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Alternately Known As: Wu Wei Class: Esoteric Skills Attribute: Willpower Pedagogy: Procedural Practitioner Term: Practitioner of Equilibrium Alternate Terms: Wu Wei Zhiye The mental discipline of balancing the facets of one's spirit and of bringing them into harmony, increasing the rate at which one can recover spiritual energy. Development Information: The equilibrium skill was created by Chaos; the source code was last updated Tue May 23 01:00:28 2017. See Also: centering
Iaocia: Rodastian, requires authorization R'lyeh : Ithnagl wanders <130 Shadow Tower: Gaerie <110 Temple of Discordia: Erasmus <90 Veteran: wanders Association required: Agnihotri: Riga Deep Ones: Dagon Deep Ones: Mother Hydra Losthaven Guard: Berek Ollin Tonatiuh: Nezcaluca Questors of Axa : Merethus Ygellethites: Ashyire Ygellethites: Saruezzta Weapons of Vengeance: Goth Guild required: Aligned: Taiji <94 Coven: Leah Coven: Esme Wanders Coven: Halea Coven: Lynda Xenetha Devonshire Clerics: Thromdan Elflords: Celeborn Ordo Ignis Aeternis: Flizera Ordo Ignis Aeternis: Pierce Ordo Maleficus: Antonina Ordo Zephyrius Mutatoris: Aerina Ordo Verbus Glacialis: Aristides Ringwielders: Merethus Temple of Discordia: Malaclypse the Younger (LDD/POEE) <100 Zetesai: Linp Quest required