Alphabetical Locations and Landmarks

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Spoiler warning: information below includes details, such as solutions to puzzles or quest procedures, that you may prefer to discover on your own.


Map Overview

"I have no idea if this will render or not, but here is the basic structure as given to me by Lysator." - Twilight

                 Northlands                        Gardagh
                     |                                |
Calais     -     Cimbra    -    Visigonia    -     Avalon  -  NW Atalantic  -   N Atalantic   -   NE Atalantic  -   Skarlan
    |                |              |
Andala     -     Celydon   -    Korindim                                       ATALANTIC OCEAN                     ESARTUR
    |                |              |
Ebiria     -     Castigon  -    Aegeas  (Kentaur Isle)
(Hanoma)                            |
            ALMERIA             South Sea   -   Surdassic Sea    TENOCHLAN
                                                  Quetlatl   -   Tetlacana

Alphabetical Order


Almeria East Coast Entrance ( 30, -9, 0 ) Visigonia Entry point to the east coast of Almeria (north there's only rocks, impossible to enter by land). Subject to change as more convenient points of entry are found.

Arborlon (14, -34, 0) Calais

Arcadia (-9, 4, 0) Quetlatl (Global: 153, -239, 0)

Argopolis (-2, -32, 1) Castigon (Global: -2, -113, 1)

Arnedio Shrine (-1, 13, 0) Quetlatl (Global: 161, -230, 0)

At'lordrith's Cave (17, -17, 4 ) Northlands

Auldbarrow (-15, 5, 2) Korindim


Banir Lok (20, 25, 1) Tetlacana

Bartziluth's Lair ( 4, 7, 1 ) Avalon (Dragon)


Caern Argnash (-9, -14, 0) Calais

Camelot ( 0, -10, 0 ) Avalon

Camille (-32, 11, 0) Celydon

Catelius Maximus ( -8, -11, 0 ) River Tethys

Caves of Confusion (0, 0, 0) An oasis Ebiria

Caves of Sionell (-25, -25, 3) Korindim

Kentaur Isle Entrance (40, 8, 0) in Aegeas go east to Kentaur Isle

Corna (33, 24, 0) Andala (Global: -48, 24, 0)

Corpore Scyros (?, ?, ?) Exoma

Coven Guildmaster (12, 14, 0) Gardagh wanders in this area

Crystal Caves (?, ?, ?) Exoma

Cult of Decay (-19, -10, 0) Visigonia


Darkhold (-14, -18, 5) Quetlatl

Darking Bog (21, -12, 0) Castigon (global 21, -93, 0)

Demonad jungle (-40, 9, 0) Tetlacana

Devonshire (-6, -18, 0 ) Avalon North Gate

Dome of Terror (-30, -3, 0) Tetlacana

Dracula's Castle (-34, -33, 2) Visigonia


Et'zlaerhi (25, -25, 0) Surdassic Sea

Evendim ( 13, -5, 0) Northlands

Exoma ( 9, 5, 0 ) River Tethys


Flametooth (23, 29, 0 ) Andala

Fort Shantaari (-38, -11, 0) Cimbra

Fort Boastt (-11, -27, 0) Ebiria


Giant Oak Tree (-30, 22, 1) Cimbra

Granite Tower ( -16, 11, 4 ) Northlands

Green Chapel ( -31, 34, 0 ) Avalon


Halfmoon Bay (30, 22, 0) Korindim

Hanoma (-40,40,0) Ebiria


Imptropolis (20, 28, 0) Ebiria

Isskarazh's Lair (-9, 8, -4) Kentaur Isle

Ivory Tower (22, 15, 0) Andala


Jack's Farm (-29, -28) Cimbra

Jhan (25, 10, 0) Andala


Kazarak Pillar (12, -12, 0) Ebiria

Kolond (-2, 19, 3) Korindim


The Lair of Girish (-15,22, 2) Quetlatl (Global: 147, -221, 2)

Lair of Winterchill ( -16, 16, 4 ) Northlands

Lakan (?, ?, ?) Exoma

Lakan (16, 1, 1) River Tethys

Liathyr (16, -31, 2) Calais (Global: -65, 50, 2)

Losthaven (-20, -24, 0) Cimbra (Global: -20, 57, 0)

Lupine Guildhall (0, 18, 0) Calais


Maidens of the Spear (?, ?, ?) Wandering Nomad Camp Ebiria

Massive oak tree (-30, 22, 1) Cimbra

Miyu's House (-26, 0, 0) Ebiria

Mount Doom ( 17, 17, 0 ) Northlands

Mycenae (25, 30, 0) Aegeas


Narn ( ?, ?, ?) Northlands

Nisbet ( 10, -14, 0 ) Northlands


Og (27, 8, 0) Calais (Global: -54, 89, 0)

Ordo Zephyrius Mutatoris (7, 34, 5) Tetlacana

Othrys(-1, 6, 1) Kentaur Isle


Partos (11, 15, 0) Ebiria




R'lyeh (28, -36, 0) Northeast Atalantic Ocean

Rajanin Windship *wanders Ebiria

Ranthos (-8, -9, -1) Korindim

Reapers (6,23,2) Quetlatl

River Tethys (?, ?, ?) Exoma

Rukhan (21, 22, 1) Celydon

Runic Stone (13, 22, 0) Gardagh


Sanctuary (-25, 11, 0) Quetlatl (Global: 137, -232, 0)

Semue Iera ( 3, 3, 3 ) River Tethys

Shadow Tower (13, -4, 2) Quetlatl (Global: 175, -247, 2)

Shakari ( 17, 6, 0 ) Northlands

Shatterspire (6, 9, 4) Cimbra

Silver Keep ( 17, -10, 0 ) Northlands

Site of a Recent Battle (26, 21, 0 ) Andala

Small Village (-35, -34, 0) Gardagh

Small Village (-22, -33, 0) Gardagh

Small Village (28, -30, 0) Gardagh

Small Village (-4, 35, 0) Gardagh

Small Village (23, 26, 0) Gardagh

Small Village (11, -12, 0) Gardagh

Small Village (-1, 13, 0) Gardagh

Spiderwood (-23, -23, 0) Cimbra

Sseraka (29, -12, 0) Castigon

St. Paedric's Monastery (-25, 18, 0) Cimbra

Standing Stones (??, ??, ??) Cimbra

Stillwater (-11, -27, 0) Cimbra

Storm Rock (3, -7, 0) Tetlacana

Sunken Cathedral (24, -8, 0) Castigon (entrance to west)


Tainaron ( -19, 2, 0 ) River Tethys (Hoop portal; Semue Iera 3,3,3)

Tainaron (-12, 15, 0) Quetlatl

Talaxia (9, 29, 0) Tetlacana

Temple Bloodmoon (0, 36, 0) Andala

Temple of Apollo (33,-10, 0) Aegeas

Temple of Asklepeios (-30, -20, 0) Castigon

Temple of Discordia (7, 25, 1) Cimbra

Temple of Aeda (2, -8, 0) Avalon (Phyrra)

Terrace (?, ?, ?) Exoma

Teryx (-2, -7, 4) Kentaur Isle

Teryx (-5, -7, 4) Kentaur Isle

Thessalae ( 0, -34, 0 ) Avalon

Thistlewood (-27, 2, 0) Cimbra

Tlaxcala (-19, 10, -2) Tetlacana

Togrek (-11, 12, 0) Cimbra

Twilight Tower (8, 8, 2) Avalon


Underdark (-20, 38, 2) Korindim


Valathyr (-12, -5, 0) Cimbra

Vanik's Tomb (-19, 21, 2) Tetlacana

Vanishing Tower (?, ?, ?) Exoma

Vanishing Tower (-5, 0,-1 ) River Tethys

Vargan (-5, -22, 0) Gardagh

Verynvelyrae (-15, 7, 0) Cimbra




Xi Feng Ming (-26, 15, 0) Ebiria

Xintatlaa (-35,-22,0) Quetlatl


Yellow Limestone Disc (-1, -2, -2) River Tethys (Hanoma)

Yevath (22, 5, 3) Skarlan


Zetesai (12, 3, 3) River Tethys

End of spoiler information.