Ringwielder Rune Summary

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Reden (Talk | contribs)


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Spoiler warning: information below includes details, such as solutions to puzzles or quest procedures, that you may prefer to discover on your own.

/---------------------------- = Ringwielder Rune Summary = -----------------------------\
| Name              Type                 Description                   Significance     |
| aaglyth           enhancement          chaos favour                  minor            |
| aagmyn            attack               chaos bolt                    minor            |
| abrinth           conjuration          summon darad shi              minor            |
| aerinax           utility              flight                        high             |
| aphari            passive defense      heat tolerance                trivial          |
| arkonaad          attack               detonate                      trivial          |
| b'padhax          attack               dispel magick                 minor            |
| b'ryzmkel         attack               shatter                       trivial          |
| bxaktu            enhancement          somatic adaptability          moderate         |
| bzaan             utility              pain suppression              minor            |
| clazaphar         attack               firestorm                     great            |
| colapha           enhancement          night vision                  minor            |
| czon              attack               chaos disjunction             minor            |
| d'lorinas         divination           detect magick                 minor            |
| dakati            passive defense      cold tolerance                minor            |
| domwrelin         attack               mana shunt                    high             |
| dysamak           enhancement          evasion                       moderate         |
| ekaschos          enhancement          ego enhancement               minor            |
| elglaur           enhancement          phlogiston glands             high             |
| elithban          utility              sense location                trivial          |
| evrak             attack               fire bolt                     high             |
| farig-dar         passive defense      water affinity                moderate         |
| festiglis         attack               enervate                      high             |
| fthramos          enhancement          scrying ward                  minor            |
| fyegreh           enhancement          luck                          moderate         |
| fyl'thyrzha       conjuration          wind whip                     moderate         |
| gaj               attack               poison                        high             |
| gevel             active defense       vampiric aura                 high             |
| ghelisk           passive defense      magick affinity               moderate         |
| glochar           teleportation        planar pocket                 minor            |
| greth             passive defense      earth affinity                moderate         |
| grosvsk           passive defense      eskaric affinity              moderate         |
| grynovsk          attack               radiation cloud               major            |
| hae-kadzi         utility              haste                         major            |
| hagathcy          utility              astral perception             high             |
| hlithmar          attack               acid stream                   high             |
| hytelmos          utility              mindspeak                     trivial          |
| irimdes           enhancement          quickness                     high             |
| ispiri            teleportation        teleport home                 moderate         |
| ivaescaa          enhancement          blood flow                    minor            |
| izimiscav         utility              appearance moderation         trivial          |
| jainz             teleportation        teleport back                 moderate         |
| kaonfar           passive defense      adaptive resistance           extreme          |
| kalazkov          attack               affinity barrage              great            |
| kelvrak           active defense       cyclone of flame              extreme          |
| kelvryx           passive defense      air affinity                  moderate         |
| khyaros           enhancement          strength enhancement          moderate         |
| klizmaphex        utility              physical recuperation         minor            |
| krah-li           enhancement          willpower enhancement         moderate         |
| laelinak          utility              light control                 major            |
| leminkail         enhancement          situational awareness         high             |
| lgladzi           active defense       cold aura                     high             |
| lyrzek            attack               ice burst                     high             |
| memtholin         enhancement          spiritual energy              major            |
| mizakral          enhancement          anti-dazzle                   trivial          |
| mordekres         attack               death field                   great            |
| mragsh            active defense       force shield                  high             |
| nimisae           utility              regeneration                  great            |
| nverik-xar        enhancement          regrowth                      high             |
| nysevrak          conjuration          flame blade                   minor            |
| oal               enhancement          paravision                    extreme          |
| omavistis         enhancement          vitality enhancement          moderate         |
| onichald          conjuration          summon rhug shi               moderate         |
| poltradn          attack               slowness field                major            |
| qiange            enhancement          perception enhancement        minor            |
| quariil           enhancement          ambidexterity                 minor            |
| quesivsk          attack               eskaris bolt                  moderate         |
| ravarak           attack               force blast                   great            |
| rbardanis         domination           dominate urga                 high             |
| relinaqex         attack               freezing pulse                great            |
| rethnal           passive defense      fire affinity                 moderate         |
| sithalg           attack               plasma dart spray             high             |
| slurtaw           domination           dominate trullja              high             |
| somagth           active defense       invisibility                  major            |
| somnverax         attack               silence                       major            |
| syraivek          attack               darkfire bolt                 high             |
| thabtka           enhancement          intellect enhancement         moderate         |
| thelganik         attack               alkali stream                 high             |
| tlemariz          enhancement          metabolism                    high             |
| tzakhos           teleportation        teleport to                   major            |
| ulkhnaur          passive defense      entropic affinity             moderate         |
| uvmanar           enhancement          reflex conditioning           high             |
| uvmodath          enhancement          muscle conditioning           high             |
| uvmiange          enhancement          combat instinct conditioning  major            |
| uvmistis          enhancement          body conditioning             major            |
| vanar             enhancement          agility enhancement           moderate         |
| varlgung          utility              health transfer               moderate         |
| venglar           utility              paraneurism                   major            |
| vilix             attack               drink life                    moderate         |
| vynlari           teleportation        teleport other                great            |
| wryalek           attack               frost jet                     high             |
| wzadris           attack               affinity channel              major            |
| xantaras          teleportation        personal microcosm            major            |
| xiriaq            divination           insight                       moderate         |
| yisaa             enhancement          smithing                      moderate         |
| ylamari           enhancement          psychic integrity             moderate         |
| zerivalak         attack               chain lightning               major            |
| zil               domination           dominate bogual               high             |
End of spoiler information.
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