Locations and Landmarks

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( 9, 5, 0 ) Alcove with field ([[Exoma]]) ( 9, 5, 0 ) Alcove with field ([[Exoma]])
-(-5, 0,-1 ) Door to the [[Vanishing Tower]]+(-5, 0,-1 ) Door to the [[Dunjon]]
(-1, -2, -2) Alcove with circular-pattern-lined yellow limestone disc ([[Hanoma]]?) (-1, -2, -2) Alcove with circular-pattern-lined yellow limestone disc ([[Hanoma]]?)

Revision as of 12:16, 25 July 2014

Geography of Aedaris.
Geography of Aedaris.
Spoiler warning: information below includes details, such as solutions to puzzles or quest procedures, that you may prefer to discover on your own.


Map Overview

If you're blind, you want this: The Worldmap As a Table

"I have no idea if this will render or not, but here is the basic structure as given to me by Lysator." - Twilight

                 Northlands                        Gardagh
                     |                                |
Calais     -     Cimbra    -    Visigonia    -     Avalon  -  NW Atalantic  -   N Atalantic   -   NE Atalantic  -   Skarlan
    |                |              |
Andala     -     Celydon   -    Korindim                                       ATALANTIC OCEAN                     ESARTUR
    |                |              |
Ebiria     -     Castigon  -    Aegeas  (Kentaur Isle)
(Hanoma)                            |
            ALMERIA             South Sea   -   Surdassic Sea    TENOCHLAN
                                                  Quetlatl   -   Tetlacana





(25, 30, 0) Mycenae Global(106, -51, 0)

(33,-10, 0) Temple of Apollo (Global: 114, -91, 0)

(7, 28, 0) The Labyrinth of Knossos (Global: 88, -53, 0)

(40, 8, 0) Sounion (Global: 121, -73, 0; Go east to enter it, and then swim east-down to reach the underwater town.)

Kentaur Isle

(40, 8, 0 in Aegeas, go southeast to enter Kentaur Isle) Global: 121, -72, 0

(-9, 8, -2) Entrance to Tiamat's Lair

(-5, -7, 4) Teryx

(-2, -7, 4) Teryx other entrance

(-1, 6, 1) Othrys


(0, 36, 0) Temple Bloodmoon (Global: -81, 36, 0)

(25, 10, 0) Jhan (Global: -56, 10, 0)

(33, 24, 0) Corna (Global: -48, 24, 0)

(22, 15, 0) Ivory Tower (Global: -59, 15, 0)

(23, 29, 0) Lair of Flametooth (Global: -58, 29, 0)

(-24, 12, 0) Soulburners (Global: -105, 12, 0)

(26, 21, 0) Site of a recent battle (Global: -55, 21)


(0, 18, 0) Lupine Guildhall (Global: -81, 99, 0)

(27, 8, 0) Og (Global: -54, 89, 0)

(16, -31, 2) Liathyr (Global: -65, 50, 2)

(-9, -14, 0) Caern Argnash (Global: -90, 67, 0)

(14, -34, 0) Arborlon (Global: -67, 47, 0)


(-30, -20, 0) Temple of Asklepeion (Global: -30, -101, 0)

(21, -12, 0) Darking Bog (global: 21, -93, 0)

(29, -12, 0) Sseraka (global: 29, -93, 0)

(24, -8, 0) Outside of the Sunken Cathedral (global: 24, -89, 0) (entrance to west)

(-2, -32, 1)(-2, -113, 1) the mountain city of Argopolis


(-32, 11, 0) Camille (Global: -32, 11)

(21, 22, 1) Rukhan (Global: 21, 22, 1)

(33, 3, 3) Gurbodax (Global: 33, 3, 3)


(-21, -24, 0) Losthaven (Global: -21, 57, 0)

(7, 25, 1) Temple of Discordia (Global: 7, 106, 1)

(6, 9, 4) Shatterspire (Global: 6, 90, 4)

(-38, -11, 0) Fort Shantaari (Global: -38, 70)

(-11, 12, 0) Togrek - Orc Village (Global: -11, 93)

(-12, -5, 0) Valathyr (Global: -12, 76, 0)

(-27, 2, 0) Thistlewood (Global: -27, 83)

(-11, -27, 0) Stillwater (Global: -11, 54, 0)

(-15, 7, 0) Verynvelyrae guildhall (Global: -15, 88, 0)

(-25, 18, 0) St. Paedric's Monastery (Global: -25, 99)

(-29, -28) Jack's Farm (Global: -29, 53)

(-23, -23, 0) Spiderwood (Global: -23, 58)

(??, ??, ??) Standing Stones

(-30, 22, 1) Massive oak tree (Global: -30, 103, 1)

(-7, 35, 0) A small village of thatched-roof huts


(-40,40,0) Hanoma (Global: -121, -41, 0)

(-26, 15, 0) Xi Feng Ming (Global: -107, -66, 0)

(-26, 0, 0) Miyu's House (Global: -107, -81, 0)

(11, 15, 0) Partos (Global: -70, -66, 0)

(12, -12, 0) Kazarak pillar (Global: -69, -93, 0)

(20, 28, 0) Imptropolis (Global -61, -53, 0)

(0, 0, 0) An oasis (Caves of Confusion) "enter oasis" to get inside (Global -81, -81, 0)

( -11, -27, 0) Fort Boastt (Global -92, -108, 0)

  • wander Rajanin windship


(-15, 5, 2) Auldbarrow (Global 66, 5, 2)

(36, 22, 0) Halfmoon Bay (Global 117, 22, 0)

(-20, 38, 2) Loch Nether (aka the Underdark) (Global 61, 38, 1) is an underground region comprised of:

(-8, -9, -1) Ranthos (Global 73, -9, -1)

(-2, 19, 3) Kolond (Global 79, 19, 3)

(-25, -25, 3) Caves of Sionell (Global 56, -25, 3)

(-7, 1, 4) Necroptikon (Global 74, 1, 4)


( 17, 6, 0 ) Shakari (17, 168, 0 global)

( 13, -5, 0) Evendim (Goblin city) (13, 157, 0 global)

( 17, -10, 0 ) Silver Keep (17, 152,0 global)

( 17, -17, 2 ) At'lordrith's Cave (17, 145, 2)

( 17, 17, 0 ) Mount Doom (17, 179 global)

( -16, 16, 4 ) Lair of Winterchill

( 10, -14, 0 ) Nisbet (Aethoss homeland)

South Sea


(-19, -10, 0) Mouth of Ugior (Cult of Decay) (Global: 62, 71)

{-18, 32, 0} Vasbarghad (Global: 63, 113)

( 12, 5, 1) Iaocia (Global: 93, 86, 1)

  • Entry point to the east coast of Almeria (i.e. no climbing or flight needed) starts at y18 and southwards.


( 0, -10, 0 ) Camelot Global: 162, 71, 0.

(-6, -18, 0 ) Devonshire North Gate (Global: 156, 63)

( 2, -8, 0 ) Temple of Gaia (Phyrra) (Global: 164, 73, 0)

( 4, 8, 1 ) Bartziluth's lair (Dragon) (Global: 166, 89, 1)

( -31, 34, 0 ) The Green Chapel (Global: 131, 115)

( 0, -34, 0 ) Thessalae (Global: 162, 47, 0)

(8, 8, 2) Twilight Tower (Global: 170, 89, 2)


(-35, -34, 0) a small village of thatched roof huts

(-22, -33, 0) a small village of thatched roof huts

(28, -30, 0) a small village of thatched roof huts

(-5, -22, 0) Vargan (Global: (157, 140, 0)

(-4, 35, 0) A small village

(23, 26, 0) A small village

(11, -12, 0) a small village of thatched roof huts

(13, 22, 0) a forest of firs and pines with a runic stone

(20, 32, 0) Sinbyen (Global: 182, 194, 0)

(23, 20, 0) Coven dell

(-7, 32, 0) Muspelheim (Global: 155, 194, 0)

(-1, 13, 0) Sloan (Global: 161, 175, 0)

(-37, 4, 0) White Pine Cabin (Global: 125, 166, 0)



(-25, 11, 0) Sanctuary (Global: 137, -232, 0)

(-12, 15, 0) Tainaron (Global: 150, -228, 0)

(-14, -18, 5) Darkhold (Global: 148, -261, 5)

(13, -4, 2) Shadow Tower (Global: 175, -247, 2)

(-35,-22,0) Xintatlaa (Global: 127, -265, 0)

(6,23,2) Thanatanaos, the Reapers guildhall (Global: 168, -220, 2)

(-15,22, 2) the Lair of Girish(Global: 147, -221, 2)

(-9, 4, 0) Arcadia (Global: 153, -239, 0)

(-1, 13, 0) Arnedio Shrine (Global: 161, -230, 0)

Surdassic Sea

(25, -25, 0) Et'zlaerhi (Global: 187, -187, 0)

(-18, -39, 0) An island made from shells (Global: 144, -201, 0)


(20, 25, 1) Banir Lok (Global: 263, -218, 1)

(-19, 10, -2) Tlaxcala (Global: 224, -233, -2); city entrance is to the south

(3, -7, 0) Entrance to Storm Rock (Global: 246, -250, 0)

(7, 39, 0) Ordo Zephyrius Mutatoris guildhall (Global: 250, -204, 0)

(9, 29, 0) Talaxia (Global: 252, -214, 0)

(-19, 21, 2) Vanik's Tomb (Global: 224, -222, 2)

(-30, -3, 0) Dome of Terror (Global: 213, -246, 0)

(-40, 9, 0) The Demonad Jungle (Global: 203, -234, 0)

Atalantic Ocean

Northwest Atalantic Ocean

North Atalantic Ocean

Northeast Atalantic Ocean

(28, -36, 0) R'lyeh (Global 433, 45, 0)



(22, 5, 3) Yevath (Global: 508, 86, 3)

(20, 25, 0) Urzyketh's Lair (Global: 506, 106, 0)


This chaotic plane contains conduits to:

River Tethys

( -19, 2, 0 ) Flaming Hoop to Tainaron

( -8, -11, 0 ) Catelius Maximus

( 3, 3, 3 ) Death's Gate

( 9, 5, 0 ) Alcove with field (Exoma)

(-5, 0,-1 ) Door to the Dunjon

(-1, -2, -2) Alcove with circular-pattern-lined yellow limestone disc (Hanoma?)

(16, 1, 1) Alcove with crackling field of lightning (Lakan)

(10, -3, 2) (approx) Zetesai guildhall

End of spoiler information.