Justicars of Axa

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 +<pre style="white-space: pre-wrap">
 +Behold! For among you lies the salvation of reality.
 +-- Lord Knight Martrim Berault
- Behold! For among you lies the salvation of reality. Lord Knight Martrim Berault+Throughout the ages, the forces of chaos have run rampant across the planes, dominating all that they have encountered. For centuries, these armies of discord were left to sweep through existence like a great sea, and consume the natural order of the cosmos. From their beginnings, these chaotic forces were opposed, first by those seeking to keep a balance, to keep neutrality, but they were fighting a two front war, that against the chaos, and another to stem the battle of good and evil, from destroying all. It was not until three hundred years ago, by human reckoning, that the great divinities of law, Axa, Torm, and Mithras, had decided to step in on behalf of reality. With the arrival of the lords of law, the forces of chaos prepared for the coming battle, quickly amassing more devotees to their cause, for the road of chaos is easy to travel. Yet those who did not eagerly seek the easiest path found themselves in the arms of Lady Axa the Lawbringer. They were to be the first of the Justicars.
- Throughout the ages, the forces of chaos have run rampant across the planes, dominating all that they have encountered. For centuries, these armies of discord were left to sweep through existence like a great sea, and consume the natural order of the cosmos. From their beginnings, these chaotic forces were opposed, first by those seeking to keep a balance, to keep neutrality, but they were fighting a two front war, that against the chaos, and another to stem the battle of good and evil, from destroying all. It was not until three hundred years ago, by human reckoning, that the great divinities of law, Axa, Torm, and Mithras, had decided to step in on behalf of reality. With the arrival of the lords of law, the forces of chaos prepared for the coming battle, quickly amassing more devotees to their cause, for the road of chaos is easy to travel. Yet those who did not eagerly seek the easiest path found themselves in the arms of Lady Axa the Lawbringer. They were to be the first of the Justicars.+The Justicars of Axa are the most militant of the factions venerating the gods of law. For them, the destruction of all chaos is the ultimate goal, one which can never be reached, but one they continue to strive for regardless. The Justicars are well trained in martial prowess, masters of the discipline known simply as Tsar Quen. No Justicar is ever without a weapon, as long as they remain faithful to their lord. Even without arms or armour, a Justicar can call upon Axa for divine intervention, which forms the base reason for the pious devotion of the Justicar to the goddess of justice.
- The Justicars of Axa are the most militant of the factions venerating the gods of law. For them, the destruction of all chaos is the ultimate goal, one which can never be reached, but one they continue to strive for regardless. The Justicars are well trained in martial prowess, masters of the discipline known simply as Tsar Quen. No Justicar is ever without a weapon, as long as they remain faithful to their lord. Even without arms or armour, a Justicar can call upon Axa for divine intervention, which forms the base reason for the pious devotion of the Justicar to the goddess of justice.+The price of such power, such righteous might, is not cheap. Upon enlistment with the Justicars, one ceases to be an individual. All the Justicars are a lesser part of a whole, something which is much larger then themselves. Each Justicar is expected to follow the orders of those above them in the chain of command, lest the forces of chaos destroy the order of the Justicars because of unorganization. As a devotee of Axa, the Justicar is expected to maintain impeccable morals, worthy of a pious follower of the goddess of justice. Failure to do so could result in dismissal of all granted powers or possibly execution for treason. For the Justicar, any sign of chaos must be destroyed. If their own members cannot be trusted to not stray upon the path of discord, how can they expect to ever win their eternal struggle, which will rage forevermore?
- The price of such power, such righteous might, is not cheap. Upon enlistment with the Justicars, one ceases to be an individual. All the Justicars are a lesser part of a whole, something which is much larger then themselves. Each Justicar is expected to follow the orders of those above them in the chain of command, lest the forces of chaos destroy the order of the Justicars because of unorganization. As a devotee of Axa, the Justicar is expected to maintain impeccable morals, worthy of a pious follower of the goddess of justice. Failure to do so could result in dismissal of all granted powers or possibly execution for treason. For the Justicar, any sign of chaos must be destroyed. If their own members cannot be trusted to not stray upon the path of discord, how can they expect to ever win their eternal struggle, which will rage forevermore?}+See also: [[justicar invocations]], [[justicar realizations]], [[justicar orisons]], [[tsar quen]], [[justicar resistance]], [[shield of axa]]
- See also: justicar invocations, justicar realizations, justicar prayers, tsar quen, justicar resistance, shield of axa+{{spoilers}}
-[[cleanse]], [[justicar combat]], [[consecrate area]], [[craft]], [[deliver judgement]],+ Lord Marshall Strom Thromgald says, -As Attuned, you could not become a fanatic by joining the Justicars of Axa.- to you.
-[[forge]], [[meditate]], [[Justicar Levels|levels]], [[benediction of the scales]].+ Lord Marshall Strom Thromgald says, -You cannot wield a Shield of Axa, and are therefore unfit to become a Justicar.- to you.
 + Lord Marshall Strom Thromgald says, -Your ways are too chaotic for the Justicars of Axa.- to you.
=Joining= =Joining=
Line 21: Line 26:
At the top of the tower and speak to [[Strom Thromgald]] to join up. At the top of the tower and speak to [[Strom Thromgald]] to join up.
You state, -enlist me with the justicars of Axa- in lyrically-accented Anglic. You state, -enlist me with the justicars of Axa- in lyrically-accented Anglic.
Line 35: Line 41:
Strom Thromgald says, -We will bring order back to this chaotic life.- in Anglic. Strom Thromgald says, -We will bring order back to this chaotic life.- in Anglic.
-{{spoilers}}+The shield does order damage.
 +At this point, you might find it helpful to go down a floor and pray at the chapel. Finding some training in the Caladan language wouldn't hurt either.
-=Powers=+=Accessible Affiliations=
-Consecrate area - Level 15 - 20 theology+Compatible with:
-Meditate - any level - 50 meditation, 60 eideturgy+*[[Crafty Linguists]]
 +*[[Gauric Legion|Garlic]]
 +*[[Losthaven Guard]]
 +*[[Storm Walkers]]
 +*[[Weapons of Vengeance]]
-Become Lord Questor - level 15 - be able to join the affil types it contains+=Banned Associations=
 +The following Affiliations are incompatible with Justies, some you could technically join but they would prevent you from using Justicar abilities due to (mostly) God conflicts
 +*Incompatible with [[:Category: Magician (affiliation types)|magicians]] specifically. Justicars are [[:Category: Fanatic (affiliation types)|fanatics]] and thus incompatible with the [[Attuned]]. Also incompatible with [[:Category: Avaricious (affiliation types)|Avaricious]] types ([[Gatherers]]).
 +*Incompatible with [[Lightbringers]]: "The golden-skinned male human says, -You cannot wield a Shield of Axa, and are therefore unfit to become a Justicar.- to you."
-Deliver Judgment - level 20 - ??? (probably piety/eideturgy?) 
-Cleanse - ??? - ??? Anatomy+*[[Agnihotri]] ''~ Assumed due to God conflict''
 +*[[Aristeia]] ''~ Can maybe join but will block Justie abilities (see God conflict)''
 +*[[Blades of Scyria]] ''~ Assumed due to God conflict''
 +*[[Brotherhood of Wine and Song]]
 +*[[Chosen of Vashanka]] ''~ Can join but will block Justie abilities (see God conflict)''
 +*[[Collegium Magistrorum]]
 +*[[Cuar Faernae]]
 +*[[Followers of Apollo]] ''~ Assumed due to God conflict''
 +*[[Ghaunadauri]] ''~ Assumed due to God conflict''
 +*[[Haruspices]] ''~ Assumed due to God conflict''
 +*[[Legion of Dynamic Discord]] ''~ Assumed due to God conflict''
 +*[[Maidens of the Spear]]
 +*[[Ollin Tonatiuh]] ''~ Assumed due to God conflict''
 +*[[The Pantarchic Church of Yehovah]] ''~ Assumed due to God conflict''
 +*[[Shadow Brethren]] ''~ Assumed due to God conflict''
 +*[[The Stalkers of the Gate]] ''~ Assumed no due to Neutrality''
 +*[[Synodia Lykouros]] ''~ Assumed due to God conflict''
 +*[[Synousia Algesis]] ''~ Assumed due to God conflict''
 +*[[Ygellethites]] ''~ Assumed due to God conflict''
-Ralnos explains: All powers in this guild require a smattering of skills, dependant on the skill in question. An example of this is that "meditating upon the glory of Axa" requires a meditation of at least over 50, as well as other skills, I'm sure, alongside a level requirement. Also. It's far easier to forge weapons at first than craft armour, so keep that in mind. Crafting any form of armor requires more skills than forging basic weapons.+=Trainers=
 +They're all 1 floor down from Strom.
 +*[[Coelwin]] (classroom, north)
 + Coelwin states, -I can provide instruction in anatomy, the Anglic
 + language, animal lore, biology, the Caladan language, cosmology, elder lore,
 + first aid, history, law, meditation, orienteering, physics, the art of prose,
 + psychology, rune lore, and theology.- to you.
 +*[[Merianna]] the Daunting (sparring hall, west)
 + Merianna asserts, -I can provide instruction in awareness, the use of
 + axes, blindfighting, the use of bludgeons, brawling, combat reflexes, the use
 + of daggers, demolition, the ability to find an opponent's weakness, the use of
 + flails, the use of hammers, hardiness, killer instinct, lack of weakness,
 + martial arts, the use of pole arms, the ability to make a precision strike,
 + the use of the shield, the use of spears, strategy, the use of swords,
 + tactics, the ability to torture, and unarmed combat.- to you.
 +*[[Trandrelim]] (library, south)
 + Trandrelim states, -I can provide instruction in aisthophrasty,
 + althexiphrasty, aretophrasty, bellerophrasty, the Caladan language,
 + concentration, diplomacy, divination, enchantment, ergiphrasty, etiquette,
 + evocation, heraldry, hylophrasty, lexiturgy, literacy, nymophrasty,
 + scholarship, and theurgy.- to you.
 +*[[Edwin]] (gymnasium, east)
 + Edwin states, -I can provide instruction in athleticism, breath control,
 + discipline, the ability to dodge, instant stand, the dealing of massive blows,
 + piety, practice, recuperation, resilience, running, somatesthesia, stamina,
 + steadiness, subordination, and swimming.- to you.
 +*[[Strom Thromgald]] (highest floor, east)
 + Lord Marshal Strom Thromgald says, -I can provide instruction in combat
 + meditation, demolition, and invocation.- to you.
 +**He does intro CMed.
=Specialty Access= =Specialty Access=
Line 76: Line 144:
[[Carving]] 1 [[Carving]] 1
[[Centering]] 1 [[Centering]] 1
- [[Channeling]] 1 
[[Chirurgery]] 1 [[Chirurgery]] 1
[[Climbing]] 2 [[Climbing]] 2
[[Combat Reflexes]] 10 [[Combat Reflexes]] 10
 + [[Combat Meditation]] 5 (may increase)
[[Concentration]] 12 [[Concentration]] 12
[[Courage]] 22 [[Courage]] 22
Line 95: Line 163:
[[Elude Pursuit]] 5 [[Elude Pursuit]] 5
[[Equestrian]] 6 [[Equestrian]] 6
 + [[Equilibrium]] 1
[[Equipment Maintenance]] 10 [[Equipment Maintenance]] 10
[[Etiquette]] 6 [[Etiquette]] 6
Line 169: Line 238:
[[Tactics]] 12 [[Tactics]] 12
[[Tanning]] 1 [[Tanning]] 1
- [[Telesmatic Weapon]] 4 
[[Theology]] 5 [[Theology]] 5
[[Throwing]] 6 [[Throwing]] 6
Line 178: Line 246:
[[Vocalization]] 2 [[Vocalization]] 2
[[Weapon Lore]] 6 [[Weapon Lore]] 6
 + [[Wyrding]] 4
 + [OOC Ngaathu] ordained weapon creates weapons miles ahead of the best
 + artifacts when you hit 100%
 + [OOC Ngaathu] And a full tank justie is basically invincible
 + [OOC Ngaathu] 100% create echelon armour with all of the resistances from
 + speccing into piety
 + [OOC Ngaathu] Shits crazy
 + [OOC Ngaathu] Justies make longswords that have a base damage of over 100
 + [OOC Faendal] damn
 + [OOC Ngaathu] For reference, your karambits base damage is 2.5 (ring of poeinoiera)
 + [OOC Faendal] well my karambit.. looks cool...
 + [OOC Ngaathu] That's true
 + [OOC Ngaathu] Justicars are like, 40k space marines. Questors are the imperial
 + guard
 + [OOC Faendal] lol
 + [OOC Faendal] i'm suckered in by talks of op weapons
 + [OOC Ngaathu] Axa is the emperor
{{endspoilers}} {{endspoilers}}
[[Category: Affiliations]] [[Category: Affiliations]]

Current revision

Behold!  For among you lies the salvation of reality.  
-- Lord Knight Martrim Berault

Throughout the ages, the forces of chaos have run rampant across the planes, dominating all that they have encountered. For centuries, these armies of discord were left to sweep through existence like a great sea, and consume the natural order of the cosmos. From their beginnings, these chaotic forces were opposed, first by those seeking to keep a balance, to keep neutrality, but they were fighting a two front war, that against the chaos, and another to stem the battle of good and evil, from destroying all. It was not until three hundred years ago, by human reckoning, that the great divinities of law, Axa, Torm, and Mithras, had decided to step in on behalf of reality. With the arrival of the lords of law, the forces of chaos prepared for the coming battle, quickly amassing more devotees to their cause, for the road of chaos is easy to travel. Yet those who did not eagerly seek the easiest path found themselves in the arms of Lady Axa the Lawbringer. They were to be the first of the Justicars.

The Justicars of Axa are the most militant of the factions venerating the gods of law. For them, the destruction of all chaos is the ultimate goal, one which can never be reached, but one they continue to strive for regardless. The Justicars are well trained in martial prowess, masters of the discipline known simply as Tsar Quen. No Justicar is ever without a weapon, as long as they remain faithful to their lord. Even without arms or armour, a Justicar can call upon Axa for divine intervention, which forms the base reason for the pious devotion of the Justicar to the goddess of justice.

The price of such power, such righteous might, is not cheap. Upon enlistment with the Justicars, one ceases to be an individual. All the Justicars are a lesser part of a whole, something which is much larger then themselves. Each Justicar is expected to follow the orders of those above them in the chain of command, lest the forces of chaos destroy the order of the Justicars because of unorganization. As a devotee of Axa, the Justicar is expected to maintain impeccable morals, worthy of a pious follower of the goddess of justice. Failure to do so could result in dismissal of all granted powers or possibly execution for treason. For the Justicar, any sign of chaos must be destroyed. If their own members cannot be trusted to not stray upon the path of discord, how can they expect to ever win their eternal struggle, which will rage forevermore?

See also: justicar invocations, justicar realizations, justicar orisons, tsar quen, justicar resistance, shield of axa

Spoiler warning: information below includes details, such as solutions to puzzles or quest procedures, that you may prefer to discover on your own.



   Lord Marshall Strom Thromgald says, -As Attuned, you could not become a fanatic by joining the Justicars of Axa.- to you.
   Lord Marshall Strom Thromgald says, -You cannot wield a Shield of Axa, and are therefore unfit to become a Justicar.- to you.
   Lord Marshall Strom Thromgald says, -Your ways are too chaotic for the Justicars of Axa.- to you.


First you will need to join the Questors of Axa in Jhan.

After you've become a questor, go to Ivory Tower.

At the top of the tower and speak to Strom Thromgald to join up.

   You state, -enlist me with the justicars of Axa- in lyrically-accented Anglic.

   You hold your round golden steel shield in your right hand.
   You are now a first-degree specialist in concentration and shield. [event logged]
   Strom Thromgald bows to you.
   Strom Thromgald says, -Upon accepting this shield, you pledge to fight in the Even-Handed's name.- in Anglic.
   Strom Thromgald says, -Welcome, Volundr, and may the radiance of Axa forever shine upon you.- in Anglic.
   Strom Thromgald says, -We will bring order back to this chaotic life.- in Anglic.

The shield does order damage.

At this point, you might find it helpful to go down a floor and pray at the chapel. Finding some training in the Caladan language wouldn't hurt either.

Accessible Affiliations

Compatible with:

Banned Associations

The following Affiliations are incompatible with Justies, some you could technically join but they would prevent you from using Justicar abilities due to (mostly) God conflicts

  • Incompatible with magicians specifically. Justicars are fanatics and thus incompatible with the Attuned. Also incompatible with Avaricious types (Gatherers).
  • Incompatible with Lightbringers: "The golden-skinned male human says, -You cannot wield a Shield of Axa, and are therefore unfit to become a Justicar.- to you."


They're all 1 floor down from Strom.

   Coelwin states, -I can provide instruction in anatomy, the Anglic
language, animal lore, biology, the Caladan language, cosmology, elder lore,
first aid, history, law, meditation, orienteering, physics, the art of prose,
psychology, rune lore, and theology.- to you.
  • Merianna the Daunting (sparring hall, west)
   Merianna asserts, -I can provide instruction in awareness, the use of
axes, blindfighting, the use of bludgeons, brawling, combat reflexes, the use
of daggers, demolition, the ability to find an opponent's weakness, the use of
flails, the use of hammers, hardiness, killer instinct, lack of weakness,
martial arts, the use of pole arms, the ability to make a precision strike,
the use of the shield, the use of spears, strategy, the use of swords,
tactics, the ability to torture, and unarmed combat.- to you.
   Trandrelim states, -I can provide instruction in aisthophrasty,
althexiphrasty, aretophrasty, bellerophrasty, the Caladan language,
concentration, diplomacy, divination, enchantment, ergiphrasty, etiquette,
evocation, heraldry, hylophrasty, lexiturgy, literacy, nymophrasty,
scholarship, and theurgy.- to you.
   Edwin states, -I can provide instruction in athleticism, breath control,
discipline, the ability to dodge, instant stand, the dealing of massive blows,
piety, practice, recuperation, resilience, running, somatesthesia, stamina,
steadiness, subordination, and swimming.- to you.
   Lord Marshal Strom Thromgald says, -I can provide instruction in combat
meditation, demolition, and invocation.- to you.
    • He does intro CMed.

Specialty Access

To include access from Questors, as it is a requirement.

Skill				Access Level
Anatomy				5
Anglic				5
Animal Lore			1
Appraisal			1
Archery				6
Armour Lore			6
Armour Use			10
Artillery			8
Athleticism			10
Awareness			6
Axe				10
Balance				4
Blindfighting			4
Bludgeon			10
Brawling			12
Break Fall			4
Breath Control			1
Calligraphy			5
Carpentry			1
Carving				1
Centering			1
Chirurgery			1
Climbing			2
Combat Reflexes			10
Combat Meditation               5 (may increase)
Concentration			12
Courage				22
Crossbow			6
Dagger				10
Dancing				6
Demolition			1
Dethek				5
Diplomacy			6
Dirty Fighting			1
Discipline			2 (Min. 1)
Dodge				6
Drawing				1
Eideturgy			22
Elude Pursuit			5
Equestrian			6
Equilibrium			1
Equipment Maintenance		10
Etiquette			6
Exaltation of Law		22 (Min. 1)
Finance				5
Find Weakness			10
Firefighting			8
First Aid			6
Flail				10
Fortitude of Law		22 (Min. 1)
Gambling			1
Gem Lore			2
Haggling			2
Hammer				10
Hardiness			6
Heraldry			5
History				6
Insect Lore			1
Instant Stand			4
Intelligence Analysis		5
Intimidation			2
Invocation			22 (Min. 1)
Jumping				2
Killer Instinct			1
Lack of Weakness		6
Law				22 (Min. 1)
Leadership			20 (Min. 1)
Leatherworking			1
Legend Lore			2
Literacy			6
Load Bearing			4
Logistics			5
Manipulation			1
Martial Arts			10
Masonry				1
Massive Blow			10
Massive Exertion		6
Meditation			5
Memory				2
Metallurgy			6
Mineral Lore			4
Mounted Combat			6
Orienteering			1
Ownership			4
Pain Tolerance			5
Piety				22 (Min. 1)
Plant Lore			1
Pole Arm			10
Politics			2
Practice			6
Precision Strike		6
Prose				5
Quickness			4
Recuperation			6
Resilience			6
Rhetoric			4
Riding				6
Rune Lore			6
Running				2
Scholarship			1
Sculpture			5
Shield				20 (Min. 1)
Sling				6
Smithing			6
Spear				10
Sperethiel			5
Staff				10
Stamina				6
Steadiness			10
Strategy			10
Subordination			22 (Min. 1)
Swimming			2
Sword				12
Tactics				12
Tanning				1
Theology			5
Throwing			6
Torture				4
Training			2
Tumbling			4
Unarmed Combat			10
Vocalization			2
Weapon Lore			6
Wyrding				4
[OOC Ngaathu] ordained weapon creates weapons miles ahead of the best
artifacts when you hit 100%
[OOC Ngaathu] And a full tank justie is basically invincible
[OOC Ngaathu] 100% create echelon armour with all of the resistances from
speccing into piety
[OOC Ngaathu] Shits crazy
[OOC Ngaathu] Justies make longswords that have a base damage of over 100
[OOC Faendal] damn
[OOC Ngaathu] For reference, your karambits base damage is 2.5 (ring of poeinoiera)
[OOC Faendal] well my karambit.. looks cool...
[OOC Ngaathu] That's true
[OOC Ngaathu] Justicars are like, 40k space marines. Questors are the imperial
[OOC Faendal] lol
[OOC Faendal] i'm suckered in by talks of op weapons
[OOC Ngaathu] Axa is the emperor
End of spoiler information.
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