Location List Based on Alignment
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Revision as of 14:05, 7 January 2022; Reden (Talk | contribs)
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general quick list of alignment adjusting locations, aside from the ever popular ST, which gets wiped out on occassion, for those OOC "where can i find an easy D/C area ..." etc
please add more
Contents |
Good and Ordered
- Banir Lok
- thonds (citizens and miners)
- Camelot
- Camille
- Corna
- Fort Shantaari
- The Green Chapel
- civilians
- Liathyr
- Losthaven
- Shatterspire
- Valathyr
Good and Chaotic
- Et'zlaerhi: more chaotic than good
- Kolond
- Thistlewood: more good than chaotic
Evil and Ordered
- Banir Lok
- duergar rebels
- Darkhold
- Gurbodax
- kobolds
- Imptropolis
- Imperious
- Muspelheim
- R'lyeh
- St Paedric's Monastery
- Syllyac
- Temple Bloodmoon
- Yathryn: twice as evil as ordered
- Arnedio Shrine
- Caves of Sionell
- duergar
- R'lyeh
- other than gogtzulu
- Togrek: some slightly ordered, some slightly chaotic
Evil and Chaotic
- Mouth of Ugior
- Og
- Ranthos: somewhat more evil than chaotic
- Sinbyen
- The demons in the catacombs.
- Spiderwood
- rachnei and rhax
- Uvmothog
- Vasbarghad: very evil, slightly chaotic
- Yevath
- Banir Lok
- harlots
- Demonad Jungle
- Imptropolis: some slightly good or evil
- all except Imperious
- Temple of Discordia
- Tlaxcala
Confirmed Neutral
- Banir Lok
- traders
- Caern Argnash
- Caves of Sionell
- oozes and animals
- The Green Chapel
- dragons and priests
- Sloan
- Sounion
- Spiderwood
- spiders
- Stillwater
- Vargan
- Wamnock's Lair
- urgai