dodge rating, show passive defense rating
Wandering Lhethan Hagal Arborlon: Lenalia Avalon: Bercilak Losthaven: Raelan Jax <129 Kolond: Duthien (only trains dwarves) Mycenae: Ijara <146 Mycenae: Kyros Obsidia: Goth Shadow Tower: Boko <158 Shakari: Tavar Shatterspire: Sthlar Stillwater: Captain Roberts Teryx: Nelar Valathyr: Selendyl (Teaches fey races only) Yathryn: Kajax (worship requirement) Association required: Maidens of the Spear: Sulin Guild required: Aisenshi: Musashi Coven: Lynda Xenetha Elflords: Celeborn Hawkmen: Katar Hawkmen: Shayera Knights of the Round Table: Sir Lancelot Nizari: Hasan Wanders Ordo Ignis Aeternis: Badlokk Wanders Skarlan Ordo Ignis Aeternis: Itozuma Wanders Quetlatl Quest required Corna Quests: Marshall Osaka