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-+<< the Wandslingers >>+-

Clyde has taken you on as one of his Wandslingers, a loose band of vigilante wanderers with special training in the art of wand combat. Wandslingers have a reputation for being laws unto themselves, uncompromising even with each other, always prepared to face the worst.

Beyond certain minimal standards of admittance, Clyde lets his Wandslingers decide how to enforce justice on their own, trusting his students to protect those who deserve protection. Conflicts between his students over this issue have led to legendary and often tragic shooting duels.

Wandslingers are precise, fast, and deadly with their wands. They receive training in all aspects of wand use and wand lore. They have developed methods to bypass their normal esoteric activation mechanisms and fire them with but a thought. To fire a wand you have wielded, simply "will the activation of <wand>" or, generically, "will the activation of my wand." If you are wielding more than one wand, the latter command will activate all of them.

Clyde has devised holsters for his Wandslingers. In addition to facilitating quickdraw, they also gradually recharge any wand holstered within them. The belts draw on its bearer's subconscious ability at enchanting for guidance and energy, making learning the art of enchantment beneficial to the Wandslinger despite the passive nature of its employment. One should take care that one's belt does not fall into the hand of one's enemies.

With sufficient development, a Wandslinger can attain a state called Wandslinger focus. See 'help perform Wandslinger focus'.

You state, -_I wish to walk the world as a Wandslinger_- in beautifully-accented Anglic.

The brown kentaur stallion says, You would need three more willpower-based specialty points available for the required specialties in courage and telesmatic weapon and you would need one more charisma-based specialty point available for the required specialty in intimidation. to you in Anglic.

  • Required specs to join:
Min  Specialty
1    Arcane lore  -  Intelligence
1    Lack of weakness  -  Intelligence
1    Tactics  -  Intelligence
1    Intimidation  -  Charisma
1    Find weakness  -  Perception
1    Tenacity  -  Willpower
1    Precision strike  -  Perception
2    Telesmatic Weapon  -  Charisma

INT 3, CHA 3, PER 2, WIL 1

Note from Stairs: As of 2009 June 23 you need to be familiar with 31 wand types. I've been told high arcane lore also has a significant effect, but I leave that for those who are more informed.

Note from Ralnos: This is true. High arcane lore (generally 80+) gives you intrinsically known wand types ("show intrinsically known topics" without the quotations is the command for viewing these, but be warned that the list is often very long).

Nyladon Notes: 80+ begins showing this, it can be more easily accessed with 'show intrinsically known wands.'

The holsters' wand charging capacity appears to be influenced by your skill in enchantment and magick affinity. These also play a role in the rate at which they recharge wands.

-> + <-

The Wandslingers have been updated with myriad of behavioral mechanics and rewards. See help wandslingers, help show ka, and help show vigil for more information. Except more expansions of this and other related functionality in the near future.

                            -- Twilight, October 19th 2007

You are now a first-degree specialist in arcane lore, courage and intimidation. You are now a second-degree specialist in telesmatic weapon.

The brown kentaur stallion suppresses a smile and nods to you.

The brown kentaur stallion says, So be it. I will teach you to be a Wandslinger to you in Anglic. The brown kentaur stallion gives a black leather holster to you with his right hand.



Please remove any vigils that cannot be set -- vigils closer to the bottom are largely speculative

1 month cooldown time to change vigil.

Known Non-Vigil Locations

Ka Rewards


You sense that you now have the ability to translocate to your vigil when it is in danger

Ability to translocate to your vigil when it is in danger.

Note from Stairs: With rune lore 40, I needed 55 < enchantment <= 62 in order to inscribe the rune. My guess is enchanting + rune lore needs to be >= 100.


You have moved closer to your ka while walking the world as a Wandslinger; you sense that you now have the ability to 
perform the Wandslinger focus.

Ability to use the Wandslinger`s Focus


You have moved closer to your ka while walking the world as a Wandslinger; you sense that you now have enhanced mental 
focus and discipline.

Bonus specialties in discipline, introspection and tenacity.

Note: The tenacity while a bonus also ups your required Tenacity by 1.


You have moved closer to your ka while walking the world as a Wandslinger; you sense that you now have the potential to 
learn the subtleties of social pressures.

Specialty access II in acting, diplomacy, etiquette, fast talk, and manipulation.


You are now a first-degree specialist in biofeedback and breath control.
You are now a second-degree specialist in cold tolerance, heat tolerance, and pain tolerance.
You are now a third-degree specialist in stamina.
You have moved closer to your ka while walking the world as a Wandslinger; you sense that you now have self-mastery over your body.
"You now have self-mastery over your body."

(Bonus specialties in biofeedback, breath control, cold tolerance, heat tolerance, pain tolerance and stamina.)


You have moved closer to your ka while walking the world as a Wandslinger; you sense that you now have the potential to 
further train your reflexes.

3 specialty access in combat reflexes and dodge


You have moved closer to your ka while walking the world as a Wandslinger; you sense that you now have enhanced subtlety of   
wrist and wand.
You are now a first-degree specialist in legerdemain.
You are now a second-degree specialist in precision strike.
You are now a third-degree specialist in awareness.

1 bonus specialty each in legerdemain, precision strike, and awareness.


You have moved closer to your ka while walking the world as a Wandslinger; you sense that you now have the potential to 
become a a great leader.

(+5 specialty access in leadership and logistics)


"You now have the potential for tactical mastery of any situation" (+3 specialty access in tactics, aquatic fieldcraft,
arctic fieldcraft, desert fieldcraft, exoma fieldcraft, forestry, hills fieldcraft, jungle fieldcraft, mountaineering,
plains fieldcraft, shorelands fieldcraft, spelunking, streetwise, swamp fieldcraft and umbral fieldcraft)


You have moved closer to your ka while walking the world as a Wandslinger; you sense that you now have the potential 
to train your quickness.
"You now have the potential to train your quickness"  (+3 specialty access in quickness)


"You now have the potential to become a true master of wand combat." (2 bonus specs in telesmatic weapon).


"You now have the ability to release a volley of wand fire all at once." (Ability to perform wand fire volley.)

Specialty Access

Min   Max      Specialty
1     +4       Arcane Lore
      +2       Combat Reflexes
      +2       Enchantment
1     +4       Find Weakness
1     +4       Intimidation
1     +4       Lack of Weakness
1     +4       Precision Strike
      +1       Psychokinesis
1     +4       Tactics
2     +6       Telesmatic Weapon
1     +4       Tenacity